The Shaky history of the Ghost Device (Verizon Iphone)

in iPhone edited January 2014
Hello All,

I am new here and while I currently don't use any apple products cause I need windows to do my programming on. That doesn't mean i cannot honor Steve Jobs and Co. and be inspired by Apple and what they have become. That being said, let's start with my first blog post here. I am currently building a tech news website which will feature an Apple section.

Ah, the Verizon Iphone or as I like to call it The Ghost Device, or just Ghost. Rumors first started appearing about this sneaky little phone right after the Iphone came out. Will Verizon get the Iphone? A bunch of blogs and newspapers were speculating on it.

However, these shortly dwindled down until the Ipad came out. That's when things started to get interesting because Steve Jobs was keeping the Ipad event under tight wraps. There were rumors for a time before the event that Steve would announce a bunch of different devices along with the Ipad including the Verizon Iphone. However, the event remained largely connected with Ipad and not much else.

Then came the investigations into why the phone was not being made. Apparently somebody found the AT&T contract with Apple. It spread through the internet and now people were questioning when this exclusivity would end. Many estimated that it was a three year contract which would mean that it would end in 2010. Verizon's addition of the IPad in its lineup supports this fact.

Verizon's CEO has been very supportive of the device in the past and he was even quoted saying that he would like the device on his network despite the company's success with Android. Iphone 4 was released in April but still no word from Apple on the Ghost.

Rumors started swirling around after blogs got wind of the White Iphone. I think its ironic that the Ghost Device would be painted white. Is the White Iphone for Verizon? We are still not sure. It has been delayed until this spring due to complications in the project.

The Wall Street Journal reported early last year that the Iphone is coming to Verizon sometime soon. Now more than 15 different well known newspapers and blogs confirm that the Verizon is coming in early 2011.

My question to you is. Will we ever see the Ghost Device on the market for Verizon? Verizon wants it, many people want it, so as Verizon's CEO said, "It's up to Apple."


  • Reply 1 of 1
    Originally Posted by Technotopix View Post

    ...let's start with my first blog post here.

    NO. This is our website. This is not your blog. Don't spam our forums with this crap.
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