what to make of Art Bell, planet X, little green men and brown goop[

in General Discussion edited January 2014
My roomate is driving me absolutely nuts!. All he talks about is Art Bell, the impending end of the world due to planet X, and a million other nutso things. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to dismiss the possibilies of extraterrestial life, not even the paranormal. But all the talk about the new world order and doomsday makes me cringe.

Just wondering if anyone else listens to Mr Bell (on ABC radio 1-5am EDT).

What's up with this planet X stuff? (15 observatories have closed down in the past year?)

Yesterday Bell had a woman call in from NYC who said that her 5 year old saw 3 little green men flying around his bedroom. She claimed to have been visited by spirits since age 15. I was incredulous as I listened to her describing herself validating her child's nightmare/vision/hallucination. Then she went on about how her cat swatted the creatures, and this brown ooze was left on the wall (probably caca from one of the kids, or the cat). what really galls me is tha these people who claim to see UFOs can't even make up decent fake pictures. what with photoshop, you should be able to outdo the old frisbee or flying trashcan lid!


  • Reply 1 of 6
    stimulistimuli Posts: 564member
    It always cracks me up, actually, that with all the advances in Comp. Tech that the National Inquirer (enquirer?)'s pictures are still painfully half-assed. I'd do a mock-up of Jesus and Elvis shaking hands but I'm too tired right now.

    But yeah, freaks are a bunch of weirdos, if you ask me.

    *glances about suspiciously*

    Maybe Art Bell is schizophrenic? That mom sure sounds like it.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    rick1138rick1138 Posts: 938member
    Bell needs a little more of the skeptic in his personality,but he does have some interesting people on his show,such as Michio Kaku several times,whom is almost completely ignored by the so-called serious media.Frauds and nut-cases in the UFO world really bother me because I think the UFO phenomena is something that warrants serious study,at the very least from a sociological-political point of view.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    For paranormal stuff, try <a href="http://www.rense.com"; target="_blank">http://www.rense.com</a>;

    Art Bell's from Pahrump Nevada...and Nevada (and the Southwest in general) seems to be where people see more strange things in the sky than anywhere else, although that *may* be something to do with all the USAF facilities in the region (!!!!).

    Because there is so much 'evidence' re. UFOs for centuries, the subject does warrant a serious study...ie real science without prejudice, as opposed to cheap National Inquirer laughs. But what constitutes 'evidence'? If a bona fide UFO landed on the proverbial White House lawn, filmed by CNN and confirmed by the US Government, would *that* be any more valid "evidence" than a pilot's UFO sighting above Dallas Fort Worth Airport coincidental with a radar return at Air Traffic Control and multiple eye-witnesses on the ground and in the air?

    The literature is jam-packed with those kinds of reports, but the subject is still treated with disdain amongst the scientific community and the Government, and many people who have a "close encounter" are so often regarded as kooks or frauds. Yes, sure.... there are also plenty of charlatans who dirty the water and trash the whole field too....

    Strange though, is how there are billions of people who laugh at the UFO/alien possibility, or sighting, or abduction, yet at the same time believe implicitly in such weird, outlandish and laws-of-physics-defying phenomena and concepts as folk who walk on water, a burning bush that doesn't get consumed, virgin births, folk being raised from the dead, prophecies, an elephant statue that sucks milk, or those numerous sightings of the Virgin Mary such as at Fatima...etc etc etc. Why are those religious oriented wierdnesses 'valid' and unquestionable, yet people who have UFO sightings are considered crazy or hallucinating?

    Just wondering....
  • Reply 4 of 6
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    My favorite thing to do: when coming back from Joshua Tree or Palm Springs, driving through the SoCal desert late at night (after midnight), putting Art Bell on KFI and listen to the nuttiness.

    Makes for interesting driving radio, especially when you can't get any good music station reception.

    Part of me feels like, in some twisted way, he's in on it all and can't be that out there. Then again...

    The callers and guests are truly the reason to listen. It walks the fine line between tragic and laughable.

    Sometimes I honestly wonder if it's a Phil Hendrie segment taken completely too far.

  • Reply 5 of 6
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member
    It's true, with today's technologies almost anyone can create "evidence" of ET's and close encounters...good example here... :eek:

    <a href="http://www.cairns.net.au/~tims/NYufoBIG.mov&quot; target="_blank">QT Movie Clip</a>
  • Reply 6 of 6
    I like the discussions about time travel the best.

    Art Bell is all over the map. Frequently he comes across (to me) as a nut. But now and then he has someone on who seems credible and I start to feel myself, ever so slightly, getting sucked in.

    [ 06-20-2002: Message edited by: spaceman_spiff ]</p>
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