"It's a pretty interesting list."

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Mac OS X

Ti PowerBook G4







The New imac


As Steve Jobs said at MWSF 02 "If you look at the products we released over the last year you can see that its a pretty interesting list." yes Steve it is an interesting list, but where is the Powermac?

Where is the Powermac?

Apple left out the powermac from that list at MWSF, why? My guess is they felt embarrassed by it to some extent. Apple knew that its pro line was long in the tooth and it was just updated but was that the BIG UPDATE that makes an INNOVATION list?

Maybe, maybe not.

The new line of Powermac G4 computers is a stellar one that keeps the line from rotting but still not exactly fresh. If you listened to Sean King on the Your Mac Life webcast on January 30th, then you know what he said about the Powermac. Sean said that after Apple released the redesigned iMac it is only reasonable to expect to ssee a newly designed Powermac probably by MWNY. If this is the case then maybe at MWNY we may get G5's but i doubt that.


I think MWNY will be the update to the Powermac line that people have been wanting for quite a while now. Even if the G5 is a no show there is much to be done with the Powermac. I can leave those things to you to speculate on what, but I am sure you have ideas.

No Powermac on the innovation list, does it mean anything? Maybe not but the fact is the Powermac line is not innovative right now. it is not a far and away a better computer than the high end iMac. MWNY will be the big PM day.



  • Reply 1 of 8
    They left the Powermac off the list because it was a list of innovations in 2001, and the only new Powermacs in 2001 were simply speed bumps (and only barely that).

    I also think everyone at Apple knows that the Powermac is more in need of attention than any of their other product lines. The dual 1ghz is a step in the right direction, at least.
  • Reply 2 of 8
    [quote]Originally posted by sizzle chest:

    <strong>They left the Powermac off the list because it was a list of innovations in 2001, and the only new Powermacs in 2001 were simply speed bumps (and only barely that).

    I also think everyone at Apple knows that the Powermac is more in need of attention than any of their other product lines. The dual 1ghz is a step in the right direction, at least.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Very true, the Dual Ghz is a great step in the right direction. I am think in gthat the "new" Powermac will have a new design to signify that THIS IS THE NEW BAD DOG.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    I hope that whatever apples next pmac is, it is a pentium/amd DESTROYER, if it doesn't cream the Pentiums and amds in every test they throw out at them, then I'm going to be very dissapointed, I am waiting for apple to release their next towers cause I expect something really good to come, and if it isn't a totally awesome, amazing mega computer that I won't need to replace for at least 2 years, I will be very satisfied, and will gladly fork over 6000 dollars to get one plus a cinema display

    (that is assuming I HAVE 6000 to spend on a computer then)
  • Reply 4 of 8
    Given the recent changes in the titanium (combo drive), iMac (display, G4, ports), iBook (14" display), and Powermacs (more PCI slots), it seems apparent that Apple is listening more to customer feedback than ever before.

    For this reason, I expect a new Powermac case by MWSF at the latest, similar in features to the current case, but with extra expandable drive bays. That is about the only design shortcoming of the current powermac. I'd also like to see a full gamut of I/O ports on the FRONT of the new towers, but I think Apple is so obsessed with industrial design that they will not compromise styling by putting ports in such a visible location. Same with the new iMac, I think it should have had a few ports on the front of the breast-base. But that's a minor qualm I can live with. Lack of expandable drive bays, that's a major problem that has been costing Tower owners hundreds of dollars by forcing them to buy FW or USB peripheral drives.

    The other possibility is that Apple will never give the Powermacs expandable drive bays, because they make royalties from every Firewire peripheral sale. Apple would decrease their profits if they added a drive bay to the new towers (although I personally think they would make up for any losses in Firewire royalties through greater Powermac sales)

    I also think the next Tower will be designed with better cooling, because it's going to have to cool some future G5 processors that will be relatively high wattage CPUs. Maybe it will even use quieter fans in place of the cheap, loud fans the current tower uses.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    G5 MacWorld NewYork at the latest. New case design. It'll blow you away!

    "My guess"
  • Reply 6 of 8
    [quote]Originally posted by Wrong Robot:

    <strong>I hope that whatever apples next pmac is, it is a pentium/amd DESTROYER, if it doesn't cream the Pentiums and amds in every test they throw out at them, then I'm going to be very dissapointed</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Don't hold your breath.

    Seriously, catching up alone will be damn hard, but how in hell would Motorola be able to actually surpass Intel and AMD,

    - whose focus lies firmly on Desktop processors

    - whose R&D budget in that area is probably several orders of magnitude higher than Motorola's

    - who are constantly forced to push their speeds because of the face-to-face competition from each other


    It's not like all the geniuses in teh world work for Motorola, so they can come up with a new design that magically leaves everyone else in the dust (and that nobody else ever thought of implementing)...

    Look at any processor maker except AMD and Intel. It doesn't seem like anybody in the whole industry is able to keep up with their pace of development - or do you know of anyone else who comes anywhere near their clock rates (and, to a lesser extent, raw performance)?


  • Reply 7 of 8
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>The other possibility is that Apple will never give the Powermacs expandable drive bays, because they make royalties from every Firewire peripheral sale. Apple would decrease their profits if they added a drive bay to the new towers (although I personally think they would make up for any losses in Firewire royalties through greater Powermac sales)


    Unlikely. I don't even know if this royalte has to be payed at all anymoe, and even if so, the royalty is so small that I doubt it's a significant source of profit for Apple.


    I also think the next Tower will be designed with better cooling, because it's going to have to cool some future G5 processors that will be relatively high wattage CPUs. Maybe it will even use quieter fans in place of the cheap, loud fans the current tower uses.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Definitely agreed, quieter fans would be very welcome, and I really fail to grasp how Apple could opt to use the current ones - sure, decent fans don't come for free, but they sure aren't that expensive either.


  • Reply 8 of 8
    Bwahaha new PowerMacs stellar ahahaha......

    They probably left it off to avoid embarassment. Wake up, the PowerMacs suck compared to the x86 offerings.
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