People with iP4 "antenna-problems" are just liars!

in iPhone edited January 2014
How can I say that?? Because lying increases skin-conductivity as is well known in lie-detectors, thus shortening the 2 antennas.

Could really the case with so different experiences on the iP4 reception be that people have different skin conductivity, some sweat more and some less, apart from other other physiological parameters playing in this field. Another factor is age, you are born with a body composition of 70 % water which decreases in old age to 50 %.

So if you want to find out if your kids lie to you - just order them to hold the death grip and watch the bars...


  • Reply 1 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,388moderator
    They could just be fat. Chubby hands will cover the gap and they are in a low reception area so they must be out walking.

    In America, this won't narrow it down much though.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    Originally Posted by iGroucho View Post

    Another factor is age, you are born with a body composition of 70 % water which decreases in old age to 50 %.

    That's complete anal produce, I'd just like to say that if you had a water content of 50%, you'd be dead from dehydration. Just because old people look dry and wrinkled is not a reason to think that they have less water content.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    igrouchoigroucho Posts: 63member
    Originally Posted by ChrisDaMacMan View Post

    That's complete anal produce, I'd just like to say that if you had a water content of 50%, you'd be dead from dehydration. Just because old people look dry and wrinkled is not a reason to think that they have less water content.

    It so happens that knowledge in this field is part of my profession being a geriatrician. The percentage of water can be even (slightly) less (and you're still alive thou maybe not kicking in that age). You can educate yourself if you don't accept my word for it (just an example I looked up in all haste):
  • Reply 4 of 4
    Originally Posted by iGroucho View Post

    How can I say that?? Because lying increases skin-conductivity as is well known in lie-detectors, thus shortening the 2 antennas.

    Could really the case with so different experiences on the iP4 reception be that people have different skin conductivity, some sweat more and some less, apart from other other physiological parameters playing in this field. Another factor is age, you are born with a body composition of 70 % water which decreases in old age to 50 %.

    So if you want to find out if your kids lie to you - just order them to hold the death grip and watch the bars...

    Originally Posted by iGroucho View Post

    It so happens that knowledge in this field is part of my profession being a geriatrician. The percentage of water can be even (slightly) less (and you're still alive thou maybe not kicking in that age). You can educate yourself if you don't accept my word for it (just an example I looked up in all haste):

    Ok I was wrong. It just seemed crazy to me, i should have probably looked it up before jumping to conclusions.
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