WWDC and macs

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in macOS edited January 2014
I have to say, I have been looking at Apple's WWDC web page and it seems to entirely focus on the iPhone, iPad and iPod. I have to wonder why there is so little for mac developers at a developer conference.

I love my mac and my iPhone, but I can't help feeling like Apple is leaving the mac out in the cold. Do people agree with this or am I just being paranoid? Thoughts would be appreciated.




  • Reply 1 of 2
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Because the iPhone OS is Apple's current focus. It makes a lot of money and they have full control.
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  • Reply 2 of 2
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,445member
    Originally Posted by Jwink3101 View Post

    I have to say, I have been looking at Apple's WWDC web page and it seems to entirely focus on the iPhone, iPad and iPod. I have to wonder why there is so little for mac developers at a developer conference.

    I love my mac and my iPhone, but I can't help feeling like Apple is leaving the mac out in the cold. Do people agree with this or am I just being paranoid? Thoughts would be appreciated.



    Justin this is a fair question but in all honesty Mac OS X is fairly mature and thus the development cycle needs to slow down. We're in danger of OS X becoming fairly fragmented. I think it's prudent for Apple to get iPhone OS up to speed and extend the development cycle of Mac OS until they can deliver a feature set that is worthy of $129.

    Mac OS X, IMO, isn't missing anything major but it could use more polishing. I expect for Apple to enable new features in 10.7 because of some major underlaying changes. For example.

    We need a new modern filesystem. HFS+ isn't bad but Apple's patched up up well and it's serviceable but today's modern filesystem should offer data corruption, redundancy and other features. If Apple delivers a new filesystem with modern features it makes things like Time Machine work better and it makes tools like Disk Utility more powerful.

    I also think that there's going to be a lot of carryover between iPhone OS features and Mac OS. I hope Apple revamps the iPhone's notification feature and then brings that over to Mac OS. We have Growl which is cool but not embedded into the OS.

    I would like an uninstaller API. Basically a simple log of all installed items that any uninstaller application could use to remove files that aren't shared once you delete an application.

    I'm sure there's a bajillion more little things and some major stuff Apple is working on but 10.7 will certainly have to be cool to get people to shell out the money. I'm not sure we're on the cusp of some super duper feature that everyone is looking for so it's going to be a tough sell regardless.
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