Guess I'm kind of late to the party...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Wow! W's niece is on the cover of this year's Pirelli calendar. How did I miss this story?

[quote]At just 17 years old, Lauren Bush does not go out of her way to tell you that she's the niece of the President and the granddaughter of former President George Bush. But since you probably know already, it's okay, because she hopes it will only help to get some good things done in the world. She's seen how that works first hand, and hopes it will apply to her someday too.

For now, not only is Lauren busy with the demands of homework and after-school activities like any high school student in Houston, but with a rising career in modelling too. She enjoys photography, jazz and ballet classes. She plays tennis and soccer, and works out regularly, kickboxing, spinning and yoga. She has spent the summer studying fashion design at the Parson's School of Design.

Having modelled for three years, Lauren currently graces the cover of Town and Country's September 2001 issue and recently appeared on the cover of Tatler's June 2001 American Edition. She has been featured in the fashion pages of Vogue, W, Talk and Vanity Fair and has worked for Gai Mattiolo, Abercrombie and Fitch and Tommy Hilfiger.

As busy as she is, but always wanting to help others, Lauren still finds the time to work on behalf of children's shelters, hospitals, women re-entering the workforce and various animal rights groups. Entertainment Tonight recently featured her working with Anthony Shriver and Kip Forbes on behalf of Best Buddies - a Houston-based no-profit dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with neuro-developmental disabilities. This is no ordinary young woman.

Not since Jacqueline Kennedy has an American girl dazzled the French as Lauren did when she was presented on the arm of a prince at the Bal des Debutantes at the Hotel Crillon in Paris. Since then, the press have been following her every move and calling Lauren the "most glamorous member of America's most powerful family"<hr></blockquote>


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    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Heh. There's nothing I detest more than royalty. Why does the world eat up this shit?

    But of course, looks and birth are two things no one has control over, so if she is glorified as a princess, shucks -- in this case I don't think she had a hand in the matter.
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