AT&T Blaming Apple

in iPhone edited January 2014
This is my first post on here but I was trying to find someone with a similar issue to mine or if this even sounds correct to you.

In August we purchased 2 iPhone 4's at Best Buy because they were the only place at the time that had them. The Best Buy rep didn't set the account up correct and we didn't have the additional warranty coverage or texting on the phones. For this reason I called AT&T to set everything up correctly.

Once the texting started working correctly I assumed everything was correctly fixed. Last week I dropped my phone and the screen broke so I called ATT to replace with warranty coverage. They said I didn't have warranty coverage. Of course I explained (very calmly) the situation and the CS rep said she would review older notes.

Long story short I was right and her supervisor overrode the warranty and told me to call the warranty company to get the phone replaced for $70. No big deal right? Turns out the warranty was the wrong warranty company that doesn't cover iPhones.

I had to call back and explain to them they yet again screwed up. Now the new CS Rep says oh yes we screwed up big time and got a supervisor involved. They told me they are going to fix the problem and get me the replacement because of their error. He spoke with numerous supervisors to get the issue fixed and none of them could override the system to get me a new phone. I told them I would be more than happy to pay the 199 for the phone again just not the regular price of 499 or whatever it is. They promised they would fix it and filed an "EFT" or something like that for a special resolution person that has the power to override the system.

So now they have called me and told me that the Regional Apple Rep declined to replace the phone for 199. ATT is telling me that it's not them it's Apple. The Special Resolution person that called acknowledges that ATT messed up but they can't do anything about their promise to me to replace my phone. They say that Apple is the reason they can't replace it. To boot, I can never have warranty coverage on my iPhones because it's past 30 days from purchase date even thought ATT admittedly messed that up.

I called Apple to explain the situation and they called BS and are saying ATT is the one that controls the upgrade pricing. I was going to send an email to Steve Jobs but saw numerous recommendations to start here so that's what I am doing.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    I'm confused as to who holds and or negotiated your warranty contract. The best thing would be to follow up with whoever made the mistake in the first place. Good luck! Dealing with phone reps can be maddening.

    It does not sound like Apple has anything to do with this. You did not purchase anything from them and they did not sell you anything. If they were to give you the $199 price for a replacement, that would mean they're eating the cost of somebody else's mistake. They might be willing to do that. But I would consider it more just to go after those who screwed up the warranty in the first place.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    I'm confused as to who holds and or negotiated your warranty contract. The best thing would be to follow up with whoever made the mistake in the first place. Good luck! Dealing with phone reps can be maddening.

    It does not sound like Apple has anything to do with this. You did not purchase anything from them and they did not sell you anything. If they were to give you the $199 price for a replacement, that would mean they're eating the cost of somebody else's mistake. They might be willing to do that. But I would consider it more just to go after those who screwed up the warranty in the first place.

    Thanks dfiler. I will continue to go after ATT. MobileProtect is who the warranty should have been through but ATT set it up with Asurion which is the warranty company for all other phones with the eception of iPhone 4.

    I find it hard to believe that ATT can make an admitted mistake and just say ah well we screwed up but we're not going to do anything about it.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    AT&T has deleted documentation of any promises made to me. Their ICU representative called me and told me that due to there not being any notes relating to anything promised to me they declined to assist me in the matter.

    After almost a week of going through the same thing with their Customer Service Reps all telling me they see what they promised to me and it's all gone now mysteriously.

    What a crock of a way to run a business on ATT's part. It's not about the money it's about principle.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Damn does that suck!

    I'm left wondering if the deletion is an isolated incident or not. AT&T probably gets hundreds of calls each day from customers demanding unreasonable things, even flat out lying to get what they want. A rep having a bad day might choose to get even with them pesky customers. Imagine what it is like to work one of these jobs. It must get annoying to have irate people yelling at you on the phone all day.

    This isn't to say you qualify as one of those customers, or trying to justify retaliation against customers. Just that it isn't surprising that a rep might delete comments on whim. My guess is that this is what happened, not that AT&T has a policy to delete promises made to customers.

    This puts AT&T in a tough spot. Or any company for that matter. If they give into these type of customer demands, they'll end up giving away tons of product and services. However, if they choose not to help the customer, they're going to be turning away people who have a legitimate gripe.

    Wow am I glad that I don't work in customer service!
  • Reply 5 of 6
    It's simple. AT&T does not directly provide warranty coverage on ANY smartphone. You either have Apple coverage or if you purchased MobileProtect (

    Either way, AT&T are correct... they don't replace the phone. If they set up MobileProtect on the account, then you'll have your documentation of the setup. If not, I don't want to sound harsh but that is your own fault for not making sure.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    Originally Posted by iamiJohn View Post

    It's simple. AT&T does not directly provide warranty coverage on ANY smartphone. You either have Apple coverage or if you purchased MobileProtect (

    Either way, AT&T are correct... they don't replace the phone. If they set up MobileProtect on the account, then you'll have your documentation of the setup. If not, I don't want to sound harsh but that is your own fault for not making sure.

    Of course you would say that...You work for AT&T.
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