"The phones will be owned by OEMs, and you'll see different form factors and choices,"
Which by default nullifies any real advantage this device could have had.
Like having the ability to choose a manufacturer with a physical keyboard if I wanted?
Being a brand new base platform, Windows Phone 7 won't have four different versions floating around like Android. Plus, the specs and requirements of the phones will be tightly controlled by Microsoft themselves.
And those are real reasons to want multitasking. I've used it in my jailbroken iPhone and want it the official build, what I don't want is anything you guys have been saying about how it should work or this fallacy that it doesn't degrade the UX.
Let's examine what he said. That is a clear inference of multitasking has no affect on the system despite my claims that it does. I can point you to many websites backing up my own experiences. This isn't a court of law so there are no need for legal loopholes he can fall through by saying "{center}I never said those exact words{/center}". If you two were to be rational about it you would say something along the lines of "opening a music streaming app to run in the background, which most people want anyway, uses little additional resources and therefore impacts the battery very little. It's only when you max out the RAM by having an excessive number of apps running that the performance and battery take a severe hit."
My 3GS used only used about 5% an hour with Pandora running in the background. I know this because I actually tested this. My comments on backgrounding are coming from experience not some emotion filled desire to hate on Apple for not supplying this feature back in 2007.
The more you keep going on and on and on about matters of which you have long been proven 'in error', the more petty and obsessive you appear.
Suggestion: Act as any mature adult should and accept that you 'misinterpreted' what was posted and leave it be.
The more you keep going on and on and on about matters of which you have long been proven 'in error', the more petty and obsessive you appear.
Suggestion: Act as any mature adult should and accept that you 'misinterpreted' what was posted and leave it be.
No Harm - No Foul[/CENTER]
Don't blame me because you communicate no better than an unloved 10yo with ADHD. Instead of your "I didn't mean that" posts, how about actually using your big boy words and saying what you mean.
[CENTER]"Look at me! Look at me!"
Note: If you continue to be caustic and abusive to everyone I'll continue to put the smack down on you.[/CENTER]
Why would they want to copy the iPhone interface when they can create something much better?
"much better" - 'better' maybe, however they can't pull off a miracle, they're still hamstrung by the fact that it's a UI for a mobile device.
They can't turn it into Windows 7 'mobile' (despite the name), just as Apple can't produce OS X 'mobile' - even if they build their own mobile CPU/GPU.
What Microsoft have done is highlight just how boring and dated the iPhone UI is. Someone had better tell Steve it's time for an update.
I think Steve has an update in the 'wings'
The problem is that I see a masterpiece, but it's only a promise. I don't see any actual phones. 12 months is a lifetime in the mobile world and Apple\\Google could overhaul their own UIs and leave Microsoft behind before a Win7 mobile ever hits the store shelves.
Agreed, but where is this masterful phone?
I'm also interested to see if Microsoft can actually make their UI work fast and without chewing through the battery. The iPhone may be looking dated, but at least it is very fast and very kind to the battery.
Apple had to make it battery-friendly, with a 'fixed' battery, there's no other choice.
"The phones will be owned by OEMs, and you'll see different form factors and choices,"
Which by default nullifies any real advantage this device could have had.
Microsoft again opts to stick to the fragmented mess model (a la Google) which is designed up to appeal to everyone but the end users.
The issue may not be the as it is with WinMo ≤6.5. MS looks like they want to keep the HW restrictions well controlled. Hopefully they've learned a few things from the Zune's single vendor design and will keep the OEM requirements tight. It surely won't be like Android, which is a free OS that can be altered and manipulated by anyone and everyone.
The User Interface looks awesome but honestly, like the iPad, it's still vapourware. Until we can hold it, use it , play with it and work with it in real life , it's just that. Honestly, Apple and Goggle as well as Palm WebOS and Nokia can match that as well with their own unique versions early next year. Remember , by the time Microsoft release their Win Phone 7 during the holiday season, the competition are already finalizing their next generation phones and halfway through finishing their respective phone OS.
That is the reason why I question the timing of their release. During the Holiday season, everyone knows the Apple, Nokia , Android and Palm will be showing off their 2011 stuff in January and early February. And depending on how they want to squeeze Microsoft into a jam, might even release their products in March and April 2011, months early from their respective regular upgrade cycle . If Microsoft would had timed their product release during the Apple's upgrade cycle this coming June, they would have literally stole the thunder from Apple, gain market and mind share and slow the Android platform down in that order and might have finished the Palm platform for good in the side. But alas, because of their decision, Microsoft must make sure that Windows Phone 7 must work with all phones made by it's partners with stability, reliability and user friendliness in mind in November or December during the series' release. Microsoft's margin for error is not very forgiving.
DaHarder, one of the greatest advantage of Apple being a systems company is this, they can changed their UI paradigm and the hardware that accompanies it because they can and they will, anytime they wanted to. They are big enough to matter, but nimble enough to counter the competition. And they have Jobs and his Lieutenants and their teams to make a kick ass UI and hardware to accompany it by early spring next year . Those patents they are hoarding jealously will then come into play.
As much as I dislike Microsoft, I also want competition to improve Apple and the rest. Microsoft would have a very good chance of at least beating Apple at their game this year and be truly competitive next year to tackle the Apple, Goggle and Nokia respectively. In the end though, I suspect by the end of next year, Microsoft will be force to drop it's cell phone partners and build their own phone in order to take advantage of Win Phone 7 strengths as well as to take control of their upgrade cycle in order to challenge the top 4 smartphone players.
Don't blame me because you communicate no better than an unloved 10yo with ADHD. Instead of your "I didn't mean that" posts, how about actually using your big boy words and saying what you mean.
[CENTER]"Look at me! Look at me!"
Note: If you continue to be caustic and abusive to everyone I'll continue to put the smack down on you.[/CENTER]
[CENTER]Given that the topic of this thread is Microsoft Unveils Windows Phone 7 Series, please at least try to stay on topic, and refrain from petty disruptions, harassment, rudeness, and temper tantrums that add absolutely nothing to the conversation.
Yes, I understand that Solipsism (a philosophical idea that one's own mind is all that exist) is your chosen screen name, but you're really taking said monicker far too seriously.
For The Record: Indeed it is you who constantly screams 'Look At Me! Look At Me! with your constant thread disruptions and unprovoked lashing out.
In my world, neither you nor your narcissistic love of self matter one iota, and I kindly request that you place me on your {IGNORE} list and move on.
DaHarder, one of the greatest advantage of Apple being a systems company is this, they can changed their UI paradigm and the hardware that accompanies it because they can and they will, anytime they wanted to. They are big enough to matter, but nimble enough to counter the competition. And they have Jobs and his Lieutenants and their teams to make a kick ass UI and hardware to accompany it by early spring next year . Those patents they are hoarding jealously will then come into play.
[CENTER]Understood, but...
It would be rather uncharacteristic of Apple to so drastically overhaul their Mobile OS given that the 'simplicity' of said environment is a large part of its success.
It would also be strange for them to perform such a dramatic redesign after just showing their "New Creation' featuring a GUI that doesn't stray very far from Apple's current mobile OS.
"With limited memory available, especially on the Pixi models and the non-Plus Pre, apps with memory leaks can very quickly overwhelm the device and make it all slow and sluggish. If you can manage to go for several days without being forced to reset, you may notice that it just keeps getting slower and slower."
"Thankfully, homebrew developer zinge has come to our rescue with the Reboot Scheduler app. This is a complete shutdown/restart, so everything starts all fresh and chipper when the phone is finished rebooting."
Children, play nice. Stay on topic and be polite. Also: grow a thick skin and don't ask the moderators to sort out petty squabbles.
Just as a side note: centre aligning your text makes me more likely to skip past what you've written. Not callin' anyone out here, but it's a bit gauche.
[just got here. apologies to everyone who already has already covered these remarks.]
today we saw in Barcelona:
- at last, the two former big guys announce that this year they will finally offer competitive 2nd gen smartphone versions of their old OS platforms - MS' WinMo 7 and Nokia's Symbian 3 - three years after the iPhone revolution began, and well over a year after Google's Android alternative was born.
- one more OEM stand-alone (Linux variant) OS - Samsung's Bada - to soon join the other OEM standalone 2nd gen OS's - Palm's webOS and RIM's Storm BlackBerry 5.0 OS (neither of whom announced anything).
- MS announcing its own mobile cloud ecosystem integrated with Zune Store, XBox Live, and Office/Exchange, seeking to match Goggle's Android cloud and Apple's rapidly growing hardware-based ecosystem that will add the iPad in a few months and an further updated iPhone in June.
- Nokia, with Intel's support, announcing its intentions to create another free-to-all mobile OS - MeeGo - to compete with Google's upcoming Chrome and maybe the iPad (and Archos). but this will take some time.
- and, oh yeah, some new kind of industry wide app store or standardized app or whatever alliance (Handango is not enough?). sure, someday.
well all the fanboys for every one of the above can duke it out here about the merits of each versus the other, as i see they are already.
but a few general observations stand out above the fray:
- there is massive OS fragmentation going on. now for 2nd gen smartphones 3 any-OEM-can-use-it OS's plus 4 proprietary OS's. and 2 more any-OEM-can-use-it tablet/netbook OS's plus 2 proprietary ones.
- the countervailing unifying force of ecosystems is limited to MS, Apple, and Google, with Nokia hoping to catch up eventually (Ovi).
- all current WinMo and Symbian products were declared end-of-life today. instant clearance sale status.
finally, predictions:
- with no ecosystem, the Pre/Pixi and Storm are dead-ends. with it's solid and focused enterprise niche (although MS WinMo 7 will try to compete with it), RIM will be ok, but Palm is doomed.
- Nokia and Samsung are much stronger beyond the US, especially Asia and second/third world. so they will be also-rans in the US, but still post big numbers world-wide where ecosystems are not so important yet.
- Apple will hold on to a solid chunk of the market thanks to its highly integrated hardware ecosystem, which continues to evolve technically and expand physically, plus its big head start. it will be interesting to see if Apple further develops MobilMe this year. and if the iPad is a big hit. both would reinforce its position.
- So Apple and RIM can stand apart from the upcoming smartphone battle mostly. they have a solid market base. but Google, MS, and Nokia do not, and so are going to have a bloodbath in the marketplace starting in the Fall, all competing for the same customers. while the OEM's will just scramble and sell any OS they can.
i think Google was today's big loser. they are not the New Kid In Town anymore.
Just as a side note: centre aligning your text makes me more likely to skip past what you've written. Not callin' anyone out here, but it's a bit gauche.
Do I think Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 would be successful, I don't doubt it. But Microsoft made several mistakes and past histories that might hamper the platform's success .
1) The release date is a mistake for several reasons . Apple's iPhone generation 4 would be released around May-June with a new iPhone operating system at the same time. Goggle's Android platform which is more nimble in terms of hardware will sell next gen phones around spring and the whole summer with several software updates in between . Microsoft's new Phone OS operates on a 1.0 version that is also confounded with multiple hardware configurations made by different phone manufacturers.
2) Microsoft would have done better to make it's own phone and mated it with it's Windows 7 Phone OS for three reasons, accountability, reliability and also the ability to take charge in regards to the quality of the product. Apple have problems with batches of iPhones that will not received calls, crashed all the time or just plain fail for no reason at all especially during software updates. Imagine Microsoft's dilemma when they are faced with phones from different brands doing the same thing. Pointing fingers would become the norm and the brand will suffer
3) Reliability, Stability and KISS ( Keep It Simple Stupid) . Do these three things exceptionally well and your own customers will do the marketing for you. Right now, Microsoft is not well trusted in regards to most of it's products . They have to make sure that perception will change and fast.
4) Do not compete on hardware or software specs to impress the tech geeks , compete for the ordinary users . Buzz words are BS if the ordinary user can't used them reliably in real situations.
Get someone with a clear vision , a viable and intelligent plan and the imagination as well as the personality to personally head the Windows Phone division . Get Steve Ballmer out of there.
Hey Wil... I'm with ya again on this... except, keep BallMe_R. He's good for my Apple stock
Just my 2 cents on the User Interface. Horrendous and hideous come to mind, considering the device it's designed for... NOT! Animation overload as some one else mentioned. It gets boring, and most of all ANNOYING very fast.
Throw in the fact they are trying to be "Vogue" visually (how pathetic!)... it does not work here or on a device like this.
I can't wait to see those cut off title-heads in different languages... like German. That will be funny!
I also think MS would be better at having their own phone. It would give the staff in their stores something to do.
How many stores does MS have now? 3? 5? Haven't heard anything since I believe the Scottsdale opening... and am too lazy to Google it.
Children, play nice. Stay on topic and be polite. Also: grow a thick skin and don't ask the moderators to sort out petty squabbles.
Just as a side note: centre aligning your text makes me more likely to skip past what you've written. Not callin' anyone out here, but it's a bit gauche.
[CENTER]Understood, but it really does prove invaluable for the accessibility reasons previously explained... gauche or not.
Additionally: If it (center justification) 'legitimately' bothers someone that much, then those individuals are always free to skip and/or systematically [IGNORE] any/all post from a particular forum member, are they not?
Resorting to blatant harassment, bullying, profanity, threats (via private message), and unnecessary thread disruptions are simply uncalled for, and no one should be allowed to so blatantly violate written forum rules without repercussion, especially when so many others willingly adhere to those established/higher standards.
Please feel free to PM me on this matter at any time.
Although the interface has changed to compete with the iPhone's and looks really appealing. It still seems to be too hard to use for the common non-technical person. Millions still struggle to put their cell phones in silence mode because they haven't worked out the shortcut. The iPhone has a switch - very clever!
So, in order to really compete, MS need to change the paradigm again, much like what Apple has done with the iPhone. Plus the halo effect from the iPod has made Apple products "cool" to carry and use. MS still needs to break this "nerdy" "uncool" "too-techy", feeling. I don't think MS Mobile 7 will do it.
Although the interface has changed to compete with the iPhone's and looks really appealing. It still seems to be too hard to use for the common non-technical person.
[CENTER]It appears that MS is doing much more than merely trying to 'compete' here, especially if one approaches this iteration of the ZUNE GUI from a 'philosophical' perspective.
Those 'Menus That Don't Fit Entirely On The Screen' are representative of a system with a 'larger/unlimited vision', one that keeps providing more information as one explores one's surroundings.
Example:Look directly in front of yourself. Notice how you only see so much? Now move your head to the left. Then to the right. See how there's so much more to see simply by looking around? The world is so much more expansive if you simply look around - It's That Simple.
It's extremely 'fluid' and a far cry from the more 'boxed in' or 'wall' paradigms that one typically finds on such systems.
Personally: I find it even more Brilliantly realized here than even on the, very well executed, ZUNE HD effort.[/CENTER]
I don't think you read anything announced today. Windows Phone 7 has no code shared with Windows Mobile 6 and behind. It's a completely new OS.
It's just PR - a new interface is a new OS, when underneath it's Windows CE - a new version maybe, but Windows CE ultimately.
Until apps are recoded to use the new "Windows Phone 7" interface APIs (and there's no SDK that includes them yet), third party applications will be using the ancient Windows CE user interface controls still. Or they won't be compatible. And thus the device will have few third party applications available at launch. And given that developers will be looking at the sliding Windows Mobile marketshare today, they won't rush to get their apps running on Microsoft's idea of a touch interface.
On the positive side, I like what Microsoft have done with a horizontal slidey interface for their applications. However until I see and use it in practice it's meaningless, and it's not exactly stunning technologically - it could be that sliding to see information gets boring quite quickly.
If you had seen the live press conference, you would have seen that the UI is highly customizable. If you don't want a tile on the home screen, you can easily remove and it replace it with something that you prefer. Also, the existing tiles can all be edited/customized to your liking.
Sounds like the HTC interface on my Android phone. I can move around widgets / tiles, of differing sizes, over the different screens as I see fit. Some of those tiles are app launchers, some are far more interactive.
I've posted before that Apple needs widgets on its interface. I'm certain that they will have to be a part of iPhone OS 4, or the device's interface will start to look dated against competition that is finally in gear.
That looks way too confusing for the typical iPhone user. My Aunt Gladys would ruin her battery. And anything that might hurt Aunt Gladys is just evil.
The thing Apple seem good at is making an interface that works for the vast majority of regular users. That more techy people don't like not being able to customise it (and multi-task!) means they will lose sales from those people, but the vast majority of the market just doesn't care.
My neighbor has Downs Syndrome, and he loves his iTouch. Apple shouldn't change a thing, or else he'll get confused. He's a nice guy. I hope Apple never changes its interface.
"The phones will be owned by OEMs, and you'll see different form factors and choices,"
Which by default nullifies any real advantage this device could have had.
Like having the ability to choose a manufacturer with a physical keyboard if I wanted?
Being a brand new base platform, Windows Phone 7 won't have four different versions floating around like Android. Plus, the specs and requirements of the phones will be tightly controlled by Microsoft themselves.
And those are real reasons to want multitasking. I've used it in my jailbroken iPhone and want it the official build, what I don't want is anything you guys have been saying about how it should work or this fallacy that it doesn't degrade the UX.
Let's examine what he said. That is a clear inference of multitasking has no affect on the system despite my claims that it does. I can point you to many websites backing up my own experiences. This isn't a court of law so there are no need for legal loopholes he can fall through by saying "{center}I never said those exact words{/center}". If you two were to be rational about it you would say something along the lines of "opening a music streaming app to run in the background, which most people want anyway, uses little additional resources and therefore impacts the battery very little. It's only when you max out the RAM by having an excessive number of apps running that the performance and battery take a severe hit."
My 3GS used only used about 5% an hour with Pandora running in the background. I know this because I actually tested this. My comments on backgrounding are coming from experience not some emotion filled desire to hate on Apple for not supplying this feature back in 2007.
The more you keep going on and on and on about matters of which you have long been proven 'in error', the more petty and obsessive you appear.
Suggestion: Act as any mature adult should and accept that you 'misinterpreted' what was posted and leave it be.
No Harm - No Foul[/CENTER]
The more you keep going on and on and on about matters of which you have long been proven 'in error', the more petty and obsessive you appear.
Suggestion: Act as any mature adult should and accept that you 'misinterpreted' what was posted and leave it be.
No Harm - No Foul[/CENTER]
Don't blame me because you communicate no better than an unloved 10yo with ADHD. Instead of your "I didn't mean that" posts, how about actually using your big boy words and saying what you mean.
[CENTER]"Look at me! Look at me!"
Note: If you continue to be caustic and abusive to everyone I'll continue to put the smack down on you.[/CENTER]
Why would they want to copy the iPhone interface when they can create something much better?
"much better" - 'better' maybe, however they can't pull off a miracle, they're still hamstrung by the fact that it's a UI for a mobile device.
They can't turn it into Windows 7 'mobile' (despite the name), just as Apple can't produce OS X 'mobile' - even if they build their own mobile CPU/GPU.
What Microsoft have done is highlight just how boring and dated the iPhone UI is. Someone had better tell Steve it's time for an update.
I think Steve has an update in the 'wings'
The problem is that I see a masterpiece, but it's only a promise. I don't see any actual phones. 12 months is a lifetime in the mobile world and Apple\\Google could overhaul their own UIs and leave Microsoft behind before a Win7 mobile ever hits the store shelves.
Agreed, but where is this masterful phone?
I'm also interested to see if Microsoft can actually make their UI work fast and without chewing through the battery. The iPhone may be looking dated, but at least it is very fast and very kind to the battery.
Apple had to make it battery-friendly, with a 'fixed' battery, there's no other choice.
Until the next iPhone.
"The phones will be owned by OEMs, and you'll see different form factors and choices,"
Which by default nullifies any real advantage this device could have had.
Microsoft again opts to stick to the fragmented mess model (a la Google) which is designed up to appeal to everyone but the end users.
The issue may not be the as it is with WinMo ≤6.5. MS looks like they want to keep the HW restrictions well controlled. Hopefully they've learned a few things from the Zune's single vendor design and will keep the OEM requirements tight. It surely won't be like Android, which is a free OS that can be altered and manipulated by anyone and everyone.
That is the reason why I question the timing of their release. During the Holiday season, everyone knows the Apple, Nokia , Android and Palm will be showing off their 2011 stuff in January and early February. And depending on how they want to squeeze Microsoft into a jam, might even release their products in March and April 2011, months early from their respective regular upgrade cycle . If Microsoft would had timed their product release during the Apple's upgrade cycle this coming June, they would have literally stole the thunder from Apple, gain market and mind share and slow the Android platform down in that order and might have finished the Palm platform for good in the side. But alas, because of their decision, Microsoft must make sure that Windows Phone 7 must work with all phones made by it's partners with stability, reliability and user friendliness in mind in November or December during the series' release. Microsoft's margin for error is not very forgiving.
DaHarder, one of the greatest advantage of Apple being a systems company is this, they can changed their UI paradigm and the hardware that accompanies it because they can and they will, anytime they wanted to. They are big enough to matter, but nimble enough to counter the competition. And they have Jobs and his Lieutenants and their teams to make a kick ass UI and hardware to accompany it by early spring next year . Those patents they are hoarding jealously will then come into play.
As much as I dislike Microsoft, I also want competition to improve Apple and the rest. Microsoft would have a very good chance of at least beating Apple at their game this year and be truly competitive next year to tackle the Apple, Goggle and Nokia respectively. In the end though, I suspect by the end of next year, Microsoft will be force to drop it's cell phone partners and build their own phone in order to take advantage of Win Phone 7 strengths as well as to take control of their upgrade cycle in order to challenge the top 4 smartphone players.
Don't blame me because you communicate no better than an unloved 10yo with ADHD. Instead of your "I didn't mean that" posts, how about actually using your big boy words and saying what you mean.
[CENTER]"Look at me! Look at me!"
Note: If you continue to be caustic and abusive to everyone I'll continue to put the smack down on you.[/CENTER]
[CENTER]Given that the topic of this thread is Microsoft Unveils Windows Phone 7 Series, please at least try to stay on topic, and refrain from petty disruptions, harassment, rudeness, and temper tantrums that add absolutely nothing to the conversation.
Yes, I understand that Solipsism (a philosophical idea that one's own mind is all that exist) is your chosen screen name, but you're really taking said monicker far too seriously.
For The Record: Indeed it is you who constantly screams 'Look At Me! Look At Me! with your constant thread disruptions and unprovoked lashing out.
In my world, neither you nor your narcissistic love of self matter one iota, and I kindly request that you place me on your {IGNORE} list and move on.
DaHarder, one of the greatest advantage of Apple being a systems company is this, they can changed their UI paradigm and the hardware that accompanies it because they can and they will, anytime they wanted to. They are big enough to matter, but nimble enough to counter the competition. And they have Jobs and his Lieutenants and their teams to make a kick ass UI and hardware to accompany it by early spring next year . Those patents they are hoarding jealously will then come into play.
[CENTER]Understood, but...
It would be rather uncharacteristic of Apple to so drastically overhaul their Mobile OS given that the 'simplicity' of said environment is a large part of its success.
It would also be strange for them to perform such a dramatic redesign after just showing their "New Creation' featuring a GUI that doesn't stray very far from Apple's current mobile OS.
We'll See Soon Enough...
"With limited memory available, especially on the Pixi models and the non-Plus Pre, apps with memory leaks can very quickly overwhelm the device and make it all slow and sluggish. If you can manage to go for several days without being forced to reset, you may notice that it just keeps getting slower and slower."
"Thankfully, homebrew developer zinge has come to our rescue with the Reboot Scheduler app. This is a complete shutdown/restart, so everything starts all fresh and chipper when the phone is finished rebooting."
Reboot Scheduler homebrew app does reboots on your schedule
Just as a side note: centre aligning your text makes me more likely to skip past what you've written. Not callin' anyone out here, but it's a bit gauche.
today we saw in Barcelona:
- at last, the two former big guys announce that this year they will finally offer competitive 2nd gen smartphone versions of their old OS platforms - MS' WinMo 7 and Nokia's Symbian 3 - three years after the iPhone revolution began, and well over a year after Google's Android alternative was born.
- one more OEM stand-alone (Linux variant) OS - Samsung's Bada - to soon join the other OEM standalone 2nd gen OS's - Palm's webOS and RIM's Storm BlackBerry 5.0 OS (neither of whom announced anything).
- MS announcing its own mobile cloud ecosystem integrated with Zune Store, XBox Live, and Office/Exchange, seeking to match Goggle's Android cloud and Apple's rapidly growing hardware-based ecosystem that will add the iPad in a few months and an further updated iPhone in June.
- Nokia, with Intel's support, announcing its intentions to create another free-to-all mobile OS - MeeGo - to compete with Google's upcoming Chrome and maybe the iPad (and Archos). but this will take some time.
- and, oh yeah, some new kind of industry wide app store or standardized app or whatever alliance (Handango is not enough?). sure, someday.
well all the fanboys for every one of the above can duke it out here about the merits of each versus the other, as i see they are already.
but a few general observations stand out above the fray:
- there is massive OS fragmentation going on. now for 2nd gen smartphones 3 any-OEM-can-use-it OS's plus 4 proprietary OS's. and 2 more any-OEM-can-use-it tablet/netbook OS's plus 2 proprietary ones.
- the countervailing unifying force of ecosystems is limited to MS, Apple, and Google, with Nokia hoping to catch up eventually (Ovi).
- all current WinMo and Symbian products were declared end-of-life today. instant clearance sale status.
finally, predictions:
- with no ecosystem, the Pre/Pixi and Storm are dead-ends. with it's solid and focused enterprise niche (although MS WinMo 7 will try to compete with it), RIM will be ok, but Palm is doomed.
- Nokia and Samsung are much stronger beyond the US, especially Asia and second/third world. so they will be also-rans in the US, but still post big numbers world-wide where ecosystems are not so important yet.
- Apple will hold on to a solid chunk of the market thanks to its highly integrated hardware ecosystem, which continues to evolve technically and expand physically, plus its big head start. it will be interesting to see if Apple further develops MobilMe this year. and if the iPad is a big hit. both would reinforce its position.
- So Apple and RIM can stand apart from the upcoming smartphone battle mostly. they have a solid market base. but Google, MS, and Nokia do not, and so are going to have a bloodbath in the marketplace starting in the Fall, all competing for the same customers. while the OEM's will just scramble and sell any OS they can.
i think Google was today's big loser. they are not the New Kid In Town anymore.
Just as a side note: centre aligning your text makes me more likely to skip past what you've written. Not callin' anyone out here, but it's a bit gauche.
Actually, I think it's a bit...centre.
Do I think Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 would be successful, I don't doubt it. But Microsoft made several mistakes and past histories that might hamper the platform's success .
1) The release date is a mistake for several reasons . Apple's iPhone generation 4 would be released around May-June with a new iPhone operating system at the same time. Goggle's Android platform which is more nimble in terms of hardware will sell next gen phones around spring and the whole summer with several software updates in between . Microsoft's new Phone OS operates on a 1.0 version that is also confounded with multiple hardware configurations made by different phone manufacturers.
2) Microsoft would have done better to make it's own phone and mated it with it's Windows 7 Phone OS for three reasons, accountability, reliability and also the ability to take charge in regards to the quality of the product. Apple have problems with batches of iPhones that will not received calls, crashed all the time or just plain fail for no reason at all especially during software updates. Imagine Microsoft's dilemma when they are faced with phones from different brands doing the same thing. Pointing fingers would become the norm and the brand will suffer
3) Reliability, Stability and KISS ( Keep It Simple Stupid) . Do these three things exceptionally well and your own customers will do the marketing for you. Right now, Microsoft is not well trusted in regards to most of it's products . They have to make sure that perception will change and fast.
4) Do not compete on hardware or software specs to impress the tech geeks , compete for the ordinary users . Buzz words are BS if the ordinary user can't used them reliably in real situations.
Get someone with a clear vision , a viable and intelligent plan and the imagination as well as the personality to personally head the Windows Phone division . Get Steve Ballmer out of there.
Hey Wil... I'm with ya again on this... except, keep BallMe_R. He's good for my Apple stock
Just my 2 cents on the User Interface. Horrendous and hideous come to mind, considering the device it's designed for... NOT! Animation overload as some one else mentioned. It gets boring, and most of all ANNOYING very fast.
Throw in the fact they are trying to be "Vogue" visually (how pathetic!)... it does not work here or on a device like this.
I can't wait to see those cut off title-heads in different languages... like German. That will be funny!
I also think MS would be better at having their own phone. It would give the staff in their stores something to do.
How many stores does MS have now? 3? 5? Haven't heard anything since I believe the Scottsdale opening... and am too lazy to Google it.
Children, play nice. Stay on topic and be polite. Also: grow a thick skin and don't ask the moderators to sort out petty squabbles.
Just as a side note: centre aligning your text makes me more likely to skip past what you've written. Not callin' anyone out here, but it's a bit gauche.
[CENTER]Understood, but it really does prove invaluable for the accessibility reasons previously explained... gauche or not.
Additionally: If it (center justification) 'legitimately' bothers someone that much, then those individuals are always free to skip and/or systematically [IGNORE] any/all post from a particular forum member, are they not?
Resorting to blatant harassment, bullying, profanity, threats (via private message), and unnecessary thread disruptions are simply uncalled for, and no one should be allowed to so blatantly violate written forum rules without repercussion, especially when so many others willingly adhere to those established/higher standards.
Please feel free to PM me on this matter at any time.
Thank You[/CENTER]
Although the interface has changed to compete with the iPhone's and looks really appealing. It still seems to be too hard to use for the common non-technical person. Millions still struggle to put their cell phones in silence mode because they haven't worked out the shortcut. The iPhone has a switch - very clever!
So, in order to really compete, MS need to change the paradigm again, much like what Apple has done with the iPhone. Plus the halo effect from the iPod has made Apple products "cool" to carry and use. MS still needs to break this "nerdy" "uncool" "too-techy", feeling. I don't think MS Mobile 7 will do it.
Too little too late.
Although the interface has changed to compete with the iPhone's and looks really appealing. It still seems to be too hard to use for the common non-technical person.
[CENTER]It appears that MS is doing much more than merely trying to 'compete' here, especially if one approaches this iteration of the ZUNE GUI from a 'philosophical' perspective.
Those 'Menus That Don't Fit Entirely On The Screen' are representative of a system with a 'larger/unlimited vision', one that keeps providing more information as one explores one's surroundings.
Example:Look directly in front of yourself. Notice how you only see so much? Now move your head to the left. Then to the right. See how there's so much more to see simply by looking around? The world is so much more expansive if you simply look around - It's That Simple.
It's extremely 'fluid' and a far cry from the more 'boxed in' or 'wall' paradigms that one typically finds on such systems.
Personally: I find it even more Brilliantly realized here than even on the, very well executed, ZUNE HD effort.[/CENTER]
I don't think you read anything announced today. Windows Phone 7 has no code shared with Windows Mobile 6 and behind. It's a completely new OS.
It's just PR - a new interface is a new OS, when underneath it's Windows CE - a new version maybe, but Windows CE ultimately.
Until apps are recoded to use the new "Windows Phone 7" interface APIs (and there's no SDK that includes them yet), third party applications will be using the ancient Windows CE user interface controls still. Or they won't be compatible. And thus the device will have few third party applications available at launch. And given that developers will be looking at the sliding Windows Mobile marketshare today, they won't rush to get their apps running on Microsoft's idea of a touch interface.
On the positive side, I like what Microsoft have done with a horizontal slidey interface for their applications. However until I see and use it in practice it's meaningless, and it's not exactly stunning technologically - it could be that sliding to see information gets boring quite quickly.
If you had seen the live press conference, you would have seen that the UI is highly customizable. If you don't want a tile on the home screen, you can easily remove and it replace it with something that you prefer. Also, the existing tiles can all be edited/customized to your liking.
Sounds like the HTC interface on my Android phone. I can move around widgets / tiles, of differing sizes, over the different screens as I see fit. Some of those tiles are app launchers, some are far more interactive.
I've posted before that Apple needs widgets on its interface. I'm certain that they will have to be a part of iPhone OS 4, or the device's interface will start to look dated against competition that is finally in gear.
Speaking of iPhone multi-tasking, here's a jailbroken iPhone using the webOS-style Cards system.
Actual demo starts at about 3:20:
That looks way too confusing for the typical iPhone user. My Aunt Gladys would ruin her battery. And anything that might hurt Aunt Gladys is just evil.
The thing Apple seem good at is making an interface that works for the vast majority of regular users. That more techy people don't like not being able to customise it (and multi-task!) means they will lose sales from those people, but the vast majority of the market just doesn't care.
My neighbor has Downs Syndrome, and he loves his iTouch. Apple shouldn't change a thing, or else he'll get confused. He's a nice guy. I hope Apple never changes its interface.