Why didn't Apple discover the antenna problems before?

in iPhone edited January 2014
It all make sense now. Remember when the iPhone 4 was discovered in the bar? It was in a case that made it look like an iPhone 3G/S... a case that made sure the antenna was never touched...


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    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    It all make sense now. Remember when the iPhone 4 was discovered in the bar? It was in a case that made it look like an iPhone 3G/S... a case that made sure the antenna was never touched...

    Umm this has been brought up many times already in the other threads. If you weren't a regular I'd be more rude. \

    Anyways my personal instinct is that there is no way Apple would not have tested it "naked" in various locations.

    If however they did a massive amount of testing WITH the casing, well, Apple's secrecy and everything has all gone round and bit them in the backside, what with the Gizmodo fiasco and this antenna thing. Not saying Apple sucks, it's just an unfortunate situation all around.
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