iPhone questions

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I have an iPhone 3GS is there a way to hook it up to a PC and have it show up as a hard drive or external device? I didnt back it up and while it was in the middle of an update got interrupted and I had to unplug and re-install the iPhone from scratch and lost my pics and info.

I know that I should of done a backup (duh) but I have ReCuva and would love to get my stuff back! Anyone have ideas on how I can do this?

Also since it wasn't backed up "recently" I had games on there that are not available to me anymore, I had geodefense and geo swarm are two that I remember but now in the app store it wants me to buy them again. How do I get these back? I had many more but they were on my itunes.

When you get a new iPhone how do you transfer your settings over? Anticipating new iPhone for Verizon.

This is just for a rant and extra words about a Verizon iPhone. I don't follow apple products all that close. I just got an iPhone about a year ago (3GS) and found it to be acceptable and the apps are of a nice quality. I have only had problems with ATT while traveling or in buildings and such which is annoying but overall the service had been decent. My family is on Verizon and I would like to continue to talk with them using free minutes and thus would like a Verizon iPhone what is it with tech blogs and the damn rumor mill? Can someone just give me a freaking date so I can plan a purchase?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    cubs23cubs23 Posts: 324member
    As far as the applications. unless it has changed, you should be able to rebuy/download them for free. The process is confusing as it isn't until you clickto buy and start the download that it prompts you about redownloading an application again for free.

    -Verizon iPhone will happen when it happens, but all the early upgrade options and talk about exclusive contracts ending leads me to believe that Apple may announce something at a Jan. Event. If not then, I would expect it at June/July timeframe per usual.

    Originally Posted by Tucsonstu View Post

    I have an iPhone 3GS is there a way to hook it up to a PC and have it show up as a hard drive or external device? I didnt back it up and while it was in the middle of an update got interrupted and I had to unplug and re-install the iPhone from scratch and lost my pics and info.

    I know that I should of done a backup (duh) but I have ReCuva and would love to get my stuff back! Anyone have ideas on how I can do this?

    Also since it wasn't backed up "recently" I had games on there that are not available to me anymore, I had geodefense and geo swarm are two that I remember but now in the app store it wants me to buy them again. How do I get these back? I had many more but they were on my itunes.

    When you get a new iPhone how do you transfer your settings over? Anticipating new iPhone for Verizon.

    This is just for a rant and extra words about a Verizon iPhone. I don't follow apple products all that close. I just got an iPhone about a year ago (3GS) and found it to be acceptable and the apps are of a nice quality. I have only had problems with ATT while traveling or in buildings and such which is annoying but overall the service had been decent. My family is on Verizon and I would like to continue to talk with them using free minutes and thus would like a Verizon iPhone what is it with tech blogs and the damn rumor mill? Can someone just give me a freaking date so I can plan a purchase?

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