Does the new Apple TV have the ability to function like Airport Express

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I have been looking into the Apple TV and I cannot seem to find an answer to my question.

I want the Apple TV for two reasons. The first is to stream movies from my computer to the TV (assuming they are the right format, etc). I know it can do that so I am good.

The second is to function like an Airport Express with Air Play. I want to stream music from my computer, to the Apple TV, and then to my surround system (through the optical out which I can do). I want to be able to do this without turning on the TV and to be able to fully control it from the computer, just like an Airport Express. Also like the Airport Express, I want to be able to also make use of the headphone jack at the same time (that goes to wireless speakers and some other stuff). Is that doable. I know the Airport Express could do it, (at least my old First Gen one) but can the Apple TV work like that too? Or, does it all have to be controlled through the TV interface?



  • Reply 1 of 5
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by Jwink3101 View Post

    The second is to function like an Airport Express with Air Play. I want to stream music from my computer, to the Apple TV, and then to my surround system (through the optical out which I can do). I want to be able to do this without turning on the TV and to be able to fully control it from the computer, just like an Airport Express.


    But you could use your Apple TV iPhone or iPad remote to 'possibly' do what you're talking about. i.e. change songs on the remote without needing to see the TV interface, as in, leaving it off.
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  • Reply 2 of 5
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post


    But you could use your Apple TV iPhone or iPad remote to 'possibly' do what you're talking about. i.e. change songs on the remote without needing to see the TV interface, as in, leaving it off.


    Would that include audio out from the computer though?

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  • Reply 3 of 5
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by Jwink3101 View Post


    Would that include audio out from the computer though?


    Now I'm confused. I answered the part about optical cable apple TV etc. Streaming from a computer. Why do you need to confuse the matter?
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  • Reply 4 of 5
    areseearesee Posts: 776member
    Originally Posted by Jwink3101 View Post

    I have been looking into the Apple TV and I cannot seem to find an answer to my question.

    I want the Apple TV for two reasons. The first is to stream movies from my computer to the TV (assuming they are the right format, etc). I know it can do that so I am good.

    The second is to function like an Airport Express with Air Play. I want to stream music from my computer, to the Apple TV, and then to my surround system (through the optical out which I can do). I want to be able to do this without turning on the TV and to be able to fully control it from the computer, just like an Airport Express. Also like the Airport Express, I want to be able to also make use of the headphone jack at the same time (that goes to wireless speakers and some other stuff). Is that doable. I know the Airport Express could do it, (at least my old First Gen one) but can the Apple TV work like that too? Or, does it all have to be controlled through the TV interface?


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post


    Yes. The new Apple TV shows up in your speaker list just like the old one did.

    Saying that, Airplay did not work for me. There is some threads in the Apple forums that indicate that I am not alone. However there are many comments there that indicate that it does work for some. I just haven't gotten around to troubleshooting it yet. Besides, next month all the software will be updated and who knows what new troubles will be created and what existing troubles will be fixed.

    EDIT: Airplay Speakers is now working for me. All I had to do was to do a power cycle on the Apple TV.

    Clarification: I am only talking about audio playback. Video playback is still limited to the machine running iTunes. Just the way it was with the original Apple TV. -- I to would like to have video playback. And I would also like to be able to stream the videos audio to my Apple Expresses too. Waiting for November to see what happens.
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