I learn something new every day. In India if a cashier lacks correct change they give you wrapped candies or condoms instead. I'll leave it to others to extend the potential impact (and jokes) of such a practice if extended to big business.
Oh what the hell: "Sorry Prasad, cash flow is a little slow this quarter so I'm sending several Russian hookers to cover the difference between our shipment of Redwood from California and your shipment of cotton sport shirts from Madras."
Dammit. I live in India, so I should be offended and horrified, but you made me LOLz.
What makes this duff (O'Brien) an expert on anything? Worse yet as a comedian, he isn't even funny. What is really funny is why any network would hire him.
America loves a winner and loves to see the underdog triumph. But once you are on top then watch out because America also takes great pleasure in cutting the winner off at the knees and laughing as they fall from the pedestal they were placed on.
Is this really funny to millions of Americans? There's so much to parody about Apple, and this is the best they can do? It's pathetic. Good satire takes truths about something and presents them humorously. Does anyone really think the iPad 2 represents a minimal amount of effort? Ask Samsung if 'squashing it a bit' is such a small task. Steve Jobs never appears in the product videos either. It's just devoid of wit.
I'd happily laugh at a good satire of Apple, but this just isn't funny. I watched it bemused as to what the audience were actually laughing at. Someone made a funnier joke on the forums yesterday about 'Scot Foreskin' going on for ten minutes about the mute switch than anything in this. Childish, but just funny cause it was true, we got the point in 3 seconds and he talked about it for 60! In the product video he says: "It's amazing!" (which the iPad is!) with such a cheesy joy that it's ripe for satire. There's comedy gold there and instead this 'comedian' comes up with this bland tripe...I don't know what US tele is like, but I hope there's something funnier on the other channel for you guys!!
- hilarious post.
Now this is good satire. Right up there with the 'leave Britany alone' material.
Congratulations, you may be beginning to understand an important part of Apple's animosity toward Flash and Adobe's handling of the product. While Adobe started as an important partner with Apple back in the 80's, things changed as the bean counters took over at Adobe and Apple grew weaker as a force in the market. Adobe did not deem the Mac to be important enough to invest enough engineering resources to make Flash work well with Mac OS. So Flash on the Mac is pathetic compared to Flash on Windows. Adobe also put up a lot of resistance to updating its products to run native on OS X.
As a result, Adobe's assurances that a good user experience would be provided for mobile Flash on Apple's mobile devices was not credible to Apple management. There are others factors but Adobe's past actions speak loud and clear.
Those CPU/memory figures are from a computer running Linux, Flash 10.2 on a 2.5ghz Pentium Dual Core CPU and nvidia card. Surely Linux should be worse than either platform, right?
The hate against flash is still justified. But I doubt that person's screenshot in the article is true of macs today, if ever. Also, most can't understand how or why, but the browser has a good impact on flash's performance as well. Chrome does better than everyone, followed by IE then FF. Where Safari is in the mix I don't know.
In general, I think it's funny that there's this idea that Apple has particularly insipid or fatuous advertising, because they really don't. The average iOS ad shows the device being used to do stuff, generally to jaunty little tune.
No kidding - the ultimate irony is that 90% of the time Apple is the only company showing the product and demoing real use cases of it!
Then again, perhaps that's no accident - maybe the other companies aren't comfortable actually showing their products in use. Says more about them than Apple, really...
"In a nutshell, apple's dressing code is more strict than any other company"
Actually, not true.
I visited the Apple campus in Cupertino a couple years ago for a presentation by Apple to our school.
While having lunch there, one of the (male) engineers walked by with his tray....wearing a skirt, nylons, heels and a sports coat and tie. The representative with us said there are a couple such cross-dressers, and Apple has no problem with what they wear, as long as they do their job.
Yep, definitely no real dress code for the engineering staff at least. Some people didn't wear shoes, which seemed a bit odd, but then Apple is still (thankfully?) an odd company. Apple also doesn't have an alcohol-free workplace policy (although smoking is prohibited near any building.) This is nice, because it means you can take a beer back to your office from the Friday beer bashes. It is assumed that people are responsible and won't do things which interfere too much with work.
All in all, Apple is a pretty good working environment, except that they pay partially in prestige since so many people want to work there.
OK, NBC kicked Conan out because Conan sucked. Better?
No, NBC kicked Conan out because the stupid idiots in charge don't know wtf they are doing, anymore than idiots around the punditry circle trying to tell apple what they should be doing back in the 90s.
I mean, wtf is the point of Jay telling your audience, "I'm retiring and handing over the show to Conan in a few years," then making your own show, sucking at that (yes, his ratings were rotten), then kicking out the very person you gave the show to?
What a douche.
edit: after having this come up multiple times, both had declining ratings, though for conan he had the edge on support and some of the crap going on at the top was debatable, like whether or not TTS would lose money for the first time ever.
I learn something new every day. In India if a cashier lacks correct change they give you wrapped candies or condoms instead. I'll leave it to others to extend the potential impact (and jokes) of such a practice if extended to big business.
Oh what the hell: "Sorry Prasad, cash flow is a little slow this quarter so I'm sending several Russian hookers to cover the difference between our shipment of Redwood from California and your shipment of cotton sport shirts from Madras."
Dammit. I live in India, so I should be offended and horrified, but you made me LOLz.
Getting the 32 gig wifi/3G ipad 2 in next month.
it was funny.
Getting the 32 gig wifi/3G ipad 2 in next month.
I guess you were taken in by their non-specific ethnic accents, eh?
America loves a winner and loves to see the underdog triumph. But once you are on top then watch out because America also takes great pleasure in cutting the winner off at the knees and laughing as they fall from the pedestal they were placed on.
Well said sir, well said.
Is this really funny to millions of Americans? There's so much to parody about Apple, and this is the best they can do? It's pathetic. Good satire takes truths about something and presents them humorously. Does anyone really think the iPad 2 represents a minimal amount of effort? Ask Samsung if 'squashing it a bit' is such a small task. Steve Jobs never appears in the product videos either. It's just devoid of wit.
I'd happily laugh at a good satire of Apple, but this just isn't funny. I watched it bemused as to what the audience were actually laughing at. Someone made a funnier joke on the forums yesterday about 'Scot Foreskin' going on for ten minutes about the mute switch than anything in this. Childish, but just funny cause it was true, we got the point in 3 seconds and he talked about it for 60! In the product video he says: "It's amazing!" (which the iPad is!) with such a cheesy joy that it's ripe for satire. There's comedy gold there and instead this 'comedian' comes up with this bland tripe...I don't know what US tele is like, but I hope there's something funnier on the other channel for you guys!!
Now this is good satire. Right up there with the 'leave Britany alone' material.
Are anything like Page 1 and 4 ?
Probably didn't miss much by not reading them
Hey - Dudes and Dudettes
Is only "Conan"
Nevertheless ...
"Hey Conan"
"Thanks for the Free Publicity"
"Thank You, Thank You Very Much"
Congratulations, you may be beginning to understand an important part of Apple's animosity toward Flash and Adobe's handling of the product. While Adobe started as an important partner with Apple back in the 80's, things changed as the bean counters took over at Adobe and Apple grew weaker as a force in the market. Adobe did not deem the Mac to be important enough to invest enough engineering resources to make Flash work well with Mac OS. So Flash on the Mac is pathetic compared to Flash on Windows. Adobe also put up a lot of resistance to updating its products to run native on OS X.
As a result, Adobe's assurances that a good user experience would be provided for mobile Flash on Apple's mobile devices was not credible to Apple management. There are others factors but Adobe's past actions speak loud and clear.
Those CPU/memory figures are from a computer running Linux, Flash 10.2 on a 2.5ghz Pentium Dual Core CPU and nvidia card. Surely Linux should be worse than either platform, right?
The hate against flash is still justified. But I doubt that person's screenshot in the article is true of macs today, if ever. Also, most can't understand how or why, but the browser has a good impact on flash's performance as well. Chrome does better than everyone, followed by IE then FF. Where Safari is in the mix I don't know.
You think Jay Leno kicked Conan out because Conan sucked? Wow, are you ever mis informed.
OK, NBC kicked Conan out because Conan sucked. Better?
In general, I think it's funny that there's this idea that Apple has particularly insipid or fatuous advertising, because they really don't. The average iOS ad shows the device being used to do stuff, generally to jaunty little tune.
No kidding - the ultimate irony is that 90% of the time Apple is the only company showing the product and demoing real use cases of it!
Then again, perhaps that's no accident - maybe the other companies aren't comfortable actually showing their products in use. Says more about them than Apple, really...
I think tablets will go the out the same way PDAs did. Laptops will take their touch features and there won't be any point to use them anymore
lol - let's come back to this in six months...
Well, at least this explains why you're so stuck in the past.
no kidding...
idiot masses probably consider Conan's skit a source of accurate information.
Satire. Look it up.
That doesn't mean that the masses will not consider it "accurate information".
"In a nutshell, apple's dressing code is more strict than any other company"
Actually, not true.
I visited the Apple campus in Cupertino a couple years ago for a presentation by Apple to our school.
While having lunch there, one of the (male) engineers walked by with his tray....wearing a skirt, nylons, heels and a sports coat and tie. The representative with us said there are a couple such cross-dressers, and Apple has no problem with what they wear, as long as they do their job.
Yep, definitely no real dress code for the engineering staff at least. Some people didn't wear shoes, which seemed a bit odd, but then Apple is still (thankfully?) an odd company. Apple also doesn't have an alcohol-free workplace policy (although smoking is prohibited near any building.) This is nice, because it means you can take a beer back to your office from the Friday beer bashes. It is assumed that people are responsible and won't do things which interfere too much with work.
All in all, Apple is a pretty good working environment, except that they pay partially in prestige since so many people want to work there.
OK, NBC kicked Conan out because Conan sucked. Better?
No, NBC kicked Conan out because the stupid idiots in charge don't know wtf they are doing, anymore than idiots around the punditry circle trying to tell apple what they should be doing back in the 90s.
I mean, wtf is the point of Jay telling your audience, "I'm retiring and handing over the show to Conan in a few years," then making your own show, sucking at that (yes, his ratings were rotten), then kicking out the very person you gave the show to?
What a douche.
edit: after having this come up multiple times, both had declining ratings, though for conan he had the edge on support and some of the crap going on at the top was debatable, like whether or not TTS would lose money for the first time ever.
I think my next purchase will be the Xoom, if only so the wife will stop complaining that websites aren't working properly because of no Flash...
Can't we all just have a chuckle and then go buy whatever device we want without having a holy war over it?
Funny how iOS devices can't play it. Blame TBS on this one. Surely HTML5 can do it.