Verizon MiFi vs. Sprint's Overdrive

in iPad edited January 2014
Both me and my fiancee are planning on purchasing an iPad. We hope to be able to go with the standard WiFi iPad instead of the 3G version because of the extra $130 and also the extra cost for the data plan.

Currently I pay $59.95/month for an AT&T Data Plan with a Data Connect card but that card only will work with our laptops on the go. I was at Best Buy tonight looking at the iPad and came across two options, Verizon's MiFI service and Sprint's Overdrive service. It seems Sprint offers two devices.

I have always heard that Verizon is much better than AT&T but also that Sprint was inferior to AT&T or Verizon.

After talking to the salesperson, she said Sprint is the best service out there, better than Verizon or AT&T. I told her I had heard that Sprint isn't that good and does not have the best coverage. She said that's true for voice but not for data and for data Sprint has the best coverage and also Sprint is now switching to 4G in many cities which is of course faster and that where we live in Denver it should be done by the end of the year.

From the information she gave me it appears both Verizon and Sprint charge $59.99 a month for their services for 5GB, the same I pay for AT&T. According to her Verizon is moving to 4G but likely early next year in this area and Sprint is currently upgrading but according to her once Sprint changes to 4G the service will drop to $49.95 a month and also the data plan will change from a 5GB limit to unlimited data.

Has anyone heard anything about this price change or unlimited data?

I have several questions below:

-How does the speed of these compare to a USB dongle. I know it's the same network but being it's over wi-fi and not a connect direct, is the speed any slower?

-What kind of range does the wi-fi network have, especially for a good connection and speed?

-Is Sprint's coverange, network, and speed really that good?

-Between Sprint and Verizon, does one stand above the other?

-As stated above, is the information about 4G (release dates for Verizon and Sprint) and the change to unlimited data or a decrease in cost true?

-Does either of the units offer the ability to block certain websites? For example if her son uses his ipod touch on it could we block sites like,, etc. so he can't access them. I know it would block us also but that is fine.

Thank you for your help with the above questions.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    It's a lie that 4G is faster. The 3G MiFi can have a peak transfer rate of 7.2Mbps. Average might be about 6 in an area with good coverage. Meanwhile the Sprint "4G" Overdrive peaks at 10Mbps but has an average rate of "3 to 6mbps". Doesn't sound faster at all.

    The real 4G spec (LTE) has a theoretical max transfer rate of 50Mbps. Sprint should not be allowed to call their crap 4G.
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