Shattered iPhone 4 photographed to challenge Apple's durability claims

in iPhone edited January 2014
A third-party solutions provider catering to customers of Apple's mobile devices claims to have recently acquired an authentic iPhone 4 enclosure whose glass panel failed to withstand a fall from just a few feet, creating an opportunity for the firm to question Apple's heightened durability claims.

Without explaining how, iFixYouri says it came into possession of a complete iPhone 4 shell with its glass face in tact, but minus its internal componentry. It then performed several drop tests of the device from 3 and a half feet above ground, which shattered the glass panel on the third attempt, as can be seen below.

The firm did not disclose the surface onto which the unit was dropped, nor did it perform any investigation into whether the device was more susceptible to damage sans its internal components and the added density and structural resistance they may provide.

Nevertheless, the firm is using the experiment to generate attention and challenge Apple's stated claim that the iPhone 4's all-new design and build quality are "like no other mobile device." The iPhone maker said earlier this week that the device's aluminosilcate glass front and back are "chemically strengthened to be 30 times harder than plastic, more scratch resistant and more durable than ever."

iFixYouri contends that while the glass may be 30 times stronger than plastic and able to withstand bending, its durability still falls short on sudden impact, which is "what causes 95% of glass shattering. Not because you bent the glass in your pocket, not because you dropped it and it bent, but really because of sudden impact."

The firm also argues that the iPhone 4 sports a design flaw that "will bite [Apple] in the future." Is says that in the new device, the glass sits on top of the unit's aluminum frame, where on previous models it was recessed and protected by a chrome bezel.

While iFixYouri's one-off test should be considered anything but conclusive, Apple similarly appears to be veering on the side of caution with its announcement that it will sell its very first set of iPhone protectors alongside the iPhone 4, dubbed Bumpers.

To be made available in 6 colors for $29.99 a piece, the accessories don't obscure the front or back of the handset, but instead wrap its edges in a shock-absorbing, rubberized material.

"With metal buttons for volume and power, two-tone colors, and a combination of rubber and molded plastic, Bumpers add a touch of style to any iPhone 4," Apple says. Several third-parties are also racing to market with similar protective casing designs which are likely to fetch a bit less than Apple's first-party offerings.


  • Reply 1 of 210
    thetoethetoe Posts: 84member
    I don't understand how those cracks are on the surface, but not on the edges of the glass...?

    On the other hand... $30 for a small piece of rubber does seem a bit excessive, no? Oh wait. It does have color options. Do you at least get all 6 colors for that price? Or could people actually spend up to $180 on getting their iPhone to match their outfit?
  • Reply 2 of 210
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Originally Posted by TheToe View Post

    I don't understand how those cracks are on the surface, but not on the edges of the glass...?

    On the other hand... $30 for a small piece of rubber does seem a bit excessive, no? Oh wait. It does have color options. Do you at least get all 6 colors for that price? Or could people actually spend up to $180 on getting their iPhone to match their outfit?

    Yeah, I was shocked at the cost of those. Should be $5.99. At least it isn't a sock.
  • Reply 3 of 210
    jumperjumper Posts: 34member
    This has already been talked about. The test was junk. The moron who did it does know how to perform a real product test. I can't believe that Appleinsider is posting the article. Wow...Appleinsider, kind of embarrassing !!!
  • Reply 4 of 210
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Let me guess, they found it in a bar?
  • Reply 5 of 210
    thetoethetoe Posts: 84member
    Originally Posted by TheToe View Post

    o you at least get all 6 colors for that price? Or could people actually spend up to $180 on getting their iPhone to match their outfit?

    Found the description:

    and it appears that they are indeed selling each individual color for $30.

    Gotta hand it to Apple. They sure have no shame.
  • Reply 6 of 210
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Wait a second, we saw with our own eyes Apple BENDING THE GLASS to a point where you expected it to shatter, now we're being told it shatters after a fall of a few feet?

    I don't buy it. I think this is bs, but the people know when everyone gets their iphone, they won't be attempting to prove them wrong.

    (yes, I'm very pessimistic when it comes to anything a company says to sell more shit.)
  • Reply 7 of 210
    donarbdonarb Posts: 52member
    I have owned an iPod Touch and currently have an iPhone 3GS. In all the time that I have owned them, I have only dropped my phone once and that was on a carpeted floor. I treat my devices like I treat anything that I care about and have spent good money for. Some people just don't care.
  • Reply 8 of 210
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by TheToe View Post

    Found the description:

    and it appears that they are indeed selling each individual color for $30.

    Gotta hand it to Apple. They sure have no shame.

    So I assume you're going to buy one so that you can continue to bitch, right?
  • Reply 9 of 210
    womble2k2womble2k2 Posts: 118member
    Umm, the unit has no buttons so this suggests it wasn't a fully assembled unit.

    It may be therefore possible, that the screen was damaged prior to fitting and was put together to suggest that this has been a real test.

  • Reply 10 of 210
    rco3rco3 Posts: 76member
    Sure would be nice if people were able to differentiate between "30 times harder than plastic" and "30 times stronger than plastic". Doesn't take much to be harder than plastic - hell, plate glass is harder than most (unhardened) steel! The PCWorld articles quotes Apple as saying, "20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic." They didn't use the word "stronger". If someone has a link to where Apple calls the glass "30 times stronger than plastic," I'd like to read that directly.
  • Reply 11 of 210
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by donarb View Post

    I have owned an iPod Touch and currently have an iPhone 3GS. In all the time that I have owned them, I have only dropped my phone once and that was on a carpeted floor. I treat my devices like I treat anything that I care about and have spent good money for. Some people just don't care.

    lol they're called accidents for a reason. When someone drops their phone by accident, they don't call it an "on purpose"
  • Reply 12 of 210
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Without explaining how, iFixYouri says it came into possession of a complete iPhone 4 shell with its glass face in tact, but minus its internal componentry. It then performed several drop tests of the device from 3 and a half feet above ground, which shattered the glass panel on the third attempt, as can be seen below.

    The sum of its parts is often greater than...

    Yea, something like that. My point being this test was ENTIRELY USELES without having a FULL iPhone to test. Those 'silly' internal components will likely have an affect on drop test that was performed. Don't believe me?

    Take out all the 'stuff' from INSIDE an automobile, the seats, engine, steering, transmission, cooling, exhaust, etc etc, and then have another car crash into it. Wanna take any bets that the damage done would be 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x as bad?

  • Reply 13 of 210
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,561member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Wait a second, we saw with our own eyes Apple BENDING THE GLASS to a point where you expected it to shatter, now we're being told it shatters after a fall of a few feet?

    I don't buy it. I think this is bs, but the people know when everyone gets their iphone, they won't be attempting to prove them wrong.

    (yes, I'm very pessimistic when it comes to anything a company says to sell more shit.)

    Where did you see the glass being bent by Apple?
  • Reply 14 of 210
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Let's face it...

    The full-court media press is on against Apple.

    Its the 'theme' of the month, now that the old one about the 'anti-incumbent' wave is getting harder to sell.

    All one can do is use it as a buying opportunity.
  • Reply 15 of 210
    bartfatbartfat Posts: 434member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    lol they're called accidents for a reason. When someone drops their phone by accident, they don't call it an "on purpose"

    Which is why you get a case, so you can replace that later if the case breaks, rather than replacing your phone
  • Reply 16 of 210
    Does anyone ACTUALLY believe this amount damage was caused by a 3 foot drop?? I'm not saying it's ENTIRELY possible that Apple is overplaying how durable the phone is.. but come on, you can drop a $2 juice glass from Ikea on the ground and it won't cause that much damage.

    Maybe they want to clarify some details.. such as, was dropped or thrown. And was it dropped on the ground or a steel pipe.. like seriously..
  • Reply 17 of 210
    My 3G S fell out of my shorts pocket onto a concrete floor as I stood up once. Couple of scratches on the case and bevel as it bounced (and let me tell you, those things can bounce!), and the SIM card holder popped out, but the glass stayed intact. I was quite impressed.
  • Reply 18 of 210
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member
    I was all smiles until the price of the rubber ring was revealed. Is Macfixit going to do an analysis on that and find it costs Apple 1.7 cents? I agree that Apple is basically offering this as breakage insurance. Had they designed a rubber ring around the iPhone, it wouldn't have been nearly as sexy. But then again, neither are a million scratches.

    They did mention that the glass was as hard as sapphire crystal, which is what Rolex uses. And you simply cannot scratch it.

    Overall, I was really pumped watching the presentation. So much innovation. But once again, rubber has found a way to slightly deaden my joy.
  • Reply 19 of 210
    thetoethetoe Posts: 84member
    If you wanted to promote your iPhone repair website and you weren't particularly constrained by ethics... could you think of a way to get that done?

  • Reply 20 of 210
    zanshinzanshin Posts: 350member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Without explaining how, iFixYouri says it came into possession of a complete iPhone 4 shell with its glass face in tact, but minus its internal componentry. It then performed several drop tests of the device from 3 and a half feet above ground, which shattered the glass panel on the third attempt, as can be seen below.

    Do you suppose maybe not having the internal componentry intact has anything to do with it?

    Try crumpling a full can of food compared to an empty one.
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