iPhone app recommendations
I have my very first iPhone (3Gs - son and wife already have them) and I'm planning on some AppStore shopping this weekend. So my question is...
Can you please suggest any app that you think is a must-have, and briefly note why? With any luck it'll save me having to trawl through 000s of options and also help me avoid downloading dogs.
Many thanks in advance.
Can you please suggest any app that you think is a must-have, and briefly note why? With any luck it'll save me having to trawl through 000s of options and also help me avoid downloading dogs.
Many thanks in advance.

I think video converting program is the app you must have or a dvd to iphone ripper. With it you can transfer any video to your iphone.
You can directly google search video to iphone converter or dvd to iphone ripper, most free app is visible.
I appreciate your suggestion avamacx. Thanks.
Thanks in advance.
PS: I'm a little surprised that I haven't been bombarded with site suggestions given that there are at least a couple of dozen members of AI who'd be only too happy for me to be anyplace but here.
I suggest you look at the Augemented Reality Apps - like Layar
Wow, some amazing apps there. Don't know whether or not they'll all work where I live but it'll be cool trying them out. I assume there will be demo versions of most but I'll look deeper.
Thanks a heap for your suggestion.
OK, so the games I like the most are FieldRunners and The Creeps but there are others popular ones... just look for "tower defence".
For entertainment, you can try the kind of twisting faces apps like Face Melter or FatBooth. Those are the best ones for me but again, there are many similar ones...
If you are into RSS reading - the best one in my opinion is Web Feeds - I tested a bunch of them and this one is my favorite.
Those are the ones I like (you know, beyond the usual facebook, Digg, etc.)
Also, for cool free apps - download the FreeAppADay application - it gives you a free app every day.
Hope that helps.
Great tips, Gil.
I'll check 'em out and thanks a bunch for your suggestions.
I like the Career Test app! It's fun and interesting to see your career path and your personality traits... I always make my friends pass it and then we always get into discussions about personality and if these tests can actually measure these kinds of traits. Here is the link to it! http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/caree...0?mt=8:smokey:
Looks like a conversation starter for dinner parties.
I'll have a look, and thanks for your suggestion.
Looks like a conversation starter for dinner parties.
I'll have a look, and thanks for your suggestion.
Your very welcome! I always have little things like this to start conversations cause if i'm at a random party and feel uncomfortable I can always just try something like this hhaa.
Hopefully. There's a lot of apps to trawl through, so any shortcuts to the 'nuggets' welcomed.
Mucos gracias Amigos.
El Chopper. (Practising mi Español por my trip to los Estados Unidos).
For road warriors there are probably thousands that are well suited to that lifestyle, I've got several:
* iFlyPro (track flights, check statuses, etc.)
* Cities (handy when setting teleconferences, etc. with folks in foreign time zones)
* Currencies - currency exchange calculator that works offline when traveling abroad
* Packing Pro - keeps a list of must have stuff to pack if you do a lot of travelling
* Taxi Magic - book and even pay for your taxi ride right from the app as you approach your destination. It emails receipt etc. - great when you have to jump out of the cab as it rolls up to the curb and run for a flight you're about to miss and don't have time to futz around with the driver's carbon copy receipt and potentially slow math skills
Then there's music apps:
* Pandora. enough said. (okay, in case you havent' heard of it - stream music suited to your tastes, it learns your taste in time also)
* Shazam - listens to that song playing in the bar/restaurant/elevator (?!) and provides a title
* NY Times - must have.
* probably thousands of others, just browse the News section of the App Store
* I'm no gamer, but if you're into driving games nothing beats Real Racing
* If you're into retro games and happen to be a child of the 70's/early 80's, LED Football will bring back great memories
iBooks is great. Reading Atlas Shrugged now. Best part of that? Leaving my 8lb, 6" thick hard copy at home on my daily commute on the train
I could go on and on and ON for pages and pages, and I'm sure lots of others can add a bunch more. Hell, I've got at least 30 more on my iP4 now that I love but haven't listed. Productivity apps, apps for sports lovers, apps for gamers, apps for religious people, you get the picture. I'd be surprised if there weren't apps for quilters (?!) for chrissakes.
To find more ideas that suit YOUR tastes, read newspaper articles or tech blog posts about this or that app and decide from the description if it's something you may enjoy.
Click here to find some top hit articles and see what suits your taste. But don't try to find all the great apps on day 1. It takes time to build up your collection. Hope this helps get you started.
The beauty or benefit of an app is really in the eyes of the beholder. What one user may find to render their life useless without it I may find to be "meh".
For road warriors there are probably thousands that are well suited to that lifestyle, I've got several:
* iFlyPro (track flights, check statuses, etc.)
* Cities (handy when setting teleconferences, etc. with folks in foreign time zones)
* Currencies - currency exchange calculator that works offline when traveling abroad
* Packing Pro - keeps a list of must have stuff to pack if you do a lot of travelling
* Taxi Magic - book and even pay for your taxi ride right from the app as you approach your destination. It emails receipt etc. - great when you have to jump out of the cab as it rolls up to the curb and run for a flight you're about to miss and don't have time to futz around with the driver's carbon copy receipt and potentially slow math skills
Then there's music apps:
* Pandora. enough said. (okay, in case you havent' heard of it - stream music suited to your tastes, it learns your taste in time also)
* Shazam - listens to that song playing in the bar/restaurant/elevator (?!) and provides a title
* NY Times - must have.
* probably thousands of others, just browse the News section of the App Store
* I'm no gamer, but if you're into driving games nothing beats Real Racing
* If you're into retro games and happen to be a child of the 70's/early 80's, LED Football will bring back great memories
iBooks is great. Reading Atlas Shrugged now. Best part of that? Leaving my 8lb, 6" thick hard copy at home on my daily commute on the train
I could go on and on and ON for pages and pages, and I'm sure lots of others can add a bunch more. Hell, I've got at least 30 more on my iP4 now that I love but haven't listed. Productivity apps, apps for sports lovers, apps for gamers, apps for religious people, you get the picture. I'd be surprised if there weren't apps for quilters (?!) for chrissakes.
To find more ideas that suit YOUR tastes, read newspaper articles or tech blog posts about this or that app and decide from the description if it's something you may enjoy.
Click here to find some top hit articles and see what suits your taste. But don't try to find all the great apps on day 1. It takes time to build up your collection. Hope this helps get you started.
Wow. Thanks for the recommendations. Great list.
Some of those I'm obviously aware of, many others not, so your efforts are much appreciated. And I'll use the link provided to do some research. The collection has begun, but this will help immensely.
Thanks again.