Which iPad 3G data plan should you buy?

in iPad edited January 2014


250MB translates to:

35 minutes of SD YouTube video

or 8-10 minutes of HD video

or 70 songs downloaded from iTunes

or a few thousand normal web pages and typical emails (no huge attachments)

or more than 4000 Facebook pictures

That´s per month usage.

I´ve read a article (lost the link), that stated that iPad Apps are self throttling their bandwidth over 3G, dropping in quality in the case of YouTube video etc, except Netflix which just one 30 minute TV show can use up one´s 250MB limit under the $15 AT&T plan.

I don´t see how AT&T will be able to handle the bandwidth of the $30 unlimited plan with people watching a Netflix movie or two a day plus web surfing etc. over 3G.

Even Comcast broadband is throttling high bandwidth users now, as the courts overturned the FCC ruling.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    I don't see using the 3G for Netflix or streaming video. I wouldn't think it would look good nor play well. I have the $14.99 plan as I also use my iPhone for what I can. I think AT&T should just allow tethering from iPhone for free or discounted, but oh well.
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