World War III: How it might start

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
I think: (pure speculation here)

If there is no peaceful solution to the mideast conflict (one resulting in a Palestinian State)....


The violence against Israel civilians continues.....


Other Arab nations continue to provoke Israel by lobbing rockets over the border (e.g. Lebanon).


Israel may lose ALL restraint (understandably) and go to war with one Arab nation (Lebanon?).

The sequence of events isn't hard to figure after this point. Other Arab nations (perhaps even our "allies in peace") will side with the Arab world. We, of course, will honor our relationship with Isael and invade with the full force of the US military in possible Arab coalition partners (Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Egypt). Eventually, Libya and other Arab states will join the Arab cause. Kuwait will remain neutral.

These nations will find a way to attack the US directly (gee, I wonder how they could do that?). This will cause us to invoke article 5 of the NATO charter for second time in 2 years (or less) and BINGO....NATO V. ARABIA will begin. But wait, if you fire now, there's still more!

What will really "do it" is China. China has a massive military, and is more advanced than many know. China will have had enough with the US, and will use the opportunity to finally engage in its retaking of Taiwan. The US will honor its committment to defend Taiwan, and bingo....we go to war with China.

I think this is a very possible scenario. Perhaps China would stay out of it, as they are known to do. But perhaps not. I think this would be the "ultimate" war (pardon the term). We are talking about NATO and others versus China and the Arab world. I also think we would have a real temptation to use the bomb to prevent loss of American life. No that I support this, but it could happen. And here is the kicker....

If the mideast peace process fails, it could happen, no? The other possible way is if there is sufficent outrage when we invade Iraq (which will happen in my opinion).


  • Reply 1 of 27
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    If USA starts a war against arab nations or join Israel in one and they retaliate I very much doubt that other nations in Nato would assist US. It might not say so in article five but as I understand it is not the idea of article five to help a country willingly joining a war outside NATO area.

    But despite what Article five say about that it is up to each nation to do whatever they see fit in helping the attacked country. If US joined in a war with Israel I think my government would help with a hospital ship or something like that and would propably do the same for the other side.

    We had more soldiers that US compared to our population in Afghanistan during the fightings so its not like we don´t want to do our part when its fair...
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  • Reply 2 of 27
    digixdigix Posts: 109member
    World War III?

    Well... The two previous World Wars aren't even can be considered as worldwide wars. World War I only primary involved europeans, while the World War II only primary involved europeans and asians.

    I think that someone intentionally want to made these so called ?wars? to look ?big? by giving them ?big? names.

    Even World War I was called ?The Great War? before World War II happened.

    Anyway. What if... What if I told you that behind all of these conflicts, reside one lone party that is responsible for these things? That controlled all of the goverments in the world (including the goverment of the United States of America, it's just another goverment to ?them?). Plus have many controls on other things, like companies, institutions, mass media, etc. And yes, even the United Nations Organization.

    ?They? will always try to make a conflict. Like for example, making a ?war? between one nation again another another nation. That would be easy if you got control of the goverment of those two nations, and have ways of provocating the people of those two nations to hate each other (like through mass media).

    Anyway. Back to World War III.

    I don't know on what ?they? will call World War III. But I have a good suspicion on what they will call this particular ?World War III?.

    Lets review history!

    The Cunard liner, Lusitania, was sunk by a German submarine on May 7,1915, with a loss of more

    than 1,100 passengers and crew, including 124 Americans.

    The Americans are then provoked by ?them? to go upset and be mad, so that Americans will be willing to support the entry of the United States of America (which is controlled by ?them?) to go into war.

    And there, you got... The Great War... er, I mean World War I.

    A few decades later...

    December 7, 1941. A Japanese fleet attacked Pearl Harbour, an United States base.

    Again! The Americans are then provoked by ?them? to go upset and be mad, so that Americans will be willing to support the entry of the United States of America (which is controlled by ?them?) to go into war.

    And so on... The United States of America enter a war that will be known as World War II.

    Another few decades later...

    September 11, 2001. An unknown thing hitted Tower 1 of the New York World Center at 8:45. Around 18 minutes after the first crash (9:03), on what appear to be a jet liner hitted Tower 2 of the New York World Center. Around 55 minutes after the first crash (9:40), another unknown thing hitted a side of the Pentagon. Around 65 minutes after the second crash (10:05), Tower 2 collapsed for reason unknown. And around 89 minutes after the first crash (10:29), Tower 1 also collapsed for reason unknown.

    And again! The Americans are then provoked by ?them? to go upset and be mad, so that Americans will be willing to support the entry of the United States of America (which is controlled by ?them?) to go into war.

    Same Mode of Operations, same result, same purpose. No doubt that ?they? are going to let the United States of America going to take the fall for this one too, like ?they? did to the two previous events (and only God knows on how many times ?they? done this. ?They? after all once used the Roman empire).

    ?They? have no problem on making the United States of America look bad in the front of whole world. To ?them?, the United States of America is merely a ?tool?. ?They? will keep using that ?tool? until ?they? decided to change the ?tool?, or remodified and renamed the ?tool? (same thing, only with a different look and name).

    Folks... We are already in World War III. It just isn't called as ?World War III?.

    It's called... ?War against terrorism?.
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  • Reply 3 of 27
    stroszekstroszek Posts: 801member
    digix, i would ask for some of whatever you are smoking, but i don't think that i ever want to experience that level of paranoia.
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  • Reply 4 of 27
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Gigix (or is it naim?)

    you are obviously reading anti-semitic conspiracy literature.

    I would just warn you about that stuff: it is not revealing a lie, IT IS THE stuff that lies. These conspiracy tracts are lies or dellusions that are very dangerous socially and personally. Socially they create an ugly irrational hatred that grows quickly in the minds of idiots, and is easily used by power mongers.

    And personally it is dangerous because: it makes you paranoid and irrational and turns you into an idiot. And since it messes with your rationality you can't think your way out of the stupidity of other people's willfullness: other people then will really control you and you won't be able to think your way out of a paper bag.
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  • Reply 5 of 27
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    I think that WWIII will start with Israel somehow. Israel will not start it, but I think it will begin there.
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  • Reply 6 of 27
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    Thats a valid course of events SDW. But there is one problem. If Israel went to war with the other Arab states, I sincerely doubt that we would join them. Did we give military support durring their recent incursion into Palenstinian territory? Did we give them military support durring their war with Egypt (not sure on this one, did we?)

    The fact is that its very unlikely, not to mention un-popular if we did.

    However what if several events went in reverse? What if Isreal declared war on a colation of Arab states. The U.S. decided to stay out of that. Becuase for 1.) Isreal can handle itself perfectly well. And 2.) If we entered that on the side of the Isreales it would be very very unpopular.

    But say the Arab states form a military alliance with China (the wildcard that would make this a major war, as a few arab states are fodder for any major American military offensive.) China wants to provoke the U.S. into a war, for variouse reasons. Such as a chance to strike down the 'bastion' of democracy, plus if they win they gain an enourmous military, and more important economic advatage in the world. Becoming a superpower in their own right. So China attacks Taiwan, requiring the U.S. to defend Taiwan creating a war between the two countries. As the conflict escalates America formerly declares war on China, as China does likewise. America is now also at war with the Arab coalition.

    Now how could NATO be brought into the conflict? The Arab coalition is far to weak to put up much a fight by themselves, and with China tangled with America, little forces could come to their aid from China. Russia however is in a perfect location to give supplies, and support. Russia's economy has been tanking for many years recently. But there is one thing that always spurs an economy: and that is War. Military contracts, manufacturing, and supply companies would explode as demand skyrockets in Russia. Bringing Russia out of an economic slumber, and back to their former glory. Many in Russia are simpethetic to the Palestinian cause, and seeing them under attack by Israel would have little quirms with entering on the Arab side. Plus their are many in the Russian government who are still deeply seething at loosing the cold war with America, so this gives them the chance to fight America with backup from China under the guise of 'protecting the palestinians.' Russia would also start attacking American bases in Europe, killing many Europeans as well. This would provoke NATO bringing them on the side of America. Thus WWI the great war, responsible for the second world war, which is responsible for redrawing the lines in the middle east which is at the heart of this conflict, would also start World War III.

    Now there are still ways that this deadly spiral could be prevented. And that is if America does not formaly declare war on China, or China does not enter into a military alliance with the Arab coalition. If America just 'fights' China over Taiwan, and if the conflict does not escalate requiring a formal declaration, America wont have to go to war with the Arab Coalition, thus in effect joining Israel. Plus the Arab coaliton, other than sending terrorist attacks, is not capable of launching any significant military attack against America. If China doesnt enter into a military alliance with the Arab Coalition, then there would only be two wars running side by side in the world. However random events could happen to join the two conflics. It also depends on when/if China decides to attack Taiwan. If China looses WWIII then will be almost perminanly set back economically, and militarily. So its possble the Chinese leadership might opt out of such a risky move. Russia and China are the wildcards here that will decide the scale of the conflict.
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  • Reply 7 of 27
    scott_h_phdscott_h_phd Posts: 448member
    I guess the idea that the Arabs will (already did?) start the war is out of everyone's mind? Only the evil "racist" West, primarily the US, can start a world war. Everything else is just a "reaction" to the "US aggression". If the Arabs do anything it will be because the jew "lost control".

    Here's how it will happen. The Arab/Muslims will invade Israel and start the holocaust all over again. Europe will shrug like they did last time. So long as jews get killed and not pure blooded Europeans then Europe wont care. The Arabs are Europe's "final solution".

    The US, of course, being the moral spine of the civilized world will step in and stop them.

    Or maybe, just maybe, the next world war started with ARAB aggression aka September 11. But we all know the US needs to STFU and take it?s lumps. Also the Jews just need to shut up and let themselves be killed.


    Naw that's ****ed up. Only the Jews and the US are to blame.
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  • Reply 8 of 27
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    I don't see this happening but I'm more worried about India and Pakastan. They both have nukes and are both willing to use them. I would be very surprised if China supported the arab world since they are having some problems with the same kind of radicals we are.
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  • Reply 9 of 27
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    I think that World War III cajn only start if a supedrpower decides to start conquering. China for instance. The USA is capable of conquering... well, North America at least. Crossing oceans to conquer doesn't work well ujnless the people are significatnly less advanced than you - like Euprpenas coming to North America.

    China invades Russioa nad Japan - it all becomes the Empire of whatever. I don't think thje US will get involved.
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  • Reply 10 of 27
    scott_h_phdscott_h_phd Posts: 448member
    What? If China moves on Japan we wont get involved? We better! The US would never let Japan fall to Red China. China moving on Russia would be a nuclear mistake. Maybe Russia can't defend itself against a country like China and if it looked like Russia was being backed into a corner what would they do to make sure that didn't happen?

    India/China is more likely. China will claim that India is a historic part of China ... blah blah blah
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  • Reply 11 of 27
    jakkorzjakkorz Posts: 84member
    [quote]Originally posted by scott_h_phd:

    <strong>I guess the idea that the Arabs will (already did?) start the war is out of everyone's mind? Only the evil "racist" West, primarily the US, can start a world war. Everything else is just a "reaction" to the "US aggression". If the Arabs do anything it will be because the jew "lost control".

    Here's how it will happen. The Arab/Muslims will invade Israel and start the holocaust all over again. Europe will shrug like they did last time. So long as jews get killed and not pure blooded Europeans then Europe wont care. The Arabs are Europe's "final solution".

    The US, of course, being the moral spine of the civilized world will step in and stop them.

    Or maybe, just maybe, the next world war started with ARAB aggression aka September 11. But we all know the US needs to STFU and take it?s lumps. Also the Jews just need to shut up and let themselves be killed.


    Naw that's ****ed up. Only the Jews and the US are to blame.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I wonder where did you get you PhD from.

    It is really funny to say that Arabs are going to start the war. It is also funny to think that the US needs to come to the rescue of Israel if such a war is started. To top that, you blame the Arabs for Sep 11th. Were you just born during 1980? Or where you too busy doing homework? Do you guys do your readings, or have others (such as mass media) do them for you?

    Is it alcohol that contributes to short memory in the States? What is going on with you guys? Wake up!

    It was not so long ago since WWII. Who financed it? Was it not the States and UK, thought of rebuilding Germany after WWI and did all the finance in the wrong way?

    Who went into Vietnam and lost fine men and women of it's people over a political propaganda? American citizens should be willing to sacrifice their lives for their country, but definitely not for those corporate financed politicians well fed pockets and nicely satisfied desires.

    Who started the whole Afghan problem and got the States foot dragged into it? Was it no the UK? Why do you think the former Afghan King resides in Italy rather than the UK, his former ally? Who financed the Mujahedeen? For GOD's sake, they have USSR made stinger missiles, right? The GREAT american soldier RAMBO fought in Nepal, and not the USSR in Afghanistan in that propaganda movie! Who made the Mujahedeen into what they are now? Who used Osama Bin Laden as a conduit to finance the Mujahedeen? During the last ten years, how many times have you heard that there was a chance of catching that ill in the mind terrorist? Can you answer all of these questions and still not wonder what is going on?

    You want more?

    Here you go ....

    Who made Iraq into what Iraq was before 1990? Who made Iran into what Iran was in 1980? Who extended the hand and helped the dictators in South America? Who is keeping silence about the millions of African "human being", not dogs to be protected by the animal rights movement, who are being killed over fame, money, and territories? Who divided the middle east and the Arab/Muslim worlds into pits and pieces to fight each other for as long as life will remain on this planet? Do you know what kind of sick mentality and ill fated thinking the people of these areas have? Who is supporting the dictatorship in Saudi? Heard of the Rockefeller company partners with ARAMCO? Do you know what is ARAMCO?

    If there is immorality in the world, then I tell you flat out, it is concentrated into those corporate financed politicians.

    Remember Water Gate? Remember Iran Contra? Remember JFK?

    Oswald could pull a stunt like this on his own. But GOD forbid, how could Bin Ladin pull it all on his own unless Iraq is backing him up! Neat reason to feed the public to go into war with Iraq. Human history have none of no such perfect crime, until that devil Bin Laden and his ill fated followers have made one by not leaving a shred of evidence behind for the whole time they were planning the Attacks!

    Now, when is that war on terror going to end? Mr. Bush says he does not know, or until all roots of terrorism are pulled out. Indefinite, so it might be. How much does that war on Taliban and Qaeda followers cost the American Tax payer? Last I read( for a certain period of time but let's say for the sake of argument that figure represent all spending since the attack on Afghanistan started) is $30 Billion. Per Capita Head of each individual arrested, killed, injured, or on the run right now should run in the millions of dollars. All that because the FBI and CIA (both with sufficient budgets allocated to them, not to include CIA's huge undisclosed budget) did not do their job. Or did they?

    Do you still think that Washington is going to rescue Israel? Assuming Israel needs to be rescued in the first place, and keeping in mind that they do own nuclear heads.

    The dictators in the Arab world (not to mention the Islamic one) that the politicians are dealing with now are only interested in biting on their thrones. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Do your readings please.

    Leaders do not speak for their well informed nations any longer about real politics, real politics is what goes on behind the doors. Keep that rule of thump in mind. If you consider other nations to be evil because of the actions of their enforced upon them leaders, then do not expect them to think less of US citizens.

    And, just get over that dream about Europe standing with the Arabs. Or Arabs threatening Israel. Talk is cheap, don't you know that? The desperaty that turned the Arabs into ticking bombs in the Occupied Territories will be the same with the Israelis if anyone dares to stand against their dream of forming the Greater Israel. Only Israelis own Nuclear weapons, while Arabs don't, I thank GOD for that.

    If you ever do your readings, you'd wish peace for all, as long as they can maintain it. If they can not maintain it, then they do not deserve it.
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  • Reply 12 of 27
    scott_h_phdscott_h_phd Posts: 448member
    Okay you're right. If anything bad happens it will be US's fault. We all know 9-11 was a jew plot to slander the peace loving muslim arabs. They are the innocent victims of US "aggression". They have no control over what they do and why they do it. They US pulls all the strings.

    [ 05-05-2002: Message edited by: scott_h_phd ]</p>
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  • Reply 13 of 27
    jakkorzjakkorz Posts: 84member
    [quote]Originally posted by scott_h_phd:

    <strong>Okay you're right. If anything bad happens it will be US's fault. We all know 9-11 was a jew plot to slander the peace loving muslim arabs. They are the inocent victims of US "agression". They have no control over what they do and why they do it. They US pulls all the strings.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You still don't get the point do you?

    Looks like not only you don't do your readings, you do not even bother to read a post that responds to yours and fully understand what it says.
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  • Reply 14 of 27
    scott_h_phdscott_h_phd Posts: 448member
    I read it. You just don't have that much to say. What would you have me read? Lemme guess? The Fascist controlled corporate ologopies control the military industrial complex and cook up plots to sell weapons to everyone to drive up profit and stock prices.

    It?s funny you mention Watergate. I minor break in that had no scope outside of a single presidential election. What next?

    Grasp at some more straws dude. You may find something worth talking about in the next 50 to 75 years. You know...if a monkey pounds on a keyboard he may just write Shakespeare in an infinite amount of time. That?s you.
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  • Reply 15 of 27
    jakkorzjakkorz Posts: 84member
    [quote]Originally posted by scott_h_phd:

    <strong>I read it. You just don't have that much to say. What would you have me read? Lemme guess? The Fascist controlled corporate ologopies control the military industrial complex and cook up plots to sell weapons to everyone to drive up profit and stock prices.

    It?s funny you mention Watergate. I minor break in that had no scope outside of a single presidential election. What next?

    Grasp at some more straws dude. You may find something worth talking about in the next 50 to 75 years. You know...if a monkey pounds on a keyboard he may just write Shakespeare in an infinite amount of time. That?s you.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    It is funny to understand that USSR makes Stinger missiles which the Mujahedeed aimed at USSR troops

    Well informed individual you are, indeed.
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  • Reply 16 of 27
    scott_h_phdscott_h_phd Posts: 448member
    [quote]Originally posted by jakkorz:


    It is funny to understand that USSR makes Stinger missiles which the Mujahedeed aimed at USSR troops

    Well informed individual you are, indeed.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Huh? Now you're confusing me. You said the USSR made the missiles not me. I read over that think it was just a slip of mind or maybe a typing error. Either way let me change ask a different question.

    Is it so had to believe that the Arab world could start the next war? It's part of the world ruled by dictators. The anti-Semitism is rampant there. They hate Israel not because of the Palestinians (heck the arab countries don't even want the Palestinians in their own countries) but because they hate Jews. Also, when in recent history has a democracy started a war?

    Do the math.
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  • Reply 17 of 27
    jakkorzjakkorz Posts: 84member
    [quote]Originally posted by scott_h_phd:


    Huh? Now you're confusing me. You said the USSR made the missiles not me. I read over that think it was just a slip of mind or maybe a typing error. Either way let me change ask a different question.

    Is it so had to believe that the Arab world could start the next war? It's part of the world ruled by dictators. The anti-Semitism is rampant there. They hate Israel not because of the Palestinians (heck the arab countries don't even want the Palestinians in their own countries) but because they hate Jews. Also, when in recent history has a democracy started a war?

    Do the math.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Now we are talking.

    The Stinger missile maker was a question for you to answer.

    Arabs are sick enough to be the cause of a nuclear war, majority of them. But they neither have the courage, nor the devistating weapons, so far in time, so they could start one.

    As I have stated, if Israel is provoked, then Israel will be the closest to drop a head or two.

    No one dares to hit Israel back even if they had a nuclear head. If they did drop a head on Israel, then it will not be a random drop. This is so the holy places not be affected.

    Forgot to answer your democracy question.

    Well, history is the same from the dawn of civilization. Think of Romans.

    Then think of those funny columnist who are calling on a world wide invasion on all that oppose the US or threaten US national Interests.

    [ 05-05-2002: Message edited by: jakkorz ]</p>
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  • Reply 18 of 27
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Jakorz, unfortunately you are sounding like a knee-jerk liberal reactionary who looks at every US invovlement, where the US has been engaged to some extent as reason enough to lay all the negative aspects of that area's developement on the US.

    By the way USSR did not make Stinger missiles: they are made by the US.

    And Scott_H, of course you too sound like your old self . . . and cannot see that there is complexity in the historical conditions that have made the world what it is: and in that complexity there is much US invovlement which is not always nuetral and altruistic.

    Anyway, The Third World war will probably start because of India-Packistan . . . . which would move to include China: they would back Packistan but then try a land grab: this would bring in Russia, Arab countries would see this as a rallying point and be "us against the world" and it then would be. US would have been forced to back India and of course it would also all get very hot in the Levant and Israel.
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  • Reply 19 of 27
    jakkorzjakkorz Posts: 84member
    [quote]Originally posted by pfflam:

    <strong>Jakorz, unfortunately you are sounding like a knee-jerk liberal reactionary who looks at every US invovlement, where the US has been engaged to some extent as reason enough to lay all the negative aspects of that area's developement on the US.

    By the way USSR did not make Stinger missiles: they are made by the US.

    And Scott_H, of course you too sound like your old self . . . and cannot see that there is complexity in the historical conditions that have made the world what it is: and in that complexity there is much US invovlement which is not always nuetral and altruistic.

    Anyway, The Third World war will probably start because of India-Packistan . . . . which would move to include China: they would back Packistan but then try a land grab: this would bring in Russia, Arab countries would see this as a rallying point and be "us against the world" and it then would be. US would have been forced to back India and of course it would also all get very hot in the Levant and Israel.</strong><hr></blockquote>


    Again, and again, that was a question for the reader to answer and think about.

    And I wish if the involvement of the US is so little in all the questions I have posted. I think those were the extreme cases. It is minimal in other areas, true. If I give those politicians the benefit of the doubt, then I would think that they are plain idiots not being able to figure out who could be their ally for life, and who could turn and stab them in the back the moment they walk around the corner.

    I am not liberal. I am in solitude.
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  • Reply 20 of 27
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    [quote]If I give those politicians the benefit of the doubt, then I would think that they are plain idiots not being able to figure out who could be their ally for life, and who could turn and stab them in the back the moment they walk around the corner. <hr></blockquote>

    :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

    I think I get it?!??!

    are you saying that the US should have chosen who to support with more care? I would agree, and say also that they should have committed more where they had committed at all.
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