Help! What is "Driver SPd"?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Problem: black MacBook fan runs constantly.

I found a thread here that looks helpful:

Following suggestions there I looked in Terminal at the top cpu processes for a rogue process that's overloading the cpu and keeping the fan running.

What I see is a "COMMAND" called "DriverSPd" with a PID of 157* that often runs the cpu past 90%.

Do you know what Driver SPd is?

Can I kill it (without killing my MacBook?)



  • Reply 1 of 1
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    If you arrange the processes by hierarchy, the processes sometimes have parent processes running. I've never seen a process called that before so it's most likely a 3rd party process. It may have come from a printer installer or something. Force-quitting shouldn't bring down your system but it may start back up again after a reboot. You will need to find where it is located. It could be in /usr/libexec or /Library/StartupItems.
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