Moved: The End Of The World As We Know It...But I Feel Fine!
Well, I don't recall seeing a thread on this yet, and with some of the events surrounding Israel, the middle east, and the world in general there have been news reports and a general feel in religious and non-religious circles that the end of the world is near. I don't know, but it could make for an interesting discussion. Note the word discussion. That is key to this topic being worthwhile.
Two Questions (please feel free to add your own so long as it stays true to the topic):
The only rule for this topic is that you cannot attack what another believes about the end of the world. You can dispute it, but please do not call someone an idiot or verbally assault them for having an opinion.
[ 07-25-2002: Message edited by: groverat ]</p>
Two Questions (please feel free to add your own so long as it stays true to the topic):
- Do you believe that the world will end in your lifetime? If so, why?
- How do you believe the world will end? (e.g. Sun goes supernova, all life extinguished in ball of fire, or God returns, takes his people, shuts the light off when he leaves.)
The only rule for this topic is that you cannot attack what another believes about the end of the world. You can dispute it, but please do not call someone an idiot or verbally assault them for having an opinion.
[ 07-25-2002: Message edited by: groverat ]</p>
- The world will not end in my lifetime (or in the seconds after my death) but it will become pretty grim.
- The world (or more precisely the earth) will end by the hands of mankind.
[ 04-10-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>Insofar as humanity is concerned, we will continue on as long as resources are available.
Those who believe in the mumbo jumbo (hey thats my opinion): Second coming, When and how?
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
--T. S. Elliot, "The Hollow Men"
To answer:
I don't think the "world will end" in my lifetime. If it does it will be due to either:
A. Nuclear/Biological Warfare
B. A cataclysmic domino effect caused by space junk in low earth orbit colliding with other space junk/satellites, causing more space junk, causing more collisions etc. Thereby disrupting global communications/civilization as we know it, etc.
C. Some type of extreme natural event (Ice Age, Asteroid what have you).
D. Aliens decide they're done making fun of us and wipe us out.
E. An all loving God decides to kill us all since we can't decide who's cherry picked version of what he did or didn't say is right.
In that order.
<strong>This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
--T. S. Elliot, "The Hollow Men"</strong><hr></blockquote>
i love that quote! i first read that inside the cover inside "On the Beach," my alltime favorite book. simply incredible...
we will come close to destroying the world ourselves, but i dont think we will completely eradicate our species. and i do believe the end is near. i had a dream about it last night actually--pretty strange coincidence. i didnt remember it really until i opened this thread...
Saying that i doubt that it will be the end of the world any time soon, BTW there is a slime chance that it may be the end of the world we use to know, a big change where our and ours childrens will loose great. But this future world may have a chance to be better, or we can enter in a regression aera for centuries ( a mad max world if you prefer).
I expect that before that big change will came that will be able to reach our near space and colonize it, if we can last until this aera, will have a chance to enter in a new golden age, like it was in 1482 (you know christopher Colombus) .
Ouch enough brain storming for this day
Oh, and jesperas, that's my favorite poem.
The 'world' for me will end when I die, that is when the heart stops beating and the brain shuts off due to lack of oxygen, forcing the billions of electrical and chemical reactions responsible for the illusion/impression of 'soul' 'self-awareness' and 'consciousness' to cease.
The 'world' for the human race collectively will cease when the environment on this planet become too hostile for the continuation of life support. through natural events or those unduced by human activity.
The 'world' as an integrated physical body will cease when the Sun expands to become a 'red giant' in several billion years, when its circumference may be even larger than that described by Earth's orbit. The Sun may even go Nova/Supernova...that would really finish things off!
some humans have thought the world would end for nearly every day of those 2 million years.
so reckonize you chicken literals,
Seriously, dawg. Have a Swiss Colony beef log, on me.
[QB]First NOAH, before answering i will ask you what do you mean by the world, do you mean the earth, do you mean mankind. For the moment the two are nearly the same things, but in the future if we are wize enough we will be able to reach other aera of our near universe, so it will be possible that there will be the end of earth but not the end of mankind.<hr></blockquote>
Since you asked me directly I will reply to you. I have forced myself not to reply to the posts before you. I may to some after you though. As far as your questions. I mean a literal end of Earth. physically ceases to exist. However, it would likely be a much more interesting thread if we discussed each interpretation of what the "end" actually is.
[quote]Saying that i doubt that it will be the end of the world any time soon, BTW there is a slime chance that it may be the end of the world we use to know, a big change where our and ours childrens will loose great. But this future world may have a chance to be better, or we can enter in a regression aera for centuries ( a mad max world if you prefer).<hr></blockquote>
I think you are right in that we will see the end of the world as we know it first. If you want to know what I feel will happen take a dive into Daniel and Revelation. What I am unsure of is how much is literal events and how much is interpretation as some of what was seen may be beyond the experience of the one it was revealed to...
[quote]I expect that before that big change will came that will be able to reach our near space and colonize it, if we can last until this aera, will have a chance to enter in a new golden age, like it was in 1482 (you know christopher Colombus) .
Ouch enough brain storming for this day
I don't think we will ever get off of this rock and colonize another planet. I would like it if we did, but I am betting it is not in the cards for us.
<strong>The world (as in the earth) will end (as in no longer existing) when the sun goes supernova in a good 5 billion years. Humans, on the other hand, will likely go extinct before that, but probably not for awhile. We're fairly resourceful creatures, but we've only been around for about 2 million of the earth's 5 billion prior years, so we're nothing more, in terms of universal history, than an interesting blip.
Oh, and jesperas, that's my favorite poem.</strong><hr></blockquote>
In the year 2525, if man is still alive, if woman can survive, they may find....
So a vote for Supernova. Cool!
<strong>E. An all loving God decides to kill us all since we can't decide who's cherry picked version of what he did or didn't say is right.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Hmm, thought about passing on this but decided to do a short reply. When God destroys the world (not if, in my opinion) it will not be because of hi anger at you or me. I believe it will be because the time is up and he is ready to move on to a more perfect relationship with those he created. It will not be a vendetta.
<strong>The end of the world will come when little cuss posts start making sense.
Seriously, dawg. Have a Swiss Colony beef log, on me.
I thought his post made sense...
- Doctor, my eyes have seen the years
He may or may not have been talking about the end of the world but either way the sentiments seem to fit our times. To answer your queries Noah, I tend to think along the same lines as Seb:And the slow parade of fears without crying
Now I want to understand.
I have done all that I could
To see the evil and the good without hiding
You must help me if you can.
Doctor, my eyes
Tell me what is wrong
Was I unwise to leave them open for so long?
'Cause I have wandered through this world
And as each moment has unfurled
I've been waiting to awaken from these dreams
People go just where they will
I never noticed them until I got this feeling
That it's later than it seems.
Doctor, my eyes
Tell me what you see
I hear their cries
Just say if it's too late for me.
Doctor, my eyes
Cannot see the sky
Is this the prize for having learned how not to cry?
1. The Human Race will end long before the earth will cease to exist.
2. The Human Race will do itself in just fine. No asteroids or plagues required, though either is certainly possible (especially the former - we're overdue in the deep impact category).
:eek: <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
[ 04-11-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ]</p>
Hmm, thought about passing on this but decided to do a short reply. When God destroys the world (not if, in my opinion) it will not be because of hi anger at you or me. I believe it will be because the time is up and he is ready to move on to a more perfect relationship with those he created. It will not be a vendetta.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Fair enough. But then why would the middle east conflicts have anything to do with it? Just because of what revelations says? I mean Lev. says to touch the skin of a dead pig is a sin (football anyone) and Cor. says a woman is not to speak in church and that if she has a question she is to ask her husband in the privacy of her home.
Now, I'm not saying it's bad to believe in God. Just that it seems like so much of the bible has been screwed up over the millenia in translations. The King James version was written for him, afterall, to help control the people...
I just don't know how wise it is to take anything out of the bible literally. I don't think God will "end the world". If he did, would he take out the whole planet? The whole universe? Just humans? I don't get why he would make a whole universe and then kill off humans just because the people in the middle east are fighting. Is the universe his petri dish and is this something he does with every life inhabited planet (assuming there are others - to give the universe a purpose, if 'He' created it just to destroy it next week).
Not trying to attack your beliefs. Just trying to discuss the original point of the topic which was the "general feel in religious and non-religious circles that the end of the world is near". (there's that confusing "end of the world" term again.)
I just caught your post (not sure how I missed it the first time through)...what makes you believe the world itself will survive indefinitely through such events as the distant (but inevitable) extinction of our Sun and other catastrophic astronomical events?
This world we like to think of as being so permanent is just another hunk of rock and gas in the grand scheme of things. It's just as frail as any other planetary body in the universe.....
[ 04-11-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ]</p>