And the X-Box shall rule them all!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
or not, at least not according to <a href=""; target="_blank">Reuters</a>.

Turns out x-Box sales are doing worse than expected. looks like MS may not make their 4.5 - 6 million units shipped by the end of june.

oh well, this really makes me hurt inside.



  • Reply 1 of 15
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    It usually takes MS at least version 95 to make it even remotely comparable to the competitors.
  • Reply 2 of 15
    o well big suprise not

    the basic problem is that microsoft has no experiance i gameing, no renowned game programmers and no customer loyalty.
  • Reply 3 of 15
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by little mouse:

    <strong>...and no customer loyalty.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If MS have anything its customer loyalty. They just need to find the bulldozer they used to crush Apple and Netscape to enter the gaming marked. Despite the rust, clumsiness and the low mileage it could be used one more time against Nintendo and Sony.
  • Reply 4 of 15
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    Well, I can't wait to see Ericsson and Nokia kick MS's ass in the mobile phone business...
  • Reply 5 of 15
    sebseb Posts: 676member
    Could it be that there isn't enough software, namely games, for the MS version?

    People look at the xbox see its games on the shelves, then see the PS2 with all of its game on the shelves and decide to go for the one with the most software/games.

    Do people say "There isn't any software for the xbox." ?

    Sweet irony.
  • Reply 6 of 15
    like i posted in FW:


    M$ will drop out of the game console market for a few reasons:

    1) xbox costs 500 to make, sells for 300

    2) unless xbox prices are lowered, the msrp is 100 over the GC and PS2

    3)theyre against big time rivals sony and nintendo nintendo's got the history, sonys got the tech

    4) the ONLY good game for xbox is halo the ONLY


  • Reply 7 of 15
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Thing is, this is how MS does business. Windows, MSN, Internet Explorer, Office, etc. were all sub-par for a long long time. They have enough money and resources to tolerate this and slowly eat away their competitors' leads by undercutting them and bringing their product to relative parity. They will win. They can afford to hang in there.
  • Reply 8 of 15
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    X-Box and PS2 are the same price. $299.

    The only reason GC is cheaper is because it won't play DVD movies.
  • Reply 9 of 15
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    There's really one thing keeping the Xbox alive at all: Bungie. Halo is the reason why people buy Xboxes. The rest of the games are pretty weak. I've played quite a few of them, and since I never really liked Doom, Quake, or even Marathon, I don't even like Halo much. The car racing games for Xbox pale in comparison to GT3 and GTA3 (similar names there) that exist for PS2.
  • Reply 10 of 15
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    It's amazing to me how so many gamers around think that the XBox is the greatest gaming machine of all time when I can't go to the store and find a game I want to buy for it (and I'm not joking either).

    My Game Cube is getting the most of my gameplay time, along with my Dreamcast (yes, the 'dead' one). I like the online DC games and the Game Cube has the best games out (right now playing Gauntlet and Super Monkey Ball). Actually, Super Monkey Ball was the first game I got for Game Cube (got it even before I had the system :eek: ) and it's the game I play the most.

    Any way, the XBox has a game called Morrowind coming out 'soon' (looks all right), but the Game Cube has Resident Evil coming out at the end of the month (this game will sell Game Cubes).

    XBox finally lost this past week in sales, being surpassed by the Game Cube for the first time.

    Microsoft sold 28,000 XBoxes in the US last week, while Nintendo sold 32,000 Game Cubes.

    In Japan, Nintendo sold 25,000 Game Cubes and Microsoft sold 4,000 XBoxes. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    In Europe, the Game Cube is not yet released, while Microsoft sees retailers almost trying to give the systems away by selling them at ~$130!

    Sony also announced yesterday that adding to its online plans, its network will be 'free' to use (pay for ISP, not service), and announced Everquest for the PS2 (not compatible with the PC version). Microsoft, on the other hand, has basically said that its big title for the online launch will be Halo- a game which is already played online for FREE. Microsoft wants to charge money to pay for their service in addition to your ISP. Not only that, they want to make it P2P meaning that you don't even use their hardware!

    The truth is that despite its shortfalls, Microsoft will not let the XBox die, even if they lose BILLIONS in the process. Right now, they've got their foot in the door, so to speak, and are going to try and take on Sony in the 'next' console wars in 2005. The general consensus is that the PS3 will be announced in 2004 and will play all PS1 and PS2 games. Microsoft will see the specs of the machine, and a few months later, announce the XBox 2 which will play XBox games as well. They will try and launch it around the same time as Sony to try and steal their thunder.

    But if they don't have the games, I don't think they are going to be successful. Originally, I thought Nintendo was going to have the tough time with games, with MS and Sony flooding the market. But right now, there's not really anything for XBox or PS2 that interests me (I did, however, pick up Maximo). The Game Cube, on the other hand, has a lot of its 'franchise games' starting to come out this summer, including Mario, and the highly anticipated game Eternal Darkness. If these games get good reviews, I expect a ton of Game Cubes will be sold.
  • Reply 11 of 15
    patchoulipatchouli Posts: 402member
    It's a shame - the XBox is truly a great gaming console. My cousins have them all and the XBox was by far the 'coolest' one with amazing graphics, great user menus and very fast load times. Too bad there aren't that many games out yet. Sony's got the share thanks to the DVD player option. PS2 is not superior to XBox in terms of features, performance and graphics - it just has more games and is backward compatible with PS1.
  • Reply 12 of 15
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    The graphics might be amazing, but you can't have a game console without games.
  • Reply 13 of 15
    [quote]Originally posted by seb:

    <strong>Could it be that there isn't enough software, namely games, for the MS version?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    This is the main reason my wife and I went with with a GC. It had a couple of "exclusive" titles that we really wanted while the games that we would like to play on the Xbox were also available for the GC. This will all change however when <a href=",10869,2860083-1,00.html"; target="_blank">Tekki</a> comes out. I love Mech games and you can't beat the controller....

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [edit] wrong url for link [/edit]

    [ 04-10-2002: Message edited by: The Milkman ]</p>
  • Reply 14 of 15
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    that has got to be the most bad ass controller i have ever seen in my life. damn.

    you know, i firmly believe that MS will just continue to pound away until sony and nintendo are dead. it's just their style. explorer sucked. look where it is now. windows sucks, look where it is now. MS office sucked for years, look where it is now. access sucks, people swear by is 'cause it's all they've used. trust me, MS makes shitty products, goes on and on with them until they take over.

    they'll start buying out more developers soon enough.

    although one can always dream.
  • Reply 15 of 15
    [quote]Originally posted by alcimedes:

    <strong>that has got to be the most bad ass controller i have ever seen in my life. damn.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I know! I really can't wait for this one. There are even foot pedals for this beast. They plan on keeping the price at around $150. Here is a quote from the article about the controller:

    [quote]The controller is about 80cm in length, with numerous buttons, toggle switches, analog sticks, and foot pedals divided into three panels. First, you'll have several buttons on the right panel to open the VT's hatch, turn on the ignition, and start up the engine. Following that, you'll flip the toggle switches on the left panel to turn on the operating system, which will display the oxygen supply, fuel, radar, and the status of other vital instruments onscreen. Basic control involves using the shift gear on the left panel and one of three pedals to move forward (or backward if the gear is in reverse). There are two other foot pedals, which are used to strafe left and right. The left analog stick is used to rotate the upper portion of the mech, while the right analog stick is used to look around, lock onto targets, and fire weapons. You can use the tuner dial to find the right frequency to radio in other members of your team. To keep communication from taking up too much of your focus, you'll be able to save up to five frequencies on the hotkeys located above the dial. Other function keys you'll use in the game will let you turn on the night vision scope, zoom the camera in and out, and detach parts of the VT. <hr></blockquote>

    Now, if Microsoft is smart, when this game comes out they'll bundle the Xbox, Tekki, and this controller because I'd want one.
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