T-Mobile Redefines "4G", Claims HSPA+ Now Qualifies

in iPhone edited January 2014
Source link: T-Mobile Rewrites '4G' Rules In Its Favor (informationweek.com)

Originally Posted by Eric Zeman, InformationWeek

Forget what the International Telecommunications Union said about 4G several weeks ago (hint, not even LTE and WiMax qualify), T-Mobile believes its expanding HSPA+ network is good enough for the 4G descriptor.

HSPA+ has long been considered a 3.5G technology, one of the last stepping stones in the HSDPA/HSUPA family of tech before reaching Long Term Evolution. To call it 4G, at least as far as the ITU is concerned, is total bunk. T-Mobile sees things differently.

"4G is about performance and today T-Mobile's HSPA+ network is delivering 4G speeds that match and often beat WiMAX and are readily comparable to what early LTE will deliver. Our 4G network is capable of theoretical speeds up to 21Mbps and we have seen average download speeds approaching 5Mbps on our myTouch 4G phone in some cities with peak speeds of nearly 12Mbps. Further, independent reviewers have seen average download speeds on our webConnect Rocket between 5 and 8Mbps with peak speeds up to 8-10Mbps," said Neville Ray, chief technology officer, T-Mobile USA.

So basically, the "3.9G" that Sprint is rolling out with WiMax and that Verizon/AT&T will be rolling out (RSN!) with LTE is being "promoted" from "3.9G" to "4G", via grade inflation.

And T-Mobile is saying that real world HSPA+ speeds are comparable enough to WiMax and LTE, so they should qualify for grade inflation from "3.5G" to "4G" too?
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