All 9 miners rescued!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Absolutely amazing. I'm so proud of all those men and women! God bless America.

[ 07-28-2002: Message edited by: AppleMaster ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 10
    What a wonderful conclusion to an awful situation. It's so heartening to have such a piece of good news, for a shows humanity at its best!

  • Reply 2 of 10
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member
    there should be a collective noun for 9 miners

    something musical perhaps...

    octave (needs 8)

    a chord of miners?

    with nine surviving the mines, it might be a fellowship
  • Reply 3 of 10
    trevormtrevorm Posts: 841member
    I was happy to see that result on the News!
  • Reply 4 of 10
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    What I don't understand is the old mine is at a higher elevation than the new mine, primarily. Why was it filled with water? Seems like mines like those should be drained/pumped.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    That is ****ing amazing. I had written those guys off.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    Jeez, is that dirt on his face?

    How could they breathe air that dirty for 3 days?

    Like Samantha said, finally a happy ending!

  • Reply 7 of 10
    jkarc21jkarc21 Posts: 132member
    [quote]Originally posted by jeffyboy:

    <strong>Jeez, is that dirt on his face?

    How could they breathe air that dirty for 3 days?

    Like Samantha said, finally a happy ending!


    Wouldn't the air in there be the same as it is when they are down there working each day? I'm amazed at their ability to withstand such respitory abuse on a daily basis. Don't they wear masks?

    It helped knowing that they had been using miners language, I guess tapping of some sourt, to communicate their well being in the past few days.

    A happing ending to an unbelievalbe story!
  • Reply 8 of 10
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yeah, that is good. I watched all nine men being pulled out last night on CNN and Fox (had to switch to CNN because Geraldo's grandstanding dramatics - saying this helps erase 9/11, suggesting we sing the national anthem, etc. - just got a bit much after a while).

    I thought those nine men were goners. I would've bet any amount of money on Thursday or Friday that it was all over for them.

    Glad to see I was so incredibly wrong.

    BTW, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hate reporters and how they ask - REGARDLESS of how many times the person at the mic says all they know - the same questions OVER and OVER and OVER...especially when the guy they're directing them to SAYS (repeatedly) he doesn't have an answer for that.

    Not just this story, but any (the Samantha Runnion story, Enron, Iverson, wildfires, etc.). It's like this:

    Reporter 1: So Governor, what did the miner say when contact was first made?

    Governor: We don't know. We're still gathering that and we'll let you know as soon as it's all put together. Yes?

    Reporter 2: What exactly did the miners say, Governor?

    Governor: As I said, we don't have that information yet. If you ca...

    Reporter 1: Was there a sense of urgency or were they calm and collected?

    Governor: You have to be ****ing kidding me...

    Reporter 3: Can you spell their last names again, in alphabetical order, starting from the fourth one pulled out? Also, a follow-up question: what exactly did the miners say once communication was established? Will we be hearing about that?

    Governor: [leaps over podium and kicks the hell out of the first row of reporters]

    I guess that's "journalism"? And the "way it's done"? It's annoying and maddening...and causes every news conference in the known universe to go on three times longer than expected.

    Reporters: when someone says they don't have that information (it's brand new, so there's no way they could), try this: take them at their word, and ask another ****ing question and re-ask the other one LATER.


    Sometimes, of course, reporters DO need to be aggressive and probing. A press conference with a bullshit PR type for Allen Iverson or an Enron exec might warrant this repetitive, attack-dog approach.

    But the situation last night, regarding the miners and all, it's just completely unnecessary and out of place. The poor bastard had to keep coming to the podium and was barraged with the same idiotic questions from every damn reporter...CONSTANTLY.

    I'm LUSTING for the day when someone at a press conference actually loses his cool and calls them on it ("If one of you numbnuts asks that same question ONE MORE ****ING TIME...knock it off!!! What...are you DEAF? What part of 'I don't have that information about what the miners said available to me' do you pinheads NOT understand?!?"

  • Reply 9 of 10
    [quote]Originally posted by pscates:


    I'm LUSTING for the day when someone at a press conference actually loses his cool and calls them on it ("If one of you numbnuts asks that same question ONE MORE ****ING TIME...knock it off!!! What...are you DEAF? What part of 'I don't have that information about what the miners said available to me' do you pinheads NOT understand?!?"


    heh...Secretary Rumsfeld is pretty good at dealing with those reporters at the defense briefings.

    Reporter: Mr. Rumsfeld, are there current plans to invade Iraq?

    Rumsfeld: No

    Reporter: So, there are no current plans?

    Rumsfeld: I just said no!
  • Reply 10 of 10
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    The miners and their affection for tobacco really struck me as funny!

    During a press conference today, 5 of the 9 miners were standing there, talking. 2 or 3 of them had quite obvious "terbacky bulges" in their mouths.

    One guy (front row, middle...Randy Fogle, I think) had a HUGE chunk in his mouth and was even spitting in a jar during the press conference.

    I laugh because a) it was in a hospital and b) the anti-smoking/tobacco crowd is probably unwadding their collective panty right about now.

    I heard that the first thing many of the miners asked for after being brought up was some "chew".

    Haha! You GO, dude!

    I'm actually waiting on the first news story to break where some anti-tobacco type is all in a snit over this. I keep scanning CNN, MSNBC and Fox's websites to see if anyone has raised a stink over it.
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