iOS performance on iphone3G-performance issues.

in iPhone edited January 2014
Has anyone had any experience of their iphone 3G performing more slowly or adversely after an upgrade of the existing OS to the new iOS just issued? I know multitasking, etc, doesn't work. I'm wondering if the new OS overtaxes the hardware and it's not worth upgrading. Thanks.


  • Reply 1 of 11
    cyloncylon Posts: 126member
    Yes it slows it down. I think I may end up going back to the last OS on it.
  • Reply 2 of 11
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    I had it on my 3G for a few weeks (developer seed) and it seemed to run fairly slowly relative to 3.1.3. When I got my iPhone 4 I reverted the 3G back to 3.1.3 and it works just as well as it always did. The best parts of iOS4 for the 3G were folders (I really like those) and the universal inbox. The other features just didn't seem compelling enough given the performance hit they exacted.

    I'm hoping Apple continues providing tweaked/optimized versions so I can try iOS4 on it again. Reverting, once you've tried it and decided whether or not it's for you, isn't a big deal and goes fairly quickly.
  • Reply 3 of 11
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    I upgraded and tried it with both stock and jailbroken with multitasking enabled.

    In all configs, it was just way too slow. I downgraded to 3.1.3 and hope it might get looked at in a point release update. If not, I'm just fine with how my iPhone is running under 3.1.3.
  • Reply 4 of 11
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,438moderator
    You get some added delays when opening certain apps but I find the transition animations quicker which adds to perceived speed, especially when quitting apps. I wish they'd give the option for multitasking but I'm happy with iOS 4 overall. I love the folders feature, new icons etc. If you are happy with OS 3 then there's certainly no huge reason to upgrade, iBooks isn't really that special, the digital zoom is not much use but there's not that much harm in upgrading IMO.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    No, it is not slow.

    Unless you willingly cripple Apple's software and then are whining back and forth about how it is "fairly sluggish".
  • Reply 6 of 11
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Final update on this. Yesterday I purchased myself a bit of a sidegrade. I bought a used iPhone 3G/16 gig to replace my iPhone 3G/8 gig. It came with an AT&T sim and was on iOS4 never having been jailbroken nor unlocked.

    iOS4 was still slower than 3.1.3 and at least once, after loading a particularly large game, stalled for a full 10-15 seconds after closing said game.

    Also understand that by the reasoning of most people including myself, 3.1.3 is not by any stretch blazing on the 3G. It is a little sluggish to begin with and becomes MORE sluggish with iOS4. Those seconds add up though. When you are talking 4 seconds to open versus 3 and you are going back and forth across multiple apps due to lack of multitasking, it really adds up and feels 25% slower.
  • Reply 7 of 11
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    *yawn* Restoring from jailbroken backup is sufficient to make things worse, linuxoids...

    Final update 'my ass...
  • Reply 8 of 11
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    *yawn* Restoring from jailbroken backup is sufficient to make things worse, linuxoids...

    Final update 'my ass...

    Explain rather than insult and perhaps you could convince rather than just condemn.

    Also provide what criteria you need to make this point and I'll do it. I can start fresh and instead of doing a backup, start with a new user on that phone and revert to the backup later.

    No one, not even Apple has claimed 4 would run as fast as or better than 3.1.3 on this class of hardware. Apple specifically excluded certain features due to limitation of the hardware. Besides fanboyism, condescension and trolling on your part, where is the proof?

    Put up or shut up. Do you even own an iPhone 3G or are you just going around condemning everyone else because you hate anyone who has ever admitted to jailbreaking or unlocking?
  • Reply 9 of 11
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Are you asking ivan.rnn01 not to insult on AI board ? Sorry, my dear mates, ivan has not even got satred on insulting someone here.

    Yes, unlike the vast majority on this board, I do have iPhone 3G and I know my hardware. And honestly, I doubt a lot you do.

    And I repeat --- hopefully the last time, no huge intention to enter into discussions with users of twidroids --- iOS 4.0 is not slow on iPhone 3G, which was not jailbroken. Without using special equipment user can not notice the difference in time of execution of pretty much any piece of Apple software and most of third-party apps.

    4 sec vs. 3 sec of the splash screen of specially selected slow application may be somewhat theoretically significant. But this is not iOS 4.0, for starters. It was not measured precise. It varies. It's artificial example of no practical use.

    Receiving iPhone (did you?) with pre-installed iOS 4.0 you can not say what's happened to that phone before. I repeat restoring from jailbroken backup matters. Don't show me how good you know the theory of restoring iPhones. It's irrelevant.

    I will not shut up. Neither will I "discuss" and fight for any guarantees for that guy who asked for an advice. He chooses to trust your theories, he takes what he's entitled to.

    iOS 4.0 will, sure, not slow down on iPhone 3G as a result of your theorizing.
  • Reply 10 of 11
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    Are you asking ivan.rnn01 not to insult on AI board ? Sorry, my dear mates, ivan has not even got satred on insulting someone here.

    Well guard that bridge and enjoy.


    Yes, unlike the vast majority on this board, I do have iPhone 3G and I know my hardware. And honestly, I doubt a lot you do.

    Doubt all you want. I've seen the issue on several forums and on the Apple support forum. Some hard reset and clearing out and full reset helps clear out the worst and most egregious problems but the point remains that iOS4 is slower than 3.1.3 on many matters. You've not offered and proof to the contrary and there are multiple examples from many user and even video illustrating it. Feel free to hold your breath and throw a tantrum or likewise repeat yourself ad-nauseum.


    And I repeat --- hopefully the last time, no huge intention to enter into discussions with users of twidroids --- iOS 4.0 is not slow on iPhone 3G, which was not jailbroken. Without using special equipment user can not notice the difference in time of execution of pretty much any piece of Apple software and most of third-party apps. 4 sec vs. 3 sec of the splash screen of specially selected slow application may be somewhat theoretically significant. But this is not iOS 4.0, for starters. It was not measured precise. It varies. It's artificial example of no practical use.

    Yes, you do indeed repeat your FUD over and over again. Cast doubt on the parties, the apps, the user and their ability to be able to tell four second from three. Declare all of it impractical just to add the cherry on top. It is all dust being thrown up to try to obscure the reality that iOS4 is slower than 3.1.3


    Receiving iPhone (did you?) with pre-installed iOS 4.0 you can not say what's happened to that phone before. I repeat restoring from jailbroken backup matters. Don't show me how good you know the theory of restoring iPhones. It's irrelevant.

    Actually I can since I met the owner, talked with him at length and have no reason to doubt him. He is a die hard iPhone and Apple user who absolutely would do nothing to harm nor impair the phone. He only uses AT&T. He even purchases Applecare on all his products. He keeps them in cases and with covers. The phone and everything about it were immaculate and he passed along all boxes, paperwork, you name it. This was some guy trying to sell a scrapped up iPhone with no accessories but 100 free apps to offset that.


    I will not shut up. Neither will I "discuss" and fight for any guarantees for that guy who asked for an advice. He chooses to trust your theories, he takes what he's entitled to.

    iOS 4.0 will, sure, not slow down on iPhone 3G as a result of your theorizing.

    Won't prove your point but won't stop repeating it and in the meantime you won't discuss anything either. Keep guarding that bridge there and keep demanding that toll.
  • Reply 11 of 11
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    *yawn* OK.
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