Ipad 2 or Macbook Air????

in iPad edited January 2014
Hello there

I know this is a hard question to answer, but I am trying to decide between getting a macbook air and a wifi ipad.

1) I already have a 13" macbook pro, but it can get a little heavy taking it with me.

2) I would mainly use the ipad at work and traveling ( I am a lawyer)

2) Away from home I would use it mainly for opening and editing word docs, email, web, etc...

3) Is the Ipad that much more convenient for those types of tasks than the Air?

Any input would be appreciated.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    I can speak from experience because I own(ed) both an Air and an iPad. If you are going to be doing "work" on the machine, absolutely get an Air.

    I work on my iMac, so I sold my Air and got an iPad. When I talk about work I mean using Word or designing Websites or icons, that sort of thing.

    The decision is simple.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    alienzedalienzed Posts: 393member
    Editing documents: iPad

    Creating long documents from scratch: Air

    You can buy a keyboard for an iPad but then it's just an air. Another good way to decide is whether or not you'll be standing up while you work, standing up with an Air isn't doable, an iPad can be held and worked on while standing up with no problem. Also, if you'll be doing more reading than actual work, then again an iPad is the better bet.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by abirozy View Post

    Hello there

    I know this is a hard question to answer, but I am trying to decide between getting a macbook air and a wifi ipad.

    You can always get both!


    1) I already have a 13" macbook pro, but it can get a little heavy taking it with me.

    I don't really see a significant difference in weight. At least not AIR vs 13" MBP.


    2) I would mainly use the ipad at work and traveling ( I am a lawyer)

    Both are good on the go.

    IPad though is an extremely limited product in situations where a Mac/PC excel. This of course depends upon your work style. I just don't see the iPad as a desktop replacement.


    2) Away from home I would use it mainly for opening and editing word docs, email, web, etc...

    Opening and editing is far different than creating. Also you need to consider the maturity of the iPad software mix.


    3) Is the Ipad that much more convenient for those types of tasks than the Air?

    In many cases yes. Plus you have a much longer battery life with iPad.


    Any input would be appreciated.

    I can't say which is better in your situation. I actually see a lot of people moving to a desktop as the main computer and using an iPad for mobile. In the end I think it is a better, as using a laptop as a desktop is a compromise.

    Oh I'd avoid the current AIRs anyways. And update could improve the machine significantly.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by alienzed View Post

    Editing documents: iPad

    If you editing or creating documents choose the Air. The iPad is awesome, but the Air is better for creating and editing docs.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I don't really see a significant difference in weight. At least not AIR vs 13" MBP.

    There is a huge difference in weight between the 13" MBP and a 13" Air.

    People companied the iPad 1 was too heavy - well the 13" MBP is more than the weight of the iPad 1 heavier than the 13" Air. I owned an Air for a year and could never possible going back to a HEAVY notebook again. Once you go Air you never go back.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by wizard69

    I can't say which is better in your situation. I actually see a lot of people moving to a desktop as the main computer and using an iPad for mobile. In the end I think it is a better, as using a laptop as a desktop is a compromise.

    Totally agree. That's exactly what I did when the iPad first came out. I sold my Air and got an iPad. I had a 24" top-of-the-range iMac with custom fitted SSD for my main machine anyway.

    Originally Posted by wizard69

    Oh I'd avoid the current AIRs anyways.

    Nonsense. Also, I'd absolutely recommend getting the 13" Air, not the 11".
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