Help! Need advice on job/contract with major WiMax Telco

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Ah hello all... Need your insight into what is up with WiMax. How is the rollout in the US or your particular country? What are the prospects for the future? Anyone working with WiMax companies or technologies? How does it compare to LTE? Is LTE voice only or is that just what Verizon decided to do? Have you heard much about Clearwire?

As mentioned before I do some consultation work for an Apple Premium Reseller in my country (non-US) and recently there has been interest in my services from a new WiMax company that is backed by a major local conglomerate. They are listed as a Principal Member on the WiMax Forum (

My personal testing shows the MiFi they sell is pretty decent, exceeds 3G speeds and ports/gaming connectivity is good. Only thing is ping times are somewhat higher (but speeds tend to be faster) than the most common fixed line broadband in Malaysia, which is 1mbit DSL. Of course, this WiMax network is very new so we are not seeing any kind of full load on the network or base stations yet.

Any advice, comments, thoughts, rambling appreciated. Which will come out tops for 4G? LTE, WiMax, other?

There was massive hype about WiMax a few years ago... seems to have died down somewhat. What happened?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    OK just had my first "gig" with them with a 2 hour training/presentation session on iPad and apps. Their "big picture" plan is... interesting.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    OK just had my first "gig" with them with a 2 hour training/presentation session on iPad and apps. Their "big picture" plan is... interesting.

    What's their projected date for throwing in the towel and switching to LTE? Or is that under NDA?
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