I have a friend whose first job ever was cleaning out a giant sceptic field during a summer high school vacation. He was waist deep in it with a shovel in 90 degree (F) heat for 10 weeks. His father got him the job, with the sage words, "Your future jobs can only be better."
wow, that lobtser dialogue is really NOT funny at all.
Jayne Mansfield was part of Anton Levay's Church of Satan near the end of her life. She was beheaded in an auto accident and Levay claimed responsibility
I met his daughter at a party in SF.
anyway, worst job: besides high school ditch digging till I passed out from heat stroke . . . um, on a conveyor belt, with headphones because of the noise, overcoat slicker because of the water-spray, big rubber gloves, helmet and goggles in a corn cannery., summer heat, catching the big corns and putting them down a chute full of blades.
even worse: washing metal parts in a artists-paint factory, gloved arms sinking in vats of solvent, air filters who's effectiveness were doubtfull, carcinogenoc solvent odors, and very poisonous paint pigments that were often lighter than air .. .. would go home and even with the air filter could pull out diferent colored buggers. . . . and I was underpayed and uof course not enough hours for benefits.
but I learned ALOT about paints, hues, tinting strengths etc....
also, worked as a security gaurd starting at 3:am, at a factory, but I kind of liked that job.
To support his wife and four children, my dad worked as a teacher by day (that's not so bad), in a linoleum factory at night and as a state prison guard on weekends.
<strong>wow, that lobtser dialogue is really NOT funny at all.
Jayne Mansfield was part of Anton Levay's Church of Satan near the end of her life. She was beheaded in an auto accident and Levay claimed responsibility...</strong>
Interesting, but how does that have anything to do with why you thought the dialogue was NOT funny?
Oh, hands down, the worst job I EVER had was a washing boy at an industrial uniform service. I worked all day in a freezing warehouse....and a truck pulls up, and out come bag after bag of the foulest-smelling clothes imgainable. Auto mechanics, fry cooks...who apparently wore these things a week at a time. Sort them, wash them, dry them, fold them....and by then two more truckloads have arrived. I have never, ever been so glad to change jobs!8)
My 4th year uni (internship, technically) was cutting open the brains of unborn baby mice and culturing the neural tissue. A technician would kill the pregnant mother mouse for me, and pop the uterus sac or whatever into a test-tube. I'd then pop open the sac to slip out about 4-6 embryos. And then do the dissection of each.
Was kinda cool, but it got to me after a while. The killing unborn cute furry animals bit.
The "bad" part of the job was "staining" the cells with a specific protein after they were grown on a petri dish. I had to count the number of "bright" cells versus dark cells. I kept falling asleep and hitting my head on the microscope.
Now if I could have just played with hooking up the mouse brain matter in the petri dishes to like interface with OSX or something, that would be hella cool. Unfortunately that's maybe 20-50 years down the line (maybe 10, hell...) and too evil for me with all the mice-killing to play with their juicy undifferentiated brain matter and creating cyborg mouse-Mac-OSX systems.
Though if I worked in a server room or desktop support in IT, the amount of greenhouse gases/ CO2/ whatevs churned out probably kill a whole lot more animals (and the ecosystem).....
I've been honestly very lucky of not having to do sh1t jobs compared with a lot of people. But falling asleep on the microscope was very very annoying and it screwed me around because I was like, FRACK, I spent 4 years of Uni training for this biomolecular research career thing/ medicine/ PhD/ lecturing/ whatever, and it just sucks ass.
Moved on to web design for a few years after that, luckily, after a period of suicidal depression.
Burning human feces at 5:30 AM in Iraq. Take your bottom-half-of-a-50-gallon-drum, pour out the piss, pour in 5 gallons of diesel, one gallon of gasoline, add a match. Stir.
Repeat until no solids are left. Oh, and watch out for incoming mortars too.
Burning human feces at 5:30 AM in Iraq. Take your bottom-half-of-a-50-gallon-drum, pour out the piss, pour in 5 gallons of diesel, one gallon of gasoline, add a match. Stir.
Repeat until no solids are left. Oh, and watch out for incoming mortars too.
Jayne Mansfield was part of Anton Levay's Church of Satan near the end of her life. She was beheaded in an auto accident and Levay claimed responsibility
I met his daughter at a party in SF.
anyway, worst job: besides high school ditch digging till I passed out from heat stroke . . . um, on a conveyor belt, with headphones because of the noise, overcoat slicker because of the water-spray, big rubber gloves, helmet and goggles in a corn cannery., summer heat, catching the big corns and putting them down a chute full of blades.
even worse: washing metal parts in a artists-paint factory, gloved arms sinking in vats of solvent, air filters who's effectiveness were doubtfull, carcinogenoc solvent odors, and very poisonous paint pigments that were often lighter than air .. .. would go home and even with the air filter could pull out diferent colored buggers. . . . and I was underpayed and uof course not enough hours for benefits.
but I learned ALOT about paints, hues, tinting strengths etc....
also, worked as a security gaurd starting at 3:am, at a factory, but I kind of liked that job.
[ 07-20-2002: Message edited by: pfflam ]</p>
To support his wife and four children, my dad worked as a teacher by day (that's not so bad), in a linoleum factory at night and as a state prison guard on weekends.
<strong>wow, that lobtser dialogue is really NOT funny at all.
Jayne Mansfield was part of Anton Levay's Church of Satan near the end of her life. She was beheaded in an auto accident and Levay claimed responsibility...</strong>
Interesting, but how does that have anything to do with why you thought the dialogue was NOT funny?
[ 07-20-2002: Message edited by: spaceman_spiff ]</p>
See another great thread on the worst job ever:
Was kinda cool, but it got to me after a while. The killing unborn cute furry animals bit.
The "bad" part of the job was "staining" the cells with a specific protein after they were grown on a petri dish. I had to count the number of "bright" cells versus dark cells. I kept falling asleep and hitting my head on the microscope.
Now if I could have just played with hooking up the mouse brain matter in the petri dishes to like interface with OSX or something, that would be hella cool. Unfortunately that's maybe 20-50 years down the line (maybe 10, hell...) and too evil for me with all the mice-killing to play with their juicy undifferentiated brain matter and creating cyborg mouse-Mac-OSX systems.
Though if I worked in a server room or desktop support in IT, the amount of greenhouse gases/ CO2/ whatevs churned out probably kill a whole lot more animals (and the ecosystem).....
I've been honestly very lucky of not having to do sh1t jobs compared with a lot of people. But falling asleep on the microscope was very very annoying and it screwed me around because I was like, FRACK, I spent 4 years of Uni training for this biomolecular research career thing/ medicine/ PhD/ lecturing/ whatever, and it just sucks ass.
Moved on to web design for a few years after that, luckily, after a period of suicidal depression.
Repeat until no solids are left. Oh, and watch out for incoming mortars too.
Burning human feces at 5:30 AM in Iraq. Take your bottom-half-of-a-50-gallon-drum, pour out the piss, pour in 5 gallons of diesel, one gallon of gasoline, add a match. Stir.
Repeat until no solids are left. Oh, and watch out for incoming mortars too.
why would anyone do that?
why would anyone do that?
cause we didn't have real toilets. Or did you mean the dodging mortars bit?