Not sure how much I am going to use it but there is one movie I want to convert. Even though it's only 5 bucks, looking for something free and easy to use. If this is only one of the cheapest then Thank you.
You can burn MKV to a DVD. Most DVD players won't play it, though. Is that what you want to do?
MKV is nothing but a container, it contains:
0. video - usually MPEG-4 compatible
1. audio - may be AAC, MP3, OGG
To answer your question you should tell us what are the capabilities of your DVD player. Maybe it can demux and play MP4. In this case the task may be as simple as re-muxing your MKV file.
MKV is nothing but a container, it contains:
0. video - usually MPEG-4 compatible
1. audio - may be AAC, MP3, OGG
To answer your question you should tell us what are the capabilities of your DVD player. Maybe it can demux and play MP4. In this case the task may be as simple as re-muxing your MKV file.