iOS 4 100 new features where?

in iPhone edited January 2014
I can only find the 8 features from the keynote - where is the list of 100?

the keynote started with something like theres over a hundred new features, we will mention only 8


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    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    I can only find the 8 features from the keynote - where is the list of 100?

    the keynote started with something like theres over a hundred new features, we will mention only 8

    The marketing suggests 1500 features:

    I'm not sure how they count these things but I'm pretty sure it's wrong.

    I guess it includes a lot of new developer APIs and perhaps the features work in a hierarchy so if they make the same API change in a subset of 5 different areas, they probably count it as 5 features.

    They'll probably never name all the features explicitly. Higher resolution icons will be a feature, gyroscope interaction, iMovie.
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