Another iPad coming soon? iSlate?

in iPad edited January 2014
Does anyone remember a recent insider report where someone said Apple planned to release 2 tablets but one was delayed and they were going to just put out the smaller one now and the bigger one in the summer?

Thought it was someone with a Japanese name that said this...

I wonder if this might be why the 1000 dollar price thing was so wrong?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,429moderator
    More like they made multiple prototypes and settled on the 10" one. I don't think any others will make it to market as it would confuse the pricing structure greatly as well as annoy developers trying to optimize for the screen size.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Maybe eventually. I think the only major change will be when iPhone OS 4.0 comes out. I feel like the software is really lacking... visually. I seriously doubt Steve Jobs ok'd that unlock screen. It's soo.. blank?

    I'm loving this device so far I just want Multitasking, widgets and a camera or two.
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