iPicture Frame thing for your desk/Coffee table

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
What do you think?

Apple get a 8 or 10 inch LCD display (If you look at the price of a 14 inch then how cheap could Apple buy a 10 inch) Have some kind of cheap hard drive (doesn't need to be as small as the one in the iPod and so could be cheaper) have it spin up every 10 minutes to load the next batch of pictures to memory (like iPod) this will keep the noise down. I t doesn't need to be Battery powered as it will be near a power outlet this keeps the cost down and means it can just run all day and at night it has a light sensor to put it to sleep when the room is dark. (with manual override if ness)

And the best part is it is firewire and Sync's with iPhoto just like iPod does with iTunes.

Apple run's the Ad "The last Photo Frame you will ever need to buy "

The pictures could move in and out like on the OSX screensaver or not and it has a pause and change direction button and can show the pictures randomly not in the same order every time (does that bug anyone else about the screensaver ?) - if they could do it at the right price they will sell like hot cakes (Although round here hot cakes aren't that popular - most of the ones at the cake shop are cold?)

Anyway my wife says she will buy three so that's a start. for ya Steve

Sorry if this kind of thing has been talked about before and I missed it


  • Reply 1 of 8
    [quote]Originally posted by trapdoor:

    <strong>What do you think?

    Apple get a 8 or 10 inch LCD display (If you look at the price of a 14 inch then how cheap could Apple buy a 10 inch) Have some kind of cheap hard drive (doesn't need to be as small as the one in the iPod and so could be cheaper) have it spin up every 10 minutes to load the next batch of pictures to memory (like iPod) this will keep the noise down. I t doesn't need to be Battery powered as it will be near a power outlet this keeps the cost down and means it can just run all day and at night it has a light sensor to put it to sleep when the room is dark. (with manual override if ness)

    And the best part is it is firewire and Sync's with iPhoto just like iPod does with iTunes.

    Apple run's the Ad "The last Photo Frame you will ever need to buy "

    The pictures could move in and out like on the OSX screensaver or not and it has a pause and change direction button and can show the pictures randomly not in the same order every time (does that bug anyone else about the screensaver ?) - if they could do it at the right price they will sell like hot cakes (Although round here hot cakes aren't that popular - most of the ones at the cake shop are cold?)

    Anyway my wife says she will buy three so that's a start. for ya Steve

    Sorry if this kind of thing has been talked about before and I missed it</strong><hr></blockquote>

    i like the idea, but i'd say to hell with the HD, just give it 256MB of RAM (even PC100 would be more than fast enough, and CHEAP) and just store however many photos you can in RAM. cuts down on cost, noise, and power consumption. in fact, with a little R&D, you could give it a good rechargeable battery, and just have it charge every month or so when you connect (via firewire) to change the pictures.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    add a slideshow with music and im sold.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    you mean like this thing that sonys had out for a couple of years?

    it can also playback short video clips, record voice mail memo's, play slide shows etc. it also knows when you turn it if its landscape or portrait etc.

    <a href="http://www.sel.sony.com/SEL/consumer/ss5/home/digitalimagingaccessories/memorystickrtmmediaandproducts/phd-a55_specs.shtml"; target="_blank">http://www.sel.sony.com/SEL/consumer/ss5/home/digitalimagingaccessories/memorystickrtmmediaandproducts/phd-a55_specs.shtml</a>;
  • Reply 4 of 8
    [quote]Originally posted by CapnPyro:

    <strong>you mean like this thing that sonys had out for a couple of years?

    it can also playback short video clips, record voice mail memo's, play slide shows etc. it also knows when you turn it if its landscape or portrait etc.


    yeah, like that, but a hell of a lot less expensive, and not quite as ugly.

    it's $1000 and only uses 5.5" LCD. WTF?!?!

    [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: concentricity ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 8
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by concentricity:


    yeah, like that, but a hell of a lot less expensive, and not quite as ugly.

    it's $1000 and only uses 5.5" LCD. WTF?!?!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I agree, please clip the link, it is killing the formatting...
  • Reply 6 of 8
    Steve does want to be like Sony. (and he's not talking about marrying Cher)

  • Reply 7 of 8
    On the using RAM idea - I was thinking that you could Sync all your pictures over - I have 3000 in iPhoto already so 256mb might not do the job
  • Reply 8 of 8
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    [quote]Originally posted by trapdoor:

    <strong>On the using RAM idea - I was thinking that you could Sync all your pictures over - I have 3000 in iPhoto already so 256mb might not do the job </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I agree. Hard drive. Sync it to iPhoto with albums, slide shows, put an iPod-like interface, and sell it for under $500 and you have a winner.
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