Apple sucks, plain sucks.

in iPhone edited January 2014
My name is Lance Perkins. The reason I am

contacting you is because of my experience with Apple Inc. I was called a "fag" via email

from rather Steve Jobs himself, or an Apple Inc. employee. If you have

the time, please help me. At this current time, Apple's Executive Relations Dept. is in my opinion, not interested in helping me, or even listening to me. I am dealing with Matthew, at Executive Relations at this time. I have lost sleep over this, and it has affected me emotionally. Not to mention the hours I have spent doing nothing more than sticking up for myself, as I should. Please feel free to contact me at any time regarding this issue. I thank you for your time.

I remember when I purchased my first Mac. The old school, as of today, dark blue clamshell ibook. I loved it. Years later, when it was time to upgrade, I bought my PowerBook G4. Following the Apple "Cult" logic, I went on to purchase iPods, and eventually the Original iPhone a few years ago. This is when my love affair with Apple began to wane, and eventually collapse for me. It ended with Apple's CEO Steve Jobs, or an Apple Employee impersonating Mr. Jobs, emailing me, and telling me "Hey Lance, quit being a fag." Yes, you heard me right.

I have had as of date, four iPhones. The first Original iPhone leaking glue onto my face and burning my face. Apple replaced it. After fighting tooth and nail after having a obviously

defective product, was given the "gift" of an upgrade to the iPhone 3GS. Yet again, bubbles developed in the iPhone 3GS' screen. At that point I was outraged. I wanted compensation for having (3) defective iPhones, and being out of a phone for days while each was diagnosed,

replaced, and shipped back to me. My request for compensation may had been lofty, as I admit. I wanted a computer for free. Apple's FIRM answer was "No." Alright, I may be a persistent man, but I am not unreasonable. I was more than willing to let it go, and forget about my request.

August 25th, 2010. I get an email from Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO, or an Apple Employee impersonating Mr. Jobs, telling me to "quit being a fag." After being more than willing to accept that answer, an Apple employee decided to spout such disgusting hate speech towards

me. Now, I am sure you're asking yourself, "Lance, prove it." I can. I have enclosed the emails I received, including my reply email to this Apple Employee. (If you would like any other information, including the "show original" information, please let me know, and I can send that to you. It is on file with Apple, as I have sent it several times to several Apple Employees). I have the proof that not only was I called a "fag", but that this Apple employee knew what had happened with my Original iPhone. They knew "warm, hot glue emitted" from my Original iPhone. They knew my name, my email address, and in the subject line from this email knew I had "An Issue", and knew I had requested a computer for free as compensation. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out someone from Apple Inc. was responsible for this. As a note, I told NO ONE in my life about the issues with my 3 iPhones, and my request for compensation. NO ONE other than Apple Inc. Employees knew of this.

At this point, I DID indeed request a free computer, AND deserve it. As of today's date, Apple will not be compensating me for what has happened to me in any way. They may or may not have launched an investigation, and IF they had, I "AM THE PUBLIC", (I was referred to as this by Daniel of Executive Relations), and I will never be informed if anyone has been held accountable. No longer the victim of harassment, and intentional hate speech. Now, I am the public. Wow. That is all I can say.

What worries me ESPECIALLY, is that an Apple Employee used and/or STOLE my private

information (Name, email address, and my conversation with Apple Employee(s)), without my permission. As it states in your own Privacy Policy, (, the following: (I have copied and pasted this portion of Apple's Privacy Policy from your website. This information is property of Apple Inc, I am only using this information to demonstrate Apple's Privacy Policy.)

"Protection of Personal Information"

"Apple takes precautions ? including administrative, technical, and physical measures ? to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, and misuse, as well as against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction."

In the situation that has occurred, I firmly believe an Apple Employee misused my personal information to harass me. As I stated before, they also may have stolen my information from Apple to conduct misuse of information with the intent to harass me.

"Our Companywide Commitment to Your Privacy"

"To make sure your personal information is secure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to Apple employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company."

It seems to me that these guidelines and communication of Apple's privacy and security policies to employees failed. Failed drastically.

I am sharing my story with you because I am outraged. I am sickened, saddened, and have lost hope for personal accountability. By me contacting you, I am in no way trying to demean you, or Apple. I actually take pride in owning Apple products. I am so confused, and unable to wrap my brian around what has happened to me. I can not understand after such an unusual, and bad experience I have had, that Apple is unwilling to compensate me for this. I again, am asking for a computer as compensation for this ordeal. I hope that you can find it in your heart to at the very least, consider compensation. I do not feel I am asking for too much. I respected Apple. I grew up with Apple. I had a nightmare of an experience, and I hope the company I once trusted, will do the right thing.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Wow, you're going run this exact same thing again, after having the thread locked last time?

    I predict no good can come of this.
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