Can a dead MacBook Pro be used as a target disk?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I have a Santa Rosa MacBook Pro (bought in 2007), 15 inch display, with 250 GB and nVidia GeForce 8800 GT. A few weeks ago I left it to sleep, and the battery eventually drained (the blinking ceased). Now, if I plug in the charger, the light is always green (so are the little LED lights near the battery panel). If I hit the power on button, it doesn't respond.

I've resetted the PRM, and taken the battery out for 10 minutes and so on but it hasn't helped.

Would this call for a change in battery? I described it to a member of the Apple team at the Apple store (since I didn't have my laptop at the time we went to the mall) and he said it didn't sound good, but that's all he said.

It has once been in repair for a faulty logic board which Apple covered under an extension program, but that was a year and a half ago. Besides that it was working like a dream until this happened.

I have no warranty and I'm especially worried about the data I might lose because the external HD that Time Machine used died a few days ago.

I was thinking of using the MacBook Pro as a Target Disk, and connect it to my working Apple MacBook. But won't the MacBook Pro have to be switched on?

Please help! I would like any suggestions, detailed walkthroughs so I can atleast save my data.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    I don't see how it could work if the Mac is unresponsive to the power button.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,441moderator
    Originally Posted by PreYeah View Post

    nVidia GeForce 8800 GT

    There's your problem, you're trying to run an 8800GT from a laptop PSU. (it has an 8600M GT )

    It doesn't sound like there's any reason for it to have failed if it was just asleep. Have you tried resetting the PMU/SMC, not PRAM? It involves shutting it down, taking out the battery, disconnecting the power and holding the power button for over 5 seconds.

    Also, have you tried to power it up without the battery in it, just the power supply connected?
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