The Apple "iPad iOS 4.2" Event Will Be November 17th

in iPad edited January 2014
Yes, I know.

My saying 10/17/10 is hardly going out on a limb since if the event's early in the month,

whispers of imminent distibution of the invite'd be floating around by now.

And it can't be late in the month, since that's the most traveled time of the year.

So "predicting" somewhere around the middle of the month is really no big deal.

But hear me out ....

Y'know how when you sync, you see all the icons on the screen?

One of them is the CALENDAR app.

I thought it'd display the date number of whatever it is that day -- like today, for example, it'd say 4.

But it doesn't say 4.

It says, instead, 17 ....

I think Apple, being the wayhypercool company it is, is coyly letting us know an important date: 17.



  • Reply 1 of 20
    It doesn't need an event at all. It has already had an event and will simply be released alongside iTunes 10.1. No fanfare, no event; just an update made available on a day.
  • Reply 2 of 20
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It doesn't need an event at all.

    ... and will simply be released alongside iTunes 10.1.

    No fanfare, no event; just an update made available on a day.



    Sorry ....

    Well, the update, then, will be on Novembr 17th.

    And does this mean we won't see Steve again until January?
  • Reply 3 of 20
    Your rational is nonsese to begin with. The iCal icon has June 17 on it perpetually. It only changes in the Dock. It has absolutely nothing to do with the release date.

    The GM of 4.2 is done. I have it now. There's nothing stopping Apple from releasing it NOW except for iTunes 10.1 not being ready.

    And we won't be seeing Steve in January at all. There's no Apple at MacWorld and no reason to even have a keynote until WWDC 2011.
  • Reply 4 of 20
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    There's nothing stopping Apple from releasing it NOW ....


    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    And we won't be seeing Steve in January at all.

    There's no Apple at MacWorld and no reason to even have a keynote until WWDC 2011

    I am referring to the iPad 2 event.
  • Reply 5 of 20
    Originally Posted by CaryMG View Post

    *sigh* I am referring to the iPad 2 event.

    Ah, the one in April at the earliest, you mean. Because why would Apple release an iDevice on a less-than-yearly cycle?

    iPad: April every year.

    iPhone: June every year.

    iPods: September every year.

    Pretty simple.
  • Reply 6 of 20
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Ah, the one in April at the earliest, you mean. Because why would Apple release an iDevice on a less-than-yearly cycle?

    There are lots of good reasons to adjust the cycle. For one it could effectively keep them well ahead of the competition. An early iPad 2 would also allow the device to support other initiatives (Facetime for one). Further it is Apples habit to release new stuff in the spring and then latter adjust the release cycles, release dates have to jive with marketing plans.


    iPad: April every year.

    iPhone: June every year.

    iPods: September every year.

    None of this is written in stone. As to iPad it is a consummer device and it would make sense to have new product ready for the consummer buying season which by chance starts in a couple of weeks.

    Besides I see April as a terrible time to release anything consummer oriented. Mainly because of April 15th. But there is also the interaction of vacation recovery and spring buying. In the end new releases around this time risk not being noticed as people are focused on other things.


    Pretty simple.

    Marketing is never simple! For example Apple has been lucky with its one iPhone design approach. If the competition ever catches up software wise that will be a problem.

    Besides Apple can be very agressive with new hardware release when they think that they have to be. As an early 2008 MBP owner I can atest to that fact. So it would not be out of character one bit for Apple to overhaul the iPad design early. It comes down to is the technology ready, and how badly they want to support other initiatives. Anybody with any sense should be able to see that Facetime is coming to iPad and thus it has to be impacting sales. In fact I find it odd that Factime was even released without a bump to the iPad to support it.

    There are a lot of factors to consider from production capacity to demand for the current product. It is interesting that right now it appears that production has caught up with demand, so is that a sign of increased production or a roll off in sales. It would be bad for Apple and iPad if iPad tanked with respect to holiday sales because everybody was waiting for Facetime support. All I'm saying is that it isn't always easy to stick to familiar cycles.

    Beyound all of that if Apple remains unpredictable it seriously screws up the competition. Apple caught everybody off guard with iPads intitial success, causing many plans to be scraped or refactored. Being flexible with release dates and carefully concealing new features makes it difficult for the competition to gain any initiative.

    It really isn't as simple as many would like to believe. Apple has the market now but this is different than the iPod days. With iPod nobody cared that they had the market all to themselves. However iPad is seen as a direct threat by many companies, they will fight a lot harder to take market share. This mainly to prevent long term damage to their core businesses. Apple has the potential to take serious money from the likes of HP, Dell, Acer and others. It isn't just iPad, Apple now covers most peoples mobile needs in one way or another. In progression you have Touch, iPhone, iPad, AIR, Mac Books and Mac Book Pros. Or to look at it another way Apple is packing significant heat against the competition. The acceptance of their line up is really snowballing and that is making a few executives nervous.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    An early iPad 2 would also allow the device to support other initiatives (Facetime for one).

    People would be furious.


    Further it is Apples habit to release new stuff in the spring and then latter adjust the release cycles, release dates have to jive with marketing plans.

    April is in the spring.


    In the end new releases around this time risk not being noticed as people are focused on other things.

    It's Apple. The people who care would notice.


    Marketing is never simple! For example Apple has been lucky with its one iPhone design approach. If the competition ever catches up software wise that will be a problem.

    I think after four years it's more than luck.


    Apple has the potential to take serious money from the likes of HP, Dell, Acer and others.

    But they won't act on it.
  • Reply 8 of 20
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by CaryMG View Post

    Yes, I know.

    My saying 10/17/10 is hardly going out on a limb since if the event's early in the month,

    whispers of imminent distibution of the invite'd be floating around by now.

    And it can't be late in the month, since that's the most traveled time of the year.

    So "predicting" somewhere around the middle of the month is really no big deal.

    But hear me out ....

    Y'know how when you sync, you see all the icons on the screen?

    One of them is the CALENDAR app.

    I thought it'd display the date number of whatever it is that day -- like today, for example, it'd say 4.

    But it doesn't say 4.

    It says, instead, 17 ....

    I think Apple, being the wayhypercool company it is, is coyly letting us know an important date: 17.


  • Reply 9 of 20
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Ah, the one in April at the earliest, you mean. Because why would Apple release an iDevice on a less-than-yearly cycle?

    iPad: April every year.

    iPhone: June every year.

    iPods: September every year.

    Pretty simple.

    Since you had to bring this up now I decided to jump into the argument...

    First of all Every year would not apply to a device of a first generation... Ipad for instance....

    only one has been released.... so their is no every year.

    Apple Buying Guide

    If you look at the buying guide, the longest a device from Apple has gone without a second gen update was seven months... Not a FULL year... EVER...... The Ipad is now the longest running product without a second gen update released. April may happen for an update but sooner is Extremely likely if you wanna look at the facts....

    Sorry to crush you "know it all" spirit
  • Reply 10 of 20
    Originally Posted by Farslasher View Post

    First of all Every year would not apply to a device of a first generation... Ipad for instance....only one has been released.... so their is no every year.

    It applied to the first-gen iPhone. It applied to the first-gen iPod touch. Et. al.


    If you look at the buying guide, the longest a device from Apple has gone without a second gen update was seven months...

    We talking iDevices or all Apple products? Because you're completely wrong on both accounts. Are you even looking at the Buyer's Guide or are you just linking to it to pretend you have proof?

    The iPhone and iPod touch go a year between updates. The Mac Pro went a year and a half before its first update. The Mac Mini went a year at last update. The Cinema Displays went four years.


    Sorry to crush you "know it all" spirit

    I don't, though. Just more than you, apparently.
  • Reply 11 of 20
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It applied to the first-gen iPhone. It applied to the first-gen iPod touch. Et. al.

    We talking iDevices or all Apple products? Because you're completely wrong on both accounts. Are you even looking at the Buyer's Guide or are you just linking to it to pretend you have proof?

    The iPhone and iPod touch go a year between updates. The Mac Pro went a year and a half before its first update. The Mac Mini went a year at last update. The Cinema Displays went four years.

    I don't, though. Just more than you, apparently.

    You must have not read the guide... Look at the updates of the devices.... EVERY device... wether it was ios or mac os/x devices were updates within 7 months... wether it was a hardware update to hard drive space or not....
  • Reply 12 of 20
    Originally Posted by Farslasher View Post

    You must have not read the guide... Look at the updates of the devices.... EVERY device... wether it was ios or mac os/x devices were updates within 7 months... wether it was a hardware update to hard drive space or not....

    Please delete the last word of your post.

    At this point I can't believe you're not a troll. You can't be looking at the same Buyer's Guide I am.

    The 2006 Mac Pro went 518 days before the update to the Penryn Mac Pro. The Penryn Mac Mini came out a year and a half after the Merom Mac Mini.

    The iPhone 3G came out a year after the iPhone 2G. The iPhone 3GS came out a year after the iPhone 3G. The iPhone 4 came out a year after the iPhone 3GS. The 2nd gen iPod touch came out a year after the 1st gen iPod touch. And so on.

    The laptops almost always get updated twice a year. The desktops and iDevices? No. Not at all.
  • Reply 13 of 20
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    It can use an Event if they announce it's now available with a camera?

    That's all I'm waiting for. This way my wife can skype with the grand kids.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    It can use an Event if they announce it's now available with a camera?

    That's all I'm waiting for. This way my wife can skype with the grand kids.

    iOS 4.2 is software. Not hardware. New hardware would get an event. New hardware isn't due for months.
  • Reply 15 of 20
    btw im talking only about the first update.... to products, not ones after that, since that is what the ipad is right now is the very first product so I am purely talking about the times from the release to the next update. (nothing after)

    In which case, the ipad is now the longest time length without having an update.
  • Reply 16 of 20
    Originally Posted by Farslasher View Post

    btw im talking only about the first update.... to products, not ones after that, since that is what the ipad is right now is the very first product so I am purely talking about the times from the release to the next update. (nothing after)

    In which case, the ipad is now the longest time length without having an update.

    So am I. And you're still wrong.
  • Reply 17 of 20
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    So am I. And you're still wrong.

    Im gonna post it for you... so you can see.... like an idiots guide basically....

    I am also doing this for everyone else to see, not you.... cause I can not help the fact that you can not read.

    So .... Here it is.....

    iPod classic

    The iPod classic is the hard drive based iPod; it was previously simply known as the iPod.

    Recent Releases











    7/2002 - 4 Months UPDATED


    iPod touch

    Recent Releases




    9/2008 -7 months UPDATED


    iPod nano

    The iPod nano is Apple's midrange iPod; it was previously known as the iPod mini

    Recent Releases








    9/2005 - 7 Months UPDATED


    iPod shuffle

    Recent Releases









    9/2006 - 7 months UPDATED


    Mac mini

    Main article: Mac mini Buyer's Guide

    The Mac mini is Apple's low end desktop.

    Recent Releases








    9/2005 - 2 Months UPDATED



    Main article: iMac Buyer's Guide

    The iMac is Apple's all-in-one form factor desktop.

    Recent Releases













    9/2003 - 7 Months UPDATED


    Mac Pro

    Main article: Mac Pro Buyer's Guide

    The Mac Pro is Apple's high end desktop; it was formerly known as the Power Mac.

    Recent Releases












    1/2003 - 5 Months UPDATED



    Main article: MacBook Buyer's Guide

    The MacBook is Apple's consumer laptop; it was formerly known as the iBook.

    Recent Releases















    4/2003 - 5 Months UPDATED


    Their are more but I got tired of copying... Refer to the guide for the rest
  • Reply 18 of 20
    Originally Posted by Farslasher View Post


    Except the Mac Pro didn't exist in 2002. Nor did any other current Mac. First-genning restarts with the Intel chips. And you didn't even start with the first-gen iMac.

    You've made up information for the iPod touch. Go look again.

    iPod touch: once a year.

    iPhone: once a year.

    iPad: stands to reason, once a year. No computer information has anything to do with iDevice release dates. The only thing that matters is devices that run iOS.
  • Reply 19 of 20
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Except the Mac Pro didn't exist in 2002. Nor did any other current Mac. First-genning restarts with the Intel chips. And you didn't even start with the first-gen iMac.

    You've made up information for the iPod touch. Go look again.

    iPod touch: once a year.

    iPhone: once a year.

    iPad: stands to reason, once a year. No computer information has anything to do with iDevice release dates. The only thing that matters is devices that run iOS.

    lol, first of all I didnt make up anything... Do a search on the site... its all there.. Your just missing it is all. easy mistake.
  • Reply 20 of 20
    Originally Posted by Farslasher View Post

    lol, first of all I didnt make up anything... Do a search on the site... its all there.. Your just missing it is all. easy mistake.

    Now you're just intentionally being dense. Show me, anywhere else on the Internet, that it says the iPod touch came out in 2/2008. It came out in 9/2007.

    iOS is updated once a year, so hardware is updated once a year. None of the other information matters.
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