YDM says, last PMG4 update, EVER.

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
YDM says Powermac G5 by MWSF at the latest. As most people here suspected, these powermacs are said to be the last revision of the PMG4 line, a hold-over until the Powermac G5s arrive.

<a href="http://www.yourdailymac.com/g4update.html"; target="_blank">http://www.yourdailymac.com/g4update.html</a>;


Our sources tell us about the next PowerMac Upgrade

Hello YourDailyMac.com,


We have been working really hard here lately on the last G4 PowerMac upgrade ever. Yes you heard me right we are not putting anymore G4's in powermacs after the next revision. So we just introduced the Powermac 800,933, and Dual 1Ghz. And we do plan to introduce the G5 by at least next MWSF. The stats are pretty foggy here at Apple but we do plan to have the low end at 1.2 and the high end maybe as high as 1.8. Our goal here at all is to catch up with Intel by the end of 2003. Hopefully by 2004 we can surpass them as far as GHz. Well until next time.



(name withheld)


The most interesting part for me is that this "mole" reports that Apple's goal is to catch up with Intel clockspeed by 2003, and surpass their speed by 2004. Impressive goals, to say the least.

Hope it's true. I'm betting on G5s being announced at MWNY, shipping in a few months, but it seems all of my predictions have been overly optimistic lately. The thing is, so many others here have had "sources" tell them the G5 is either ready or being field tested. Since this mole said MWSF at the latest, I'm going to interpret that as meaning, "even if everything goes wrong, we'll have PMG5s by MWSF".

So if everything goes right, Apple will announce them at MWNY!

EDIT: MWSF 03, not MWNY 02 . I read what I wanted to hear, apparently.

[ 01-29-2002: Message edited by: Junkyard Dawg ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 19
    JD, you're misintrepreting the pertinent parts. Peruse it again.

    [ 01-29-2002: Message edited by: Nostradamus ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 19
    Geez, I hope this isn't true... nothing new until next January? Egad, I was at least hoping for a DDR equipped G4.
  • Reply 3 of 19
    If this is the last update to the G4 then what about the all new G4 logicboard with DDR that Moki has been talking about? Surely they wouldn't scrap the whole thing. Could the new logicboard accept both G4 and G5 processors? Then there would be no R&D wasted.

    One thing is clear. Whether the next PowerMac is a G4 or G5, it will be a significant step forward in all other areas. The PowerMacs announced today are definitely hold-overs. The only changes are the processor speeds and software bundle. It makes sense. Why waste R&D on something that will have such a short life, right?
  • Reply 4 of 19
    [quote]Originally posted by Nostradamus:

    <strong>JD, you're misintrepreting the pertinent parts. Peruse it again.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ah, I see...


    "We have been working really hard here lately on the last G4 PowerMac upgrade ever. Yes you heard me right we are not putting anymore G4's in powermacs after the next revision. So we just introduced the Powermac 800,933, and Dual 1Ghz. And we do plan to introduce the G5 by at least next MWSF. "


    So there will be one more G4 revision before we see the G5 next year. This makes more sense not that it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Still, could a new DDR logicboard with all the goodies we have been hearing about accept both a G4 for release later this year and a G5 next year when the chips are ready to go? I don't see why not.
  • Reply 4 of 19

    JD, you're misintrepreting the pertinent parts. Peruse it again.


    Hehe, you had to edit a one sentence post, and you still mis-spelled words? I suggest you peruse your post and correct the pertinent words.
  • Reply 6 of 19
    isn't it funny how Ravel and Unravel

    mean the same thing?

    a 1.8 ghz g5 would beat a 2.4(2.4 will probably exist by the time g5 is released)at EVERY single task you could possibly throw at it

    look at it the current g4s(well the older ones) ether matched or were just under intel and AMD in most tasks, at they were HALF the mhz. a ppc that MATCHED mhz with an x86 would totally kick ass
  • Reply 7 of 19
    not to play devil's advocate, and I do tend to agree with you in general, but:

    "a 1.8 ghz g5 would beat a 2.4(2.4 will probably exist by the time g5 is released)at EVERY single task you could possibly throw at it"

    well, what about at running x86 code? it wouldn't beat a p4 at that... and that IS significant... maybe not to mac users, but to the rest of the world it could be a show-stopper...

    just a thought
  • Reply 8 of 19
    Yeah, Wrong Robot, I'm hearing you. That is just what Apple needs.

    I remember when Macs, although more expensive than PCs, could outperform the PCs like nobody's business. If Apple could return to those glory days, maybe their market share would improve.


    [quote]So there will be one more G4 revision before we see the G5 next year. This makes more sense not that it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. <hr></blockquote>

    I read it as meaning, this revision that just came out is the last PMG4 revision...but I see what you mean, it makes more sense that this guy meant they are working on the last revision NOW. But his grammar isn't so good, it's not entirely clear what he means.

    The problem with having another PMG4 update before the G5 is, when will there be time for it? If the G5 is going to arrive by MWSF at the latest, that means Apple would have time to update the PMG4s at MWNY. But what if the G5s are ready sooner? What if everything goes smoothly, and the PMG5s that are currently being field tested prove to be nearly ready? Does Apple hold on the G5 until MWSF anyways, or do they announce it at MWSF and forget about the PMG4 update?

    It seems like it would be in Apple's interest to skip the PMG4 update and move directly to the G5. It would be one less mobo to complete, less costs to Apple overall.

    Yeah, I know, I'm desperate, willing to rationalize any interpretation of rumors to read, "PMG5s by MWNY!". All I can say for myself is that I really want to see Apple start kickin' some major Wintel ass. If they could get PMG5s out by MWNY, then combined with OS X those towers would be killer machines! Finally Apple would be the unquestionable dominant leader in personal computing performance, not just for graphics and audio, but for everything, even 3d work!

    Damn I can only imagine how powerful Jobs' RDF will be when he has those PMG5s introduce. Imagine a dual 1.8 GHz PMG5--Jobs won't even have to rig the photoshop tests to beat a Pentium!
  • Reply 9 of 19
    So whats the news on the Pentium 5?

    Its helluva wierd, A bunch of my PC friends told me it was coming really soon and was debuting at 3 ghz, I asked where they got their info they said "ads" I looked all over and found not even a mention of a pentium 5 anywhere. and these guys take every oppurtunity to belittle my mac. oh well, anyone know anything about the pentium 5? will it have anything that the g5 will have? oh wait a second I just realized, Isn't intel's next consumer(and server/pro) chip going to be the intanium? if so, I've also heard that the itanium is NOT scaling well at all, and is doing horribly in performance tests, but maybe thats just me.

    Personally if I had a 1.6 ghz g5 with 512 ddr ram FSB @ 300+ mhz 120 gig HD, 24x cd-r and a 5.1 cabable soundcard with midi(not goin to happen anytime soon but hey)

    then I would NOT need a computer again for at least 6 years.

    side note, I did the most comptuer intensive work I've done in a LONG while on my iMac today, I was converting the new cornelius album(YEA!!!! new cornelius!!!) from vinyl to .mp3, this involved first recording into sound studio, then clipping it(it was a 300 meg .AIFF file and clipping took 10-20 seconds) then pasting, then saving, THEN converting to .mp3 and then doing it again with side B

    it was pretty intense for my little computer(which HAS done more intense thing, but after it nearly died, I stopped treating it as harshly)

    okay thats all I have to say

    -Wrong Robot
  • Reply 10 of 19
    Pentium V will probably arrive before the G5, and it will OWN any Powermac Apple can muster up. We must remember that Wintel does not sit still and wait for Apple and Moto to work their heads outta their asses.

    Pentium V info:

    <a href="http://fatal.kgb.cz/swhw/pentium5.htm"; target="_blank">http://fatal.kgb.cz/swhw/pentium5.htm</a>;

    <a href="http://davnie.tripod.com/pentiumv.htm"; target="_blank">http://davnie.tripod.com/pentiumv.htm</a>;

    Not a whole lot, but Intel is busily fabbing them as we type, you can count on it. And unlike Moto fabs, Intel fabs usually work after some troubleshooting.
  • Reply 11 of 19
    heinzelheinzel Posts: 122member
    Sorry, JD,

    but the second link gives you access to a german fantasy story on the PV and no real info whatsoever (I am german and can read ). The other one, I don't know, is it slovenian or hungarian, maybe czech? Quite far away from Santa Clara, CA, anyways, and probably so in content, as well.
  • Reply 12 of 19
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    The issue here is that the new Northwood Pentium 4s can be overclocked to over 3 GHz. It doesn't bring a significant performance boost over the original 2.2 GHz, but it is a major marketing blow for both AMD and Apple.

    Of course, both AMD and Apple will then show that their machines are still faster because like I said, when you over clock the 2.2 GHz P4 to 3 GHz, you don't get a major performance boost.

    The problem this is going to cause for Intel is that when they need to release a 64 bit chip, the speeds will all of a sudden be 'back' at 800 MHz to 1.2 GHz (if they are lucky). That's a major shot in the foot if they continue advertising clock speed like it means something.

    Also, the 'Pentium 5', as you put it, is currently a pipe dream. The sites you mentioned were jokes.
  • Reply 13 of 19
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>Pentium V will probably arrive before the G5, and it will OWN any Powermac Apple can muster up. We must remember that Wintel does not sit still and wait for Apple and Moto to work their heads outta their asses.


    JD, I strongly agree.

    I wish Apple would release the G5 sooner so that they can leverage its superior performance while they can. Note that I also recently read somewhere that Intel is now talking about a multicore chip. I think the G5 is made from 2 G4 cores so this is one reason they are probably looking into this.

    - Mark
  • Reply 14 of 19
    ryukyuryukyu Posts: 450member
    I suppose this means nothing to you guys.

    <a href="http://maccentral.macworld.com/news/0201/29.motorola.php"; target="_blank">Maccentral</a>
  • Reply 15 of 19
    The original article quoted matches pretty well w/ what my cousin reported (see "My cousin works at Moto").

    G4 scales throughout the year - another G4 bump, and G5 by MWSF - that's next Jan.

  • Reply 16 of 19
    let's try to compare 2001 to 2002...

    January 2001: G4 @ 733

    July 2001 : G4 @ 867

    January 2002: G4@1000

    July 2002: G4 @1200

    and... Januray 2003: G5 starting at 1200 to 1800 ??? (hoping... )

    This sounds realistic, no?
  • Reply 17 of 19
    [quote]Originally posted by jeromba:

    <strong>let's try to compare 2001 to 2002...

    January 2001: G4 @ 733

    July 2001 : G4 @ 867

    January 2002: G4@1000

    July 2002: G4 @1200

    and... Januray 2003: G5 starting at 1200 to 1800 ??? (hoping... )

    This sounds realistic, no?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sad, but realistic.
  • Reply 18 of 19
    gnomgnom Posts: 85member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>YDM says Powermac G5 by MWSF at the latest.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    that´s what all the so called "naysayers" told you (not you JYD but you optimistic people) for quite some time and you (again not you JYD...) went after their throats.

    So basically, listen to the sceptics.

  • Reply 19 of 19
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Intel's plans aren't completely clear, but it is well known that the AMD Hammer is coming and it will be very fast & 64-bit. Intel had been pushing IA-64 but they are now reconsidering so it remains to be seen what they do going forward. There is no doubt, however, that they have the largest R&D budget and whatever they do will be very competitive.
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