Conan O?Brien spoofs Apple iPad 2 event as "a little bit cocky"



  • Reply 141 of 146
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Hmm.... the video playing caused 96mB of usage and 20% CPU. With the adblock gone off of ai's main page and the video playing in another tab I get 120mB of usage and up to 70% of the CPU, and that is in unix terms so it never went over one core.

    Perhaps that person should get a PC or something.

    You reckon that person would handle PC updates better than Mac updates? I used to believe Mac is easier do deal with...
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  • Reply 142 of 146
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by _Hawkeye_ View Post

    Ain't that the truth!

    And let's not forget that Flash is used mostly to deliver annoying animated advertising, and poorly written UI's.

    About the only thing useful that it does is deliver video content? and HTML5 is better at that, in my opinion.

    Flash is mostly evil. I'm glad it's dying. And i'm proud of Apple for driving the wooden stake through its heart.

    Apple is only driving wooden stake through Flash-on-Apple-devices heart. I haven't noticed that Flash is hurting over the Windows market share. What will come out for Flash on Honeycomb, well, time will tell.


    Just goes to show the average person is pretty stupid, and easily impressed/duped.

    Funny how many Windows users have exactly the same sentiments, only in opposite direction.
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  • Reply 143 of 146
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by MaroonMushroom View Post

    I think that the ipad NEEDS to be criticized.

    I love a lot of other Apple products (just bought a new MBP 15) but I personally believe the ipad was one of the worst products they've built. It has terrible resolution, Steve Jobs' ego is preventing Flash from being placed on it, it makes for a terrible e-reader, the entire ipad experience just feels bland and boring. It's not just the ipad, I think that almost all tablets are the same. I think that the honeycomb OS is better designed for touch only tablets but still doesn't deliver anything new to the market.

    At least the ipad has good battery life and could potentially be used as an education tool.

    Other than that, it's a gimped piece of technology when you could buy a 10" netbook or MBA with a fully featured OS

    I think tablets will go the out the same way PDAs did. Laptops will take their touch features and there won't be any point to use them anymore

    Part of me agrees with you and part of me doesn't.

    But that is only because part of me wants tablet and part of me wants 11.6" AMD Fusion netbook. Still can't make up my mind
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  • Reply 144 of 146
    futuristicfuturistic Posts: 599member
    Here's why I respect Conan above Dave and Jay and any other late night hosts out there.
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  • Reply 145 of 146
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,761member
    Originally Posted by Futuristic View Post

    Here's why I respect Conan above Dave and Jay and any other late night hosts out there.

    I'm not arguing Conan isn't a good guy. I have nothing against him as a person. He just wasn't funny - at least to the tonight show audience. That's it. He had his shot, it didn't work, move on.

    All these people trying to bring out drama about NBC, Jay Leno and all that other crap are missing the point - he wasn't the right host for The Tonight Show.

    George Carlin wouldn't have been the right host for The Tonight Show. That doesn't diminish him as a person and certainly not as a comedian either.

    Finally, Conan's parting thoughts on cynicism are spot-on. It's a cancer, a disease and a point of view we all could do better in keeping in mind. It's trivial to get into a death spiral of negativity on message boards such as this, so thank you for posting his farewell address - is final thought is one that needs to be really heard far more often than it is.
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  • Reply 146 of 146
    jonamacjonamac Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by Futuristic View Post

    Here's why I respect Conan above Dave and Jay and any other late night hosts out there.

    This Apple video may not have been remotely witty, but that link definitely earns some respect. Really nice epilogue. Great piece of work from the illustrator too!
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