Henge Dock; it ok to have a MBP be vertical?

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I am getting a new 17" MBP soon and saw this on engadget and thought wow this will be awesome to hook my MBP to my HDTV: http://www.hengedocks.com/

(If i decide not to get the dock, i might just get this http://twelvesouth.com/products/bookarc/ but my question still applies to both)

But i am curious the opinion(s) of you apple owners/lovers. Is it ok to have your Macbook be on its side like that while using it? Will there be any issues with using the CD drive vertical like that? I've already been assured that heat wise, there shouldnt be a issue. That it will probably be just a few degrees hotter because of the lid being shut over the keyboard (which is a heat exhaust), but that overall it will be just fine. The website's FAQ brings out that they noticed a heat drop because it was only having one monitor in use, compared to having the laptop open and using both the monitor and a external monitor.

Side note: I noticed on the Henge Dock website you have to use the power supply cords that are straight for Macbooks ( http://store.apple.com/us_edu_53799/...co=MTA4MzY0NDM ), not the ones that come with the laptops now which are at a 90degree angle. ( http://store.apple.com/us_edu_53799/...co=MTc1NDczODg ) And it very much seems the straight ones are of HORRIBLE quality. So i think because of that alone i will go with the Book Arc.
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