Good carrier behavior - Not - Verizon

in iPhone edited January 2014
Made me laugh. Stupid execs.

".....Kathleen Grillo, a senior vice president for federal regulatory affairs at Verizon, wrote that, ?In order to protect customers from minimal, accidental usage charges, Verizon Wireless does not charge users (for data access) when ..."

...That statement seems to be contradicted by Verizon?s latest statement. ?As we reviewed customer accounts, we discovered that over the past several years, approximately 15 million customers who did not have data plans were billed for data sessions on their phones that they did not initiate,? the company said on Sunday. "

FCC enforcement action = between $30M and $90M in customer repayments. Likely to generate an FCC Notice of Apparent Liability. The F.C.C. may also press Verizon to pay a penalty for failing to notify customers of the problem, which has been occurring since at least 2007, according to people close to the talks.

VZ busy was charging people who did not have data access plans.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    This sounds like one of the issues that David Pogue (a NY Times tech columnist) has been highlighting for a year or so. It sounds like VZW was stonewalling for years. I wonder why admit now, and why so suddenly.
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