Which Cloud for online Backup?

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in macOS edited January 2014

I have a MBP and a Time Capsule, but I also am considering an online backup service (in case of theft).

I would look at Mobile Me but I have circa 50GB of photo's and video's to back up and so there is not enough space.

I have had a look at IDrive which gives 150GB for $5 a month however i'm not sure whether it would affect Time Capsule as it also appears to back up files that have changed.

Or can anyone recommend any others? I'm based in the UK so iDrive may be too slow for me but not sure.



  • Reply 1 of 7
    Also, can anyone confirm this table:


    Is it £59 for 60GB storage (bottom row) + £59 for Mobile me in the first place?
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  • Reply 2 of 7
    You backup to secure your data, right?

    Backing up the contents of your harddisk, say 200GB, through an average broadband connection takes about 5 weeks of UNinterrupted 24/7 uploading. But afaik, MBPs are the interrupted computer type (I've got one): you pick 'm up and travel with them = interruptions. So IRL online backup is not going to work for an MBP. It's simply faaar too slow.

    Add the considerable INsecurity of storing your data at a third party you have no control over, a third party that may be hacked, intimidated, subpoenaed, or a third party that could fold overnight, and the considerable INsecurity of your data in transit. And add the fact that harddisk storage has never been cheaper – certainly a lot cheaper, GB for GB, than online storage! – and maybe you'll understand why backing up to 'the cloud' is a) not feasible, b) not secure, and c) ridiculously expensive.

    Better get a second external harddisk, make a backup on it and physically store that harddisk at another location. Incrementally backup monthly.

    Better still: get a Drobo type mirrored RAID backup system, and store one of the harddisks at another location, to be exchanged, say monthly, with one of the other harddisks.
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  • Reply 3 of 7
    Originally Posted by Rokcet Scientist View Post

    You backup to secure your data, right?

    Backing up the contents of your harddisk, say 200GB, through an average broadband connection takes about 5 weeks of UNinterrupted 24/7 uploading. But afaik, MBPs are the interrupted computer type (I've got one): you pick 'm up and travel with them = interruptions. So IRL online backup is not going to work for an MBP. It's simply faaar too slow.

    Add the considerable INsecurity of storing your data at a third party you have no control over, a third party that may be hacked, intimidated, subpoenaed, or a third party that could fold overnight, and the considerable INsecurity of your data in transit. And add the fact that harddisk storage has never been cheaper ? certainly a lot cheaper, GB for GB, than online storage! ? and maybe you'll understand why backing up to 'the cloud' is a) not feasible, b) not secure, and c) ridiculously expensive.

    Better get a second external harddisk, make a backup on it and physically store that harddisk at another location. Incrementally backup monthly.

    Better still: get a Drobo type mirrored RAID backup system, and store one of the harddisks at another location, to be exchanged, say monthly, with one of the other harddisks.

    All very valid points - thanks pal. Will just do a complete backup every couple of months on an external drive and keep this in a different location. Easier, cheaper and far more secure.
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  • Reply 4 of 7
    Originally Posted by Wicked666 View Post

    All very valid points - thanks pal. Will just do a complete backup every couple of months on an external drive and keep this in a different location. Easier, cheaper and far more secure.

    That's probably smartest and most cost effective in your case. But why do a complete backup everytime ? which will probably take you more than 24 hours ? when you can make incremental backups (with e.g. Time Machine) that will take faaar less time (dependent on the amount of data to back up, of course)?
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  • Reply 5 of 7
    Try Jungle Disk or Cloud Drive from Rackspace. The initial backup takes a while, but after that, only the changes are backed up, which is considerably faster and works in the background while you're working.

    Originally Posted by Wicked666 View Post


    I have a MBP and a Time Capsule, but I also am considering an online backup service (in case of theft).

    I would look at Mobile Me but I have circa 50GB of photo's and video's to back up and so there is not enough space.

    I have had a look at IDrive which gives 150GB for $5 a month however i'm not sure whether it would affect Time Capsule as it also appears to back up files that have changed.

    Or can anyone recommend any others? I'm based in the UK so iDrive may be too slow for me but not sure.


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  • Reply 6 of 7
    Originally Posted by israces View Post

    Try Jungle Disk or Cloud Drive from Rackspace. The initial backup takes a while,

    I'll say: if you've got 200GB to back up it takes at least 5 weeks of UNinterrupted 24/7 backing up on an average dsl connection!

    You call that "a while"...?


    but after that, only the changes are backed up, which is considerably faster and works in the background while you're working.

    I.o.w. it only works with a (very) stationary machine. Not with laptops.

    So it is still waaay more expensive than simply backing up to an external HD, it is slow as molasses, and it is not secure at all!
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    in d up the contents of your harddisk, say 200GB, through an average broadband connection takes about 5 weeks of UNinterrupted 24/7 uploading. But afaik, MBPs are the interrupted computer type (I've got one): you pick 'm up and travel with them = interruptions. So IRL online backup is not going to work for an MBP. It's simply faaar too slow.
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