Do you love/hate SUV's????

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Honestly I was not a fan of SUV's until I dated a woman with not 1 but 2 small children(3 & 1). The need for additional space is a very pressing need and honestly I can see alot of people want more than the Minivan provides.

The SUV catagory has grown a little out of control...I mean a glorfied station wagon lifted does not constitute a SUV in my opinion.

Below are my favorite 3 SUV's

Cadillac Escalade- I don't's angular grille and 345hp appeal to my wild side.

BMW X5- Classy SUV built on a car chassis. Nice and supple leather. Good performance.

Trailblazer 2002- I might have to test drive one. Love the 270hp hate the dash.

I'm no longer with my ex with 2 children but I do realize that SUV's do offer some important amenities. What do you think? What are your favorite SUV's?


  • Reply 1 of 72
    I don't care either way.
  • Reply 2 of 72
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Well according to you my SUW does not count, but I love my Subaru Legacy Outback! AWD rocks!

    As far as SUVs go I like this one the best! <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;
  • Reply 3 of 72
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Though I understand that one owner in 10 legitimately needs one, I can't f*cking stand them - or the way they are so completely, falsely advertised. Most SUV's handle like crap in snow and on lousy terrain. Even if they didn't, people who buy them somehow think they will be a part of this rugged world/crowd by owning one, even though they drive on nothing but highways and parking lots. Nimrods, all of them (the other 9 I mean).

    SUV's are the poster-children for much of what's wrong with this country IMO. F*ck em. By the way Outbacks are indeed cool. I wouldn' even categorize the Forrester as an SUV -it's too small.

    [ 02-20-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 72
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    I hate them, the look like oversized station wagons, use loads of gasoline and give people an inflated sense of security, but that's my biased opinion.
  • Reply 5 of 72
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    I generally dislike them, but the new smaller SUVs are more carlike with the added utility of storage space. I really like the new Saturn Vue................
  • Reply 6 of 72
    Nope... dont like em. They guzzle gas, are easy to flip, and are most often driven by soccer-moms talking on cell phones.
  • Reply 7 of 72
    I don't hate all SUVs, but I do hate the trendy "upper middle class housewife chatting on her cell phone while nearly taking the front end off of my cute silver beetle in her obliviousness" aspect. Every once in a while there's a trend in automobiles, a bandwagon that lots of people jump on for no other reason than that it's "cool" and that's annoying.

    But if you have some actual use for the thing (hauling equipment, going off road, going skiing) to justify the gas guzzling aspect, I don't really see how they're any "worse" than a minivan or pickup.
  • Reply 8 of 72
    They're good if you live somewhere where it snows a lot. But if you live in florida and are not part of the mafia and don't need ot hull bodies around, then you're better served up getting a coupe or a souped up eclipse
  • Reply 9 of 72
    My dad has a Grand Cherokee that I drove up from NYC one day last summer. It handled great on the highway. I was impressed. He aso has a very long, sweeping driveway (probably about 100 yards long) that doesn't always get plowed quickly when it snows. The 4-wheel-drive comes in handy. I have to laugh about people bitching about SUV owners who never take their vehicles off road. They are gas guzzlers; you want them chewing up the landscape too? He doesn't drive that much and his Jeep gets better mileage than a lot of other SUVs so he doesn't use up that much gas either. That said, I'm not much of a fan of those really monster SUVs that are so popular these days.
  • Reply 10 of 72
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    Hate 'em. 99% of the idiots here that have them drive them like they were Ferraris, not realising that these things are not held to the same safety standards as cars are. They don't drive like cars, they don't stop like cars and when you go into a corner too fast in 90% of them, you are going to flip (Jeep Liberty, anyone?)

    My neighbor backed her gargantuan Ford Extinction into a pole that she (all 5'3" of her) couldn't see at less than 5 mph. Damage? $5000. I have never seen her carry more than she, her 5'6" husband, their 6 year old and some groceries in it in 4 years of living next door. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 11 of 72

    [ 02-21-2002: Message edited by: roger_ramjet ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 72
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by sizzle chest:

    <strong>I don't hate all SUVs, but I do hate the trendy "upper middle class housewife chatting on her cell phone while nearly taking the front end off of my cute silver beetle in her obliviousness" aspect.


    dittos!!! This drive me nuts as well.

    I have a 4runner and I love it. I did not buy it for handling but because its built on a truck frame and it sits up high. When you sit up high, you can see above the cars in front of you which allows you more time to react in case an accident happens on the road ahead of you. Also, when you sit up high, you can see through the windows of the SUV your behind.
  • Reply 13 of 72
  • Reply 14 of 72
    pookjppookjp Posts: 280member
    I have nothing inherantly against SUVs. Indeed, an SUV used for its towing capabilities, it's storage capacity, or its off road ruggedness is just fine in my book.

    But that's not what we're talking about, is it? We're talking about every 16 year old who drives a Ford Explorer and every housewife who drives a Navigator because "they feel safe," or because "they have kids," or mainly because they are drones who follow the pack.

    SUVs are dangerous to both their drivers and to other drivers, they harm the environment much more than cars do, they are slow, they are unweildy, they blind me, they block my view from behind, and all in all make driving a less pleasent experience.

    So, do I hate SUVs? No. But I most certainly do hate the number of SUVs out there that have been purchased for unsubstantiated reasons.

    - Pook
  • Reply 15 of 72
    PookJP makes an important point. One SUV on the road is not a problem, but a road full of SUVs makes it less safe for people driving "normal" cars, and especially for those of us in smaller cars.

    Seems like every woman under 5' 2" or so gets a power surge from getting behind the wheel of the biggest possible SUV or pickup...
  • Reply 16 of 72
    timotimo Posts: 353member
    As BRussell says,

    [quote]Don't like 'em.<hr></blockquote>
  • Reply 17 of 72
    I have nothing inherantly against SUVs. Indeed, an SUV used for its towing capabilities, it's storage capacity, or its off road ruggedness is just fine in my book.


    Im happy your kidding. Right? Right?
  • Reply 18 of 72
    Don't think I'd ever get one. If I need room, I'll get a minivan. If I need power and towing, I'll get a pickup. I think SUVs look more effective than they are...

    ...unless, of course, we're talking about something that you can drive while talking on a cell phone, cutting cars off on the highway, and generally pissing off other drivers, then I'd say that SUVs are REALLY effective.
  • Reply 19 of 72
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    If you have not driven one then you really cannot say whether or not the vehicle is good for your needs. I seem to remember a thread earlier that Jonathan started with him driving well in excess of 140mph. That kind of driving bothers me more than what some of you are complaining about. Thos people driving SUV's may not need them, but if they get into an accident with you it is not likely to kill you as if Jonathan hit you at 145+.
  • Reply 20 of 72
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    My family has a 1998 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer.

    It's a beautiful/comfortable vehicle. It handles very well, and has a kickass V8 in it. Nice sound system too

    But the gas mileage is horrendous. often around 11-14 in normal use. Using cruise control on a long trip you can get around 20. But we pay so much in gas its insane.

    I would love to see a company implement a hybrid SUV with regenerative braking and everything. that would certainly help the gas economy a little bit.

    The thing that annoys me about them the most though is that they are not considered as trucks. And ones like the expedition and excursion are bigger than any pickup truck I've seen.
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