Robin Williams and the Al Queda
pscates should like this one.
So I'm over at The Onion reading about how the Al-Queda are allegedly <a href="" target="_blank">engaging in telemarketing</a>.

Some scary shit.
Anyway, I get near the bottom of the page, and I see THIS:

This freaky bastard won't go away! Pop up ads everywhere, and now this. I'm sitting here just minding my own business reading an article... and there he is just STARING at me.
OK, probably not really thread worthy, but I can't recall ever seeing a link of some guy's head like that. heh heh
In all seriousness though, it's kind of strange seeing this link of a page even mentioning Al Queda, with the rumors of William's involvement with them and all...
[ 09-18-2002: Message edited by: murbot ]</p>

So I'm over at The Onion reading about how the Al-Queda are allegedly <a href="" target="_blank">engaging in telemarketing</a>.

Some scary shit.
Anyway, I get near the bottom of the page, and I see THIS:

This freaky bastard won't go away! Pop up ads everywhere, and now this. I'm sitting here just minding my own business reading an article... and there he is just STARING at me.

OK, probably not really thread worthy, but I can't recall ever seeing a link of some guy's head like that. heh heh
In all seriousness though, it's kind of strange seeing this link of a page even mentioning Al Queda, with the rumors of William's involvement with them and all...
[ 09-18-2002: Message edited by: murbot ]</p>