vanilla coke, pepsi blue... i'm gonna hurl

in General Discussion edited January 2014
okay, time for a thread with a little less substance.

anyway, anyone try these? hope to god they're better than coke with lemon (coke with lemon floor wax is more like it).

funniest unintended humor: after the announcement of vanilla coke today on the news, immediately followed by a short feature on obescity (sp?) in america's youth. ha!

by the way, when i was in high school, i used to drink coke like it was going out of style, and BALLOONED to 220-230 pounds and a 44 inch waist. ditched the sugar-filled drinks out of my diet, and actually walked to classes when in college (as opposed to driving everywhere), and, no foolin', i dropped to a 32 inch waist. i now hover around 35-36" waist and feel pretty healthy, too.

anyway, i don't know where i'm going with this thread. i just kept seeing these announcements on the news, and thought i would post and see what others thought.

[ 05-08-2002: Message edited by: rok ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 14
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Rok...same thing happened to my cousin. Doctor told him to lose 30-40lbs and he cut the calories the most in drinks. Started drinking water and watching what he ate and the lbs just dropped off. Vanilla Coke...I thought that was an April 1st joke.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by rok:

    <strong>okay, time for a thread with a little less substance.

    anyway, anyone try these? hope to god they're better than coke with lemon (coke with lemon floor wax is more like it).

    funniest unintended humor: after the announcement of vanilla coke today on the news, immediately followed by a short feature on obescity (sp?) in america's youth. ha!

    by the way, when i was in high school, i used to drink coke like it was going out of style, and BALLOONED to 220-230 pounds and a 44 inch waist. ditched the sugar-filled drinks out of my diet, and actually walked to classes when in college (as opposed to driving everywhere), and, no foolin', i dropped to a 32 inch waist. i now hover around 35-36" waist and feel pretty healthy, too.

    anyway, i don't know where i'm going with this thread. i just kept seeing these announcements on the news, and thought i would post and see what others thought.

    [ 05-08-2002: Message edited by: rok ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Congratulations : here is a perfect example of an intelligent diet : you have remove the bad food : aka sugar filled drink and you make more exercice.

    Personnaly i must take care of my weight because even if i am 1,85 meter i weight 200 pounds (at the age of eighteen my weight was under 180). I never take sugar filled drink at meal, just drink good water from our volcano.

    Sugar filled drink bring a tremendeous amount of sugar from 100 to 150 g per liter.

    I think the major reason why so many people are becoming fat is the way they eat and they live, lack of exercice and bad way of eating.

    Now if i find a vanillo coke i will try it and i'll say my impression

  • Reply 3 of 14
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I could probably argue the caffeine in Pepsi/Coke drinks keeps my weight down...
  • Reply 4 of 14
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    I tried enough "interesting" drinks from US and esp. Coca Cola Co. so I won´t try any new experiments. I tried Dr. Peppers a couple of weeks ago and . So for my softdrink urges I drink Shweppes, ordinary Coke and some type of Italian orange and lemon softdrinks.

    Btw. I am 6 feet 3 inch and I weight 180 lb eat all day and eat at least 2 liter Ice cream (REAL icecream) per week. Love full-cream milk esp. as hot chokolade and have to buy at least one liter of olive oil per month. Overall I have a very healthy and balanced diet but its very energy intensive. But its like my body ignore the fat and it just go right through me (without the disadvantages of Olestra) and I have a 31-32 inch waist. I love to do long bike rides at summer but easily lose 20 lb so I have to hold myself back and only do it two times a week. I guess those who have a problem with their weight hate me for this but actually it can be a problem for me.
  • Reply 5 of 14
    dogcowdogcow Posts: 713member
    Vanilla Coke isn't "New". My mom used to make it for me. She said she used to have it when she was a kid. I guess this is just the first time its going to be bottled. I accually like it. I hate Cherry Coke, and Lemon Coke and whatnot, but Vanilla coke is really good.
  • Reply 6 of 14
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:

    <strong>I guess those who have a problem with their weight hate me for this </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes, we do. Some of us have to resort to . to keep the weight off
  • Reply 7 of 14
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>I could probably argue the caffeine in Pepsi/Coke drinks keeps my weight down...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And i will reply that caffeine increase your level of insuline. Increase of insuline make you hungry.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    well, i have to admit that there are plenty of people i know who have incredibly high metabolisms. heck, one friend of mine eats from every fast food chain you can name for every meal, and somehow weighs 170 lbs. soaking wet (he's about 6'1" tall).

    i mean, i was downing a TON of sugared drinks, and so the solution was easy for me to figure out (though difficult to stop). but then i see these things on shelves for kids to take to lunch at school, and it's, like, two cups of pudding, some peanut butter, cheese, and some cracker/cookie type things. ugh. i mean, it would help that school lunches weren't composed of radioactive waste (well, it was when i was in grade/high school - i assume it hasn't gotten any better).

    hmmm... this thread seems to have morphed into an obescity/eating habits/excercise thread. interesting...

    [ 05-11-2002: Message edited by: rok ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 14
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:


    Btw. I am 6 feet 3 inch and I weight 180 lb eat all day and eat at least 2 liter Ice cream (REAL icecream) per week. Love full-cream milk esp. as hot chokolade and have to buy at least one liter of olive oil per month. Overall I have a very healthy and balanced diet but its very energy intensive. But its like my body ignore the fat and it just go right through me (without the disadvantages of Olestra) and I have a 31-32 inch waist. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Heh, sounds familiar. In the summer I run 10k everyday, and I eat about 5,000 calories a day to maintain weight. Back in high school track I was on the 7000 calorie a day diet, tipping the scales at a massive 1.8m, 57kilos. (There's some metric for you). Now I'm a little taller (but not much) and a little over 70kg. It''s not fat though. . . .

    As for the caffeine argument, caffeine enhances the body's ability to turn heavy fats into glycogen, which is more easily burned during intense activity. So if you want to lose a lot of weight, slam a nodoze and hit the track. In the same respect, caffeine enhances the endurance ability for long distance running. A lot of marathoners load up on caffiene (and a lot of water afterwards) before the marathon. During the marathon the urge to urinate is not held back. . .

    [ 05-08-2002: Message edited by: Splinemodel ]</p>
  • Reply 10 of 14
    robertprobertp Posts: 139member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Splinemodel:


    During the marathon the urge to urinate is not held back. . .


    :eek: <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 11 of 14
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Vanialla cokes were very popular when the boomers were kids. They got them at soda shops and what isn't new, and it is supposed to be good.

    I switched to diet soda, and find that I feel better if I limit my caffeine intake to 2 drinks per day. I drink a TON of water every day.

    I have weight problems too....freakin genetics.
  • Reply 12 of 14
    pushermanpusherman Posts: 410member
    You should do some research on nutrasweet, the sweetener in diet's worse for you than sugar. I've read quite a bit about it on the internet. I don't drink soda at all anymore, but if you do, just drink the regular kind and not too much of it.

    As for the worst soft drink I've ever tasted: an apricot-flavored soda made by Coca-Cola for somewhere in europe. I tasted it when I went to the Coke museum in Atlanta. It was truly disgusting.

    [edit: i realize that "i've read a lot about it on the internet" line sounds dubious...after all, you can read a lot about the earth being flat on the internet too. but my doctor's told me about it as well.]

    [ 05-09-2002: Message edited by: poor taylor ]</p>
  • Reply 13 of 14
    tobyxtobyx Posts: 35member
    I dropped 45 pounds two years ago in a six month period... although I keep myself in a healthy state nowadays (I am 19), back then the main problem were Coke and Pepsi

    Now my most favorite drink is Ginger Ale.
  • Reply 14 of 14
    tobyxtobyx Posts: 35member
    [quote]Originally posted by poor taylor:

    <strong>As for the worst soft drink I've ever tasted: an apricot-flavored soda made by Coca-Cola for somewhere in europe. I tasted it when I went to the Coke museum in Atlanta. It was truly disgusting.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    This might have been Fanta Mandarine They sell a lot Coca-Cola Fanta stuff over here. For Christmas they got coconut Fanta... it looked like... well, imagine a softdrink with a translucent white color.
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