a far right gunman attempt to kill French president during the national day

in General Discussion edited January 2014
A fool right winged extremist and neo-nazi try to shoot with a 22 long rifle President Jacques Chirac during the milatary parade of the national day (jully 14).

The gunman was at 400 hundred feets from him, and shoot once in his direction. Luckyly 4 people of the crowd neutralise him quickly before he can shoot again. The criminal was caught by the police and send to psychiatric hospital.

Jacques Chirac phone directly to the 4 people to thanks them for the help.

Here is a link : <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/07/15/france.shooting/index.html"; target="_blank">http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/07/15/france.shooting/index.html</a>;


  • Reply 1 of 14
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    What's this world coming to? Murder is NOT the key.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    finboyfinboy Posts: 383member
    A 22 at 400 feet, in a crowd, wasn't a serious attempt.

    The fact that this guy was "far right" wasn't nearly so important as his obvious stupidity.

    thank God that France has such strict gun control laws, so things such as this won't happen.
  • Reply 3 of 14
    [quote]Originally posted by finboy:

    <strong>A 22 at 400 feet, in a crowd, wasn't a serious attempt. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Why not? Just because they guy is a dunce when it comes to sharp shooting techniques doesn't mean he wasn't serious.

    Europe seems to have active extremist from both sides these days.
  • Reply 4 of 14
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by finboy:

    <strong>A 22 at 400 feet, in a crowd, wasn't a serious attempt.

    The fact that this guy was "far right" wasn't nearly so important as his obvious stupidity.

    thank God that France has such strict gun control laws, so things such as this won't happen.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    A 22 long carbine can kill until 80 feet but can hurt massively at 400 feets and may kill sometimes according to the expert i ear on TV.

    Far right is not important, but neo nazi certainly. before he shoot, he write on a english neonazi web site forum ; watch TV tomorrow for the 14 july french parade : i will be the star. However you are right this guy is psychiatric : the question was he controlled or did he just act alone.

    control laws about guns control do not apply about rifle or hunting arms in France, you can buy easily a carbine without any special autorisations.
  • Reply 5 of 14
    [quote]Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook:


    Before we were to start keeping notes and thus in a hidden concealed way "Europe Bash" lets keep in mind this kind of thing can happen anywhere.

    While many European immature types would take an occurrence such as this one if it happened in the United States to bash America, I will not fall into such a useless dialogue.

    Pride is futile...

    Let's learn, not point fingers.



    I wasn't trying to start anything. Peace yourself
  • Reply 5 of 14
    g4dudeg4dude Posts: 1,016member
    I looked at the title "a far right gunman" and started laughing; fearing the worst. This guy is a Nazi but I figured somehow it would be connected to the "facist" Bush administration and that "thug" Ashcroft. Guess I was wrong. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 7 of 14
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Yeah, go figure, G4Dude, the whole world isn't trying to oppress the white American conservative.

    I think Chirach should get to smack this guy around a little.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    This year during the parade USA has been honored : there where New York's firemen and students from West point. The new governement is more friend with US than the previous one (the socialist one).
  • Reply 9 of 14
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    [quote]Originally posted by finboy:

    <strong>A 22 at 400 feet, in a crowd, wasn't a serious attempt.

    The fact that this guy was "far right" wasn't nearly so important as his obvious stupidity.

    thank God that France has such strict gun control laws, so things such as this won't happen.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If he wasn't serious then he's an idiot. "Look, I could have killed you if I wanted to, but I wasn't serious. Just to let you know who's boss!"

    I don't understand people who assassinate political leaders. It's counter productive since it usually makes them into martyrs and actually hurts their cause. Obviously France is a democratic country and THEY elected Chirac for better or for worse. You don't try and kill someone your own country mates elected because you don't like him. You either put up with the administration or move to another country.
  • Reply 10 of 14
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:


    I think Chirach should get to smack this guy around a little.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yes that would improve the situation

    And Reagan should have had his secret service guys hold his would-be assassin while Ronny punched him in the gut a few times.
  • Reply 11 of 14
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]And Reagan should have had his secret service guys hold his would-be assassin while Ronny punched him in the gut a few times.<hr></blockquote>

    I was kidding.
  • Reply 12 of 14
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Er, um, so was I, man.

    *just keep cool Outsider, keep it cool. who's cool? you're cool*
  • Reply 13 of 14
    [quote]I think Chirach should get to smack this guy around a little.<hr></blockquote>

    Ain't life a bitch. There is never an Inglewood cop around when you need one.
  • Reply 14 of 14
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Silly kitchen appliance, an Inglewood cop would've done no good, the shooter was white.
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