MWC: Microsoft unveils Windows Phone 7 Series



  • Reply 341 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I can think of a half-dozen app types that would benefit the user by running in th background, yet their only ever on app type and name given: Pandora.

    I wish TuneWiki would run in the background. I use it every single day. I used to be jailbroken, and it would run in the background. but no longer.

    Just last night, I fired up my favorite radio station, and then thought of something I wanted to look up on the 'web.

    Nope. No Backgrounder. No Apple support. No joy.

    I really hope that the Android phones coming to ATT will be something I'd consider buying. I have dust under my iPhone screen, and so I can get a new one to sell on eBay anytime - but I want to have a replacement phone picked out before I do it.
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  • Reply 342 of 450
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    [CENTER]Thanks for sharing... [/CENTER]

    Thanks for posting everything centre justified, despite the fact it makes it virtually impossible to read. Did you ever go to school? Didn't they teach you how to write English?

    Stop behaving like a child and type in a way others can understand.
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  • Reply 343 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    And it would be quite a shocker to see the iPhone get some wonderfully revamped, "balls to the wall", fresh UI makeover with the iPad getting left in the dust. Then the poo-pooing on the iPad would only increase.

    I say this because there's no way in hell that the iPad is getting a serious UI overhaul any time this year.

    Yep. My thoughts exactly.

    We all thought that the iOS would be improved at the 'Pad launch. Nope.

    And now we're told that the iOS will be improved soon - but that would affect the 'Pad, and the developers now scurrying to change their apps to work well on the 'Pad.

    So I don't see any big changes in iOS until the 'Pad gets established in the market - i.e., a long time from now.

    So I see the 'Pad as not only a disappointment in its own right, but it also screws the pooch for iOS improvements any time soon. Bad stuff.

    BTW - If anybody thinks that iOS can/will get a major overhaul at this point in history, I'd love to hear how it might happen without ruining the new 'Pad.
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  • Reply 344 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by icyfog View Post

    I couldn't care less. I don't think I'll ever buy ANYTHING Microsoft produces.

    Did you know that Microsoft is a major owner of Apple? Did you know that every time you give Apple your money, you are buying a product partly owned by Microsoft?
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  • Reply 345 of 450
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Did you know that Microsoft is a major owner of Apple? Did you know that every time you give Apple your money, you are buying a product partly owned by Microsoft?

    Didn't Microsoft sell their Apple shares a while ago?
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  • Reply 346 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Microsoft again opts to stick to the fragmented mess model (a la Google)

    That model has relegated Apple's model to niche status on the desktop. Why won't it work on mobile devices?
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  • Reply 347 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Reality: Apple's pretty locked into the whole 'grid of icons' as an application launcher theme, and they probably won't be straying too far from that system any time soon.

    I agree. They seem to want the iOS to be usable by toddlers. So they put everything on a big tabletop and say "pick one".

    Their method appeals to dunces, but is not scalable. You end up with 11 screens, each with 16 similar-looking icons. It sucks, but dunces can figure it out.

    I hope that Apple starts developing for the rest of us someday. But I doubt it will ever happen. They rarely think different.
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  • Reply 348 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    "Look at me! Look at me!"

    Note: If you continue to be caustic and abusive to everyone I'll continue to put the smack down on you.[/CENTER]

    In order to continue, you must first start.
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  • Reply 349 of 450
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Did you know that Microsoft is a major owner of Apple? Did you know that every time you give Apple your money, you are buying a product partly owned by Microsoft?

    You post crap like that and you wonder why people think you're a troll.
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  • Reply 350 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by solarein View Post

    Actually, I think it's a bit...centre.

    Personally, I prefer droite alignment.
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  • Reply 351 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post


    Resorting to blatant harassment, bullying, profanity, threats (via private message), and unnecessary thread disruptions are simply uncalled for, and no one should be allowed to so blatantly violate written forum rules without repercussion, especially when so many others willingly adhere to those established/higher standards.


    Solipsism is one of the most disruptive posters on this Forum.
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  • Reply 352 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by mmarchant View Post

    It still seems to be too hard to use for the common non-technical person.

    But for the rest of us, it seems much better than the dumbed-down iPhone. Thank Goodness that SOMEONE makes devices for folks with normal abilities.
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  • Reply 353 of 450
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Solipsism is one of the most disruptive posters on this Forum.

    You two are just upset that your trolling doesn't fly here.
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  • Reply 354 of 450
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post,2817,2359245,00.asp

    "The phones will be owned by OEMs, and you'll see different form factors and choices," Woodman said.

    Which by default nullifies any real advantage this device (devices?) could have had.

    I don't see how this nullifies anything. It's the best of Google and Apple in one. There's a strict list of hardware that the OEMs must meet first, so the internals will be pretty similar from phone to phone. And I'm assuming, like the iPhone OS, the OS will be exactly the same from phone to phone, giving that "Apple unified" experience.

    The many form factors then gives us consumers this thing called options. Contrary to what you may believe, the vast majority of the world likes to be able to choose for themselves what their phone looks like.

    Want a slide-out keyboard for fast typing? WP7S will have a phone for you. Want no keyboard and a massive screen? WP7S will have a phone for you. Want a tiny phone? WP7S will have a phone for you. Like LED instead of AMOLED? WP7S will have something for you. The list goes on and on.

    As for Apple? Want AMOLED? Too bad, you only get one phone. Want a slide-out keyboard? Too bad you only get one phone. Don't like the shape of the phone? Too bad you only get one phone. The only advantage the iPhone has in the same form-factor is broad-level accessory capatibility (but you still have to get Apple's approval before doing anything). But as Android has shown, it's not that big of an issue. Popular accessory companies already have something for those form-factors.

    MS gets to keep is WP7S OS the same for every market and the OEMs get the flexibility to design a phone that they know will sell well in their market area.

    Where's the disadvantage in that? Or are you just twisting words to make it seem like it's worse than it really is? I'm siding with the second one.
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  • Reply 355 of 450
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Did you know that Microsoft is a major owner of Apple? Did you know that every time you give Apple your money, you are buying a product partly owned by Microsoft?

    Your credibility goes to zero pretty quickly with fantasy posts like this.
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  • Reply 356 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You post crap like that and you wonder why people think you're a troll.

    Please stop imagining that you know what I am thinking. Or at least, please stop hijacking threads with your musings about your fellow posters' motivations.
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  • Reply 357 of 450
    igeniusigenius Posts: 1,240member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You two are just upset that your trolling doesn't fly here.

    Please stop imagining that you know my thoughts and emotions. Or at least, please stop disrupting this forum with your delusions.

    I never get upset about forum posts. Your personal attacks have no place here.
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  • Reply 358 of 450
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    I don't see how this nullifies anything. It's the best of Google and Apple in one. There's a strict list of hardware that the OEMs must meet first, so the internals will be pretty similar from phone to phone. And I'm assuming, like the iPhone OS, the OS will be exactly the same from phone to phone, giving that "Apple unified" experience.


    Where's the disadvantage in that? Or are you just twisting words to make it seem like it's worse than it really is? I'm siding with the second one.

    I'm not sure that is true with Windows Phone 7 Series (WP7S, even the initialism is a mouthful). MS looks to be tightening up what the OEMs can and can't do. MS may not care about an LCD v. OLED display but that isn't exactly a make it or break deal.

    I'm not even sure that MS will allow a slide out keyboard for WP7S after looking at the demo and I think it would behoove them to start with a specific design with only a couple OEMs to make the device as solid as the Zune.

    As for choices, there is such a thing as too much choice. Take the Nexus One, for example, the iPhone sold more units in one day, on the 4th UK carrier than the Nexus One sold worldwide in a week. Yet the Nexus One is clearly a much faster device with a higher rez display. Choice is great, but having an understanding of your market that makes customers feel safe with your products is extremely important. Too much change and too many options simply aren't good business.

    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Your credibility goes to zero pretty quickly with fantasy posts like this.

    What the hell happened to this place?
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  • Reply 359 of 450
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Did you know that Microsoft is a major owner of Apple? Did you know that every time you give Apple your money, you are buying a product partly owned by Microsoft?

    Originally Posted by iGenius View Post

    Please stop imagining that you know my thoughts and emotions. Or at least, please stop disrupting this forum with your delusions.

    I never get upset about forum posts. Your personal attacks have no place here.

    The problem is that you've just hawked an outdated piece of information. This lists the top 10 institutions and funds that hold Apple stock:

    Even if they own some stock, it's not a large portion.

    Originally Posted by DaHarder View Post

    Additionally: If it (center justification) 'legitimately' bothers someone that much, then those individuals are always free to skip and/or systematically [IGNORE] any/all post from a particular forum member, are they not?

    Typography is done a certain way for a reason. Having a consistent place to "return" the eyes for the next line aids quick readability, breaking it up disrupts that. This isn't something that people made up, it's been tested. You've yet to give a reason why it should be otherwise.
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  • Reply 360 of 450
    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post


    It's just PR - a new interface is a new OS, when underneath it's Windows CE - a new version maybe, but Windows CE ultimately.

    Until apps are recoded to use the new "Windows Phone 7" interface APIs (and there's no SDK that includes them yet), third party applications will be using the ancient Windows CE user interface controls still. Or they won't be compatible. And thus the device will have few third party applications available at launch. And given that developers will be looking at the sliding Windows Mobile marketshare today, they won't rush to get their apps running on Microsoft's idea of a touch interface.

    It's based on WinCE but with the UI thrown out, so existing CE apps aren't compatible. Though I'd be amazed if they changed much of the core CE APIs.

    New UIs will need to be WPF or (again I'm presuming here - based on XNA compatibility) a DirectX subset.

    So although it's new it will still be accessible to developers who have had exposure to Windows development which, to me at least, seems to be just about everyone.

    You're not going to see a thousand fart apps on day one, but they will come with time.

    That said, based on the Win Phones familiarity with DirectX and Microsoft's relationships with the game development studios I wouldn't be surprised to see some big name games pop up early in its life cycle along with a lot of ports from the independents on Xbox Live.

    In any case we're in for an interesting year!
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