Snow Leopard 64-bit

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
What is the best way to enable Snow Leopard to boot into 64-bit automatically? I can't use the ole 6-4 trick with the bluetooth keyboard. It works fine if I use a wired keyboard and I don't want to have to dig out and attach a wired keyboard everytime I re-boot my Mac.

This Mac is definitely 64-bit (Quad Core i5).

Any terminal hacks or software hacks or downloads would be good.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,433moderator
    You can set this in your NVRam by typing the following in your terminal, just paste it in exactly as is:

    sudo nvram boot-args="arch=x86_64"

    If something messes up for whatever reason, you can reset PRAM holding command-option-p-r at boot. Doing so will also default it to boot in 32-bit.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    There is a free application called K64Enabler that will enable 64-bit booting. This is what I use.
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