Shortsighted Censorship

in General Discussion edited January 2014
[quote] People will like what they like, but I'd rather not promote any fragmentation (AI and MacNN are, after all, part of the same network -- along with Xicons and the rest) or any animosity between the two communities. <hr></blockquote>

Whether you feel it's Promotion or Fragmentation is not the issue. Your sphere of influence does not extend to our beliefs or thoughts. Some will feel enlightened by the discussion and some will feel animosity. Deprivation of these emotions and discussions does more harm that good.

[quote] Personally, I think they're different communities that focus on different things, and being a member of one doesn't preclude being a member of the other -- and that's the way it should be. <hr></blockquote>

True and there should be problems with each person giving their opinion of the merits or demerits of each Fora. One can only make a rational decision when confronted with enough information

[quote] People use what they use, but this isn't especially constructive. I'm glad that people feel so strongly about -any- of the sites on our network, but rating one against the other is pretty pointless. In case anyone cared, I also locked the same thread at MacNN for the same reason. <hr></blockquote>

Depends on what point of view you are looking at. I happen to believe that most communications have some sort of Constructive information to offer. Every tool that we have at our disposal can be used in a positive or negative light. It depends on who wields the tool.

Take away the voice of reason AND unreason and you have nothing. Take away one of them and you have imbalance. HHM


  • Reply 1 of 2
    gorgonzolagorgonzola Posts: 185member
    It has nothing to do with my exerting my "sphere of influence" onto your beliefs and thoughts. What I was trying to make clear in my post, rather, was that everyone is entitled to their opinions, but that discussing people's opinions on the sites in that specific context was more harmful than useful. The reason we have a Suggestions forum on both sites is because we know that no site is perfect, and that people will have complaints about things, and it's our job to try to fix them. This is constructive criticism, and all of us, including myself, have always welcomed it. Most of the things that get done or changed originate from user requests, in fact.

    If you have a negative opinion of MacNN Forums, that's fine -- let us know and we'll try to do something about it. If you have a negative opinion of AppleInsider, it's the same deal. AppleInsider members already have something of a reputation in the MacNN Lounge for being whiny (a reputation not quite fair, given the six-month AppleInsider blackout -- but a reputation nevertheless), and MacNN Forums have a certain reputation here as being less "intelligent" or more replete with trolls. Given this past history and these fairly inaccurate reputations on both sides, it's important for us as the maintainers of these sites as a cohesive network to keep this history in mind and try to avoid those kinds of threads that will serve no useful purpose whatsoever.

    What exactly would the thread have revealed? Although some people post at both MacNN and AppleInsider (starfleetX being one that pops into mind), the response in the AI version of the thread would have largely been that AI was better, and the response in the MacNN thread would have largely been that MacNN was better. This outcome is obvious. Pitting the two against each other to get this obvious outcome is more destructive than constructive.

    I feel you took my locking of the thread in the wrong light. I didn't lock it to squelch negative opinions. If someone had problems with AI and MacNN, I wish they'd just email us or post in the Suggestions forum and let us know that these things concern them and interfere with their enjoyment of the site so we know where to look. MacNN, especially, is a very large BB, and one can't keep tabs on everything, all the time. AI, too, is pretty large, and sometimes we need a little help knowing what to fix.

    In other words, I'd (and we'd) be happy to know what gripes people have about MacNN (or AI), and obviously, comparing the two sites in certain cases is necessary (MacNN has polls, AI doesn't; AI has fewer forums, MacNN has more; etc) and useful, but that thread was simply setting itself up to be more detrimental than useful.

    Sometimes it's not the content of comments but their context that poses a problem, and that's a point I obviously failed to get across.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Thanks for the response.

    Personally out of all the Forums I go to AI and MacNN are my favs and are handled very well. I guess I was just a little shocked because despite any complaints I think that most of the responses were quite rational.

    You guys do a great job of Moderation and sometimes the ONLY complaint that we have is when you err on the side of caution. I thought your were a little harsh at first but on final relection I am thankful that we're not overrun by PC Trolls and therefore I'm willing to accept the occaisional "long arm of the law" here as well.

    Perhaps had the topic been worded a little better as well it would lessen the chances of inflammatory repsonses. Cheers.
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