Senator Robert Byrd did something really funny...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Well, not really "hahaha" funny, but more "weird" funny.

I was watching CNN earlier and they went to a commercial after showing the members of the Senate all reciting the Pledge of Allegience this morning. Then people took their seats and several people came to the podium to take their places.

Byrd sits at the top seat, over everyone. Anyway he gets beside his chair and pulls it out (his chair) and just stands there and looks at it, then looks off to the side, where a blue-blazered page or whatever is standing. Byrd just stares at this kid and suddenly the page (or whatever the hell it's called) RUNS over, pull the chair out, gets Byrd all cozy, checks him arm placement and then gingerly scoots the old coot Byrd into place.

Byrd was able to PULL his chair out, lean on it, stand in front of it, etc. But how dare he have to sit in it and be pushed in unassisted!

The nerve!

It just looked weird, and a very snooty, kingly sort of gesture. This wasn't the focal part of the scene (it was a wide shot showing the entire podium area with people scrambling around), but I happened to be watching Byrd at the top of the screen because he was just standing there looking off at something, then that's when the kid darted out.

I've seen enough interviews with Byrd over the years. He's kinda a crotchety old fart and seems to trip on the power a bit. More than any other politician I can recall, I seem to see him acting like a dick more than most.

Seeing this today was another little reminder that he probably is the bane of every mid-level aide and page on Capitol Hill.

Snooty old fart.

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