Gaming With Apple

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Hey everyone the new Apple Tv announced got me thinking. While watching the keynote Steve was talking about how much of the market share the iPod Touch has in the gaming community and how successful its been. So I was thinking with that success why not expand and make gaming available via download through Apple Tv. The future of gaming as we know is DLC as it was for music and appears to also be taking over the movies also. So why not make a Apple Tv with a hard drive capable of purchasing or renting video games via download. They did it with iTunes and music I feel they could also do it with gaming. Using the Apple Tv as a base console if you will Apple would then need to present the idea to developers and investors and make a gaming controller. These are just my thoughts maybe out on a limb or just plain stupid, but I am young so these things happen haha. Tell me what you think I'd be happy to hear your thoughts.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    They just took the hard the drive out of the tv, in case you didn't notice!

    If you're asking whether you see Apple making or partnering on another games console, I very much doubt it in the foreseeable future. Not because it's already a very competitiive market (that didn't deter Apple from entering the phone market) nor because there isn't an awful lot of money to be made, it's more the fact that Sony and to a lesser extent M$ really aren't doing that badly in this sector. There's not an awful lot that Apple can do better. I'm willing to entertain suggestions otherwise.

    For Sony, the PlayStation is all about pushing their TVs and surround sound systems onto people as well. If anything, a games console would distract people from using and wanting computers!
  • Reply 2 of 5
    It's because Apple is not like everyone else.

    iOS devices + AppStore + Game Center + AirPlay = Apple's Gaming Initiative.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    Originally Posted by BeantownBoy89 View Post

    So I was thinking with that success why not expand and make gaming available via download through Apple Tv.

    Google "Bandai Pippin".


    So why not make a Apple Tv with a hard drive capable of purchasing or renting video games via download.

    They did that. For four years. It didn't work. So they killed it.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    The AppleTV + iPad/iPhone is not going to be a gaming device in the sense that the hand held iOS device is a controller. You look at a touch screen, and you can't touch a TV screen. The two just don't work together. The pair is too expensive and people walk away with their existing hand helds. I can envision simple games on the AppleTV that use its remote, but unless a dedicated hand-held controller is available (and it could be off-the-shelf BlueTooth devices), the AppleTV's games will be very limited.

    The lack of storage isn't necessarily a show stopper though. First of all, we don't know how much flash memory is in these things yet... even 4 GB would be enough to install a few games, and mass storage can come from your Mac/PC/iOS device.

    Personally I'm much more interested in content-delivery apps on the AppleTV, but games always seem to find their way in somewhere.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,390moderator
    The future of gaming is not downloads nor discs for a number of reasons:

    - offline distribution methods are subject to piracy and more important from the studio's point of view, resale. If someone buys a game and sells it on 5 times, the studio makes one sale for 5 plays.

    - games have reached a point where downloading is time-consumiing and not everyone has equal access to high speed broadband.

    - you can't try out all games before buying them

    Apple made a wise choice with the streaming model for content distribution because it offers the ultimate in convenience and copyright protection as well as upgrades. Currently content is one to many distributed by many to many. Streaming is a closer model by being few to many. The game streaming service OnLive works well if you have a good broadband connection:

    That video is over wifi. If it was plugged in via ethernet, you'd get a better experience. The ATV has exactly all you need for a high end gaming system - a USB port and an ethernet port. Simply plug in a controller, connect to the OnLive service and you can start playing. You don't have to wait on getting a disc, you don't have to wait on a few GBs to download, you just start playing.

    Content publishers make more money, you can demo any game, you get instant access to the game, you can play on one machine and your save game will be waiting on another device hooked to the same service. Apple just needs to hurry up and get on this and give their ATV a huge selling point that no other video streaming box offers.

    Even if it's not a great experience for some people, they can at least sell the ATV as a video device and push the gaming part of it as an add-on. If a user's broadband can't work fast enough then chances are it's not fast enough to stream iTunes content either.
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