With the intro of the iPad, is it now time for iPhone nano...?!?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Okay, I like the iPhone...

Small(ish), can do a bunch of stuff...

And I love the new iPad!

But, actual cell phone calls aside (and texting for the kids), there is now a LOT of overlap between the two products...

So, if I get an iPad (here I am saying 'if' like it might not happen), why would I NEED all the functionality of an iPhone?

I think it is time for Apple to release an iPhone nano; cellphone, camera, text & music, maybe contacts & to-dos...

The iPhone nano shouldn't have a data plan, just voice plans (and, again, texting for the kids)...

My two cents anyway...!



  • Reply 1 of 2
    applepiapplepi Posts: 365member
    No. The 3g adit is is already down to $99. The iPhone is a smart phone.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    macroninmacronin Posts: 1,174member
    With the new change to the SDK, allowing VoIP calls over 3G, an iPad & a BlueTooth headset/microphone combo may be all I need for cell calls down the road...

    No iPhone, nano or otherwise, needed!

    Now if Apple will just add two cameras (one facing each way) to the iPad; then I would be able to take pics/shoot casual video & video chat on the iPad as well!

    Not even available for sale yet, and I already want to see what rev.2 brings to the platform...
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