Cisco's game changing Router and AT&T testbed

in iPhone edited January 2014


Cisco Changes The Universe And Mankind Forever!

Well ok, not really. They just unveiled a new, really fast router...

02:30PM Tuesday Mar 09 2010 by Karl Bode

tags: hardware · bandwidth · networking

Late last month Cisco began leaking word to media outlets that on March 9, they'd be "making a significant announcement that will forever change the Internet and its impact on consumers, businesses and governments." Given the fact that the country was fawning over Google's new 1 Gbps fiber to the home trial announcement at the time, it seemed like Cisco was getting ready to announce some kind of significant counter punch.

Today's the day, so what was this Internet-changing, paradigm smashing announcement? According to Cisco, it's...a new router.

According to the networking company, the new CRS-3 router technology is capable of transmitting data at about 322 Terabits per second, which Cisco claims is twelve-times faster than their closest competitor. Apparently, people pushing the Exaflood myth since 2007 will need to construct a new bogeyman.

According to the Cisco press release, the new CRS-3 offers enough bandwidth to transmit the entire printed collection of the Library of Congress in just over a second, or to allow every man, woman and child in China to make a video call, simultaneously. Cisco's own numbers have projected that Internet video should comprise about 60 percent of all consumer Internet traffic by 2013, and this is their answer for carriers.

AT&T sent us a press statement noting that the carrier had just completed a live network environment field trial of 100-Gigabit backbone network technology. "This trial included Cisco's new CRS-3 equipment," the company tells Broadband Reports. While good news at AT&T's core, it may not have a huge impact on your home connection, given AT&T's decision to milk last mile copper instead of upgrading users to fiber to the home technology.

But hey, you can still take the CRS-3 home with you for $90,000 (starting price) when it officially launches during the third quarter of this year. You know, take it home, set it up next to your 1.5 Mbps DSL modem, and pretend you're beating the hell out of the Exaflood.

Deployment of these routers for AT&T's wireless backbone will be interesting to see how performance changes.
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