"Must have" apps for MacBooks ?

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Since I'm new to the portable world (all new 13" MacBook Pro), I'm looking for any "usefull", "must-have", "fun" and "tools" apps for a portable. What apps could be designed specifically for the MacBook familly ? What are your suggestions ? This could also be usefull to other MacBook users, so lets start a discussion on this subject.

Please, give a short description of the app, and an URL if possible.

I'll start with a nice game I've found today :

Balance, a game which uses the motion sensors of the MacBook :


Also LiquidMac, a simple gadget :


MacSaber (pretty dull to me) :


And what do you think of iAlertU, an alarm for the MacBook ? Is it any good ?



  • Reply 1 of 5
    Howdy. I have a MBP 15” and found the following helpful:

    Quay, allows you to configure a popup item in the Dock, but it works automatically with your existing stacks; the actual popup is handled by a background process that uses few system resources. The Dock icons can be customized for better recognition (and put on both sides of the Dock). Makes Dock more useful.

    Orbiter. This too is a kind of doc. I put this on the right side of the screen to appear like the dock on the left side, then disappear. I put my apps that I work with everyday on it, and then it is one click to launch, and then it is out of the way.

    HyperSpaces, extends capabilities (different backgrounds for each space, etc.).

    TinkerTool, access many OS X features quickly, easily.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    Spark is a freeware keyboard utility (shortcut manager) which I found extremely usefull :


    Despite the fact it's an old beta version only (3.0beta9, 2008), it's totally stable on my system (10.6.5).

    This is the kind of stuff which I can't live without it on my Mac !
  • Reply 3 of 5
    With FREE Teamviewer you can remotely take over and operate the desktop of other Macs, PCs, or Linux machines as if you were sitting in front of them. Ideal if someone needs your help with their computer. You can see what's wrong or happening on their machine, while they can see what you're doing on it. With FREE Teamviewer you can also stream your videos, slideshows, or presentations to the desktop/screen of another Mac, PC, or Linux machine. And, finally, with FREE Teamviewer you can transfer VERY BIG files – like e.g. dozens of GBs – directly and securely from your MBP to another Mac, PC, or Linux machine.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    Originally Posted by Rokcet Scientist View Post

    With FREE Teamviewer you can remotely take over and operate the desktop of other Macs, PCs, or Linux machines as if you were sitting in front of them. Ideal if someone needs your help with their computer. You can see what's wrong or happening on their machine, while they can see what you're doing on it. With FREE Teamviewer you can also stream your videos, slideshows, or presentations to the desktop/screen of another Mac, PC, or Linux machine. And, finally, with FREE Teamviewer you can transfer VERY BIG files ? like e.g. dozens of GBs ? directly and securely from your MBP to another Mac, PC, or Linux machine.

    Careful how you write this; it's basically advertising.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Careful how you write this; it's basically advertising.

    Not surprising: I worked in advertising and copywriting for 20 years.

    This time I don't get paid, though...

    Don't tell me you only believe texts if they look like they were penned by a second grader. That would be a sad commentary on the state of 21st century society.
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